question archive 1) Sasha does not have access to a gym or fitness equipment

1) Sasha does not have access to a gym or fitness equipment

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1) Sasha does not have access to a gym or fitness equipment. Is it possible for him to develop a good fitness routine with what he has at home?

No, he will have to spend a little money on fitness equipment to be healthy.

No, if he is not willing to buy equipment, he is not really serious about fitness.

Yes, but he will likely get bored with it much faster than he would gym routines.

Yes, there are cardio and strength training exercises he can do without equipment.

2.Hiram generally exercises as much as he can but is often frustrated at the end of the week because he has not gotten in as much exercise as he had hoped. He is thinking about creating an exercise plan at the beginning of the week. How would that help him?

He would not find exercise so confusing if he had a plan.

He cannot get the proper balance of exercise if he does not have a plan.

He could set better goals by figuring out where it would fit into his week.

He should use the plan for all other aspects of his life and be more organized.

3.Fiona has decided that she should join a new gym that has opened in her neighborhood. She has not exercised in a while and knows that she should not begin any program without talking to her doctor first. However, she is not sure what she should ask her doctor. What is the BEST response to her?

She needs to make sure she is healthy and ask for exercise recommendations.

She only needs to talk to her doctor if she is over 50 or has health problems.

She does not really need to talk to her doctor unless she is trying a new exercise.

She needs to make sure that her medical records are up to date, including vaccinations.

4.Reyna and Delilah decide that they are going to test their flexibility. Reyna does a lot of yoga, so she can easily touch her toes. Delilah is not very flexible and finds that she can barely reach her ankles. Delilah no longer thinks that it is a good idea to work on flexibility with Reyna since Reyna is so much more flexible. What is the BEST response to Delilah?

She will never be as flexible as Reyna, so she should find a new partner.

They can work on flexibility together; they will just have different goals.

They are not measuring flexibility properly, so Delilah is probably more flexible.

Delilah will definitely be as flexible as Reyna if Delilah does more yoga than Reyna.

5.Part of mindfulness is "being part of the present moment." Which statement BEST explains what this means in terms of exercise?

All fitness goals should be for the moment, not the long term.

Set your expectations based on your physical health right now.

As long as you are paying attention to your body, you will get fit.

Moments are the only thing that matter, so make the most of them.

6.A solid fitness program should include cardio and strength training.



7.It can be tough to become a critic of the messaging that promotes one version of attractiveness, especially since the media that pushes these kinds of images is everywhere. What is the BEST way that you can actively push back against this messaging?

Once you realize these standards are not for you, they are easy to ignore.

Remind yourself that the images you are looking at are probably enhanced.

Do not spend any time online, watching television, or looking at magazines.

Make sure you exercise looking in the mirror to be very aware of your body.

8.Virtually every culture has its own version of a meditative practice used to discipline the mind, suggesting that they all see the value in it. Which BEST explains how exercise can produce some of the same benefits?

It is most effective when it quiets the mind and is the singular focus.

Many exercises require being physically still for an extended period.

Exercise can have the same benefit, but only if it is an individual practice.

Meditation benefits the mind and exercises the body, so both contribute to health.

9.Virtually every culture has its own version of a meditative practice used to discipline the mind, suggesting that they all see the value in it. Which BEST explains how exercise can produce some of the same benefits?

It is most effective when it quiets the mind and is the singular focus.

Many exercises require being physically still for an extended period.

Exercise can have the same benefit, but only if it is an individual practice.

Meditation benefits the mind and exercises the body, so both contribute to health.

10.Which is the BEST example of a specific fitness goal?

Walk for 30 minutes 4 days a week.

Work out more often than you already do.

Develop habits that build a healthy lifestyle.

Try to eat healthier when eating at restaurants.

11.Nikko has a lot of friends and does fine in school but, he often does not like what he sees when he looks in the mirror. He does not have the kind of body that he sees in the ads for gyms, and he thinks that this could keep him from succeeding. Some days he thinks he is fine, but other days he thinks his life would be better if he were taller and more muscular. What is the BEST advice for Nikko?

With a lot of diet and exercise he can get that body and the life he wants.

The people who are used for ads are just better looking, so he should just accept that.

He should try and tune out negative thoughts and focus on developing good habits.

Not everyone is going to be a model in an ad for a gym, so he should find a different goal.

12.Walter has a paper due on a novel that he has not read. He knows that his teacher will expect detailed references to the novel in his paper. He is thinking that he can listen to it while he is lifting weights and multi-task. What is the BEST response to Walter?

He does not really need to concentrate on exercise, so it is fine.

He would be better off focusing on his workout and then turning to the novel.

If he is doing a type of exercise that allows him to stop and take notes, it is fine.

Doing as many tasks as possible is generally a good idea and promotes efficiency.

13.Tamar has decided to focus on fitness. He exercises every day and does not let himself skip a single workout. He bumped up his workouts to twice a day and wants to do more. He thinks that if a little exercise is good, more exercise must be better. What is the BEST response to Tamar?

He is right and should increase exercise as much as possible.

If exercise makes him feel better, it can't hurt to keep ramping it up.

Exercise should be balanced, so too much can be an unhealthy focus.

He needs to dramatically reduce his exercise if he is not training for an event.

14.Eden just joined a gym. She used to do gymnastics but is looking to try new forms of exercise since gymnastics is not really practical in her life now. Her plan is to try every class that the gym offers and see which one she likes since she has never done any of them before. What is the BEST advice for her?

She will never get good at any class if she keeps switching.

This is a good plan—it is good to have an open mind and try new things.

She should not take a class unless she thinks that she will genuinely enjoy it.

She should find the class that is closest to gymnastics since she liked that before.

15.Andrew is a pole vaulter, but he recently injured his shoulder. He had to miss several weeks of the season but thinks that he is now ready to start practicing again. How will he know for sure that he can resume his sport?

when he feels like he is ready

when he is cleared by his doctor

when he can do the activity without pain

when his shoulder does not hurt any more

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