10 Business and Economics Books Every Student Should Read
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10 Business and Economics Books Every Student Should Read

28th November 2022

We have some Economics and Business book recommendations for you, whether you're getting ready to start university next year or you're still exploring your prospective interest in the disciplines.

We've selected five of our favorite Business and Economics books to give you a flavor of the breadth of topics covered in these subjects.

We've included something for everyone, from basic history lessons to autobiographies, self-help books, and even a novel. Books one through five are business, whereas books six through ten are economics.

Best business books for students


  1. How to Win Friends and Influence People – Dale Carnegie

We couldn't make a list of business books without mentioning this one. How to Win Friends and Influence People, written by a business expert in 1936, is one of the best-selling books of all time.

While it is a self-help book in practice, it concentrates on the interpersonal skills required to flourish in business, particularly leadership and persuasion.

Despite being a little older than most business books, it was groundbreaking in many respects and established the framework for the present business guide genre.

This makes it a worthwhile and timely read, regardless of how much the business world has evolved since the 1930s. 

It was also designed for a general audience rather than an academic audience, making it an accessible introduction to the world of business and an excellent starting point for more challenging reads.


  1. Giants of Enterprise: Seven Business Innovators and the Empires They Built – Richard S. Tedlow

The lives and accomplishments of George Eastman, Thomas Watson, Henry Ford, Charles Revson, Robert N. Noyce, Andrew Carnegie, and Sam Walton are highlighted in this business book. 

These businessmen were highly successful due to their creativity and usage of cutting-edge technology. The author looks into their stories and shows how they achieved business success.

This book can assist students in identifying the common characteristics shared by these great innovators, understanding which techniques succeed, and providing critical background information on the advances made in business throughout the twentieth century. 

This text is a little more academic because a business historian produced it. However, the fact that it is divided into seven sections makes it easily digestible, and you may even focus on the two or three inventors that most fascinate you.


  1. Sam Walton: Made in America – Sam Walton

This business book is an excellent follow-up to number two on this list, as it details Sam Walton's journey to success from his perspective.

This autobiographical text traces Walton's career as a single shop owner through the creation of Wal-Mart as we know it today.

Made in America discusses Walton's obstacles, including convincing others to believe in his vision. He isn't afraid to admit both his accomplishments and his flaws.

The book also portrays Walton's success in pursuing the American Dream and the uniquely American notion of self-sufficiency as the mark of a fulfilling life. 

This is written in a conversational and direct tone, making it a quick read. Walton's use of stories, combined with his compelling plot, ensures that this book is far from dull.


  1. Outliers: The Story of Success – Malcolm Gladwell

Is there a formula for success? While not strictly a business book, this best-seller seeks to investigate and identify the numerous aspects that contribute to success.

Successful people span from Bill Gates to athletes and musicians. Outliers examine the effects of various factors on success, such as cultural differences, intelligence, and practice.

Gladwell mixes psychological, historical, and sociological ideas into his argument to make them accessible to his audience without presuming substantial prior knowledge of these disciplines.

This book's conclusions are easily transferable to the business world, making it ideal for students interested in the subject's social aspects.


  1. Rich Dad Poor Dad – Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter

This book emphasizes the value of financial education and financial intelligence. It is written as a series of parables inspired by Kiyosaki's life, with the impoverished father being Kiyosaki and the wealthy father representing a friend's father.

Rich Dad Poor Dad's core message is that hard effort alone may not be enough to acquire prosperity.

Instead, Kiyosaki suggests being financially educated enough to make solid investments and establish your own business as a significant determinant in economic success.

Kiyosaki has also written numerous more books on financial guidance and has begun teaching seminars to provide financial education.

Rich Dad Poor Dad is an excellent primer on fundamental financial concepts for individuals with little to no prior understanding.

Best economics books for students 


  1. Freakonomics – Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner

This economics book provides a pleasant and easy-to-read introduction to the subject suitable for all levels of expertise.

The writers apply economic ideas to seemingly unconnected everyday happenings, making this book both understandable and exciting.

It's also a fantastic place to start if you're curious about how economic principles manifest in real life; these topics are described in a straightforward and relatively intuitive manner. 

This is a beautiful choice if you want to investigate economics as a possible degree subject.

However, given its widespread popularity, you should avoid mentioning it in your statement or combine it with a more academic investigation of economics if you want to stand out.


  1. The Wealth of Nations – Adam Smith

Yes, we know this doesn't sound like the most enjoyable read, but trust us when we say it's well worth it.

The Wealth of Nations was pioneering at the time it was written, and it has significantly influenced the economic theory and practice up to the present day.

If you want to study economics at university, this book is a beautiful place to start. Don't worry if you need help comprehending everything at this point; it's probably one of the most difficult on this list.

To improve your knowledge, you could locate some lectures or summaries online.


  1. Capital: A Critique of Political Economy – Karl Marx

When it comes to classics... Marx is vital for achieving balance and depth in your reading of economics books.

Marx was a significant influence, and this text is an excellent place to start for anyone interested in combining economics and politics.

Marx was also replying to traditional economists like Adam Smith, so if you read The Wealth of Nations and are looking for an alternative viewpoint, this is the place to go.

The relevance of The Wealth of Nations and Capital stems from the numerous practical applications of the notions in these publications. 

A foundation in these historical books can help you better understand more practical principles and debates about today's economic concerns, such as the free market, state intervention, and socialism.


  1. Manias, Panics, and Crashes – Charles Kindleberger

The economic world only sometimes runs smoothly. What happens if something goes wrong? What causes financial meltdowns?

Can we stay away from them? This book, written by a former MIT economics professor, seeks to answer these issues.

This text will assist you in broadening your economic knowledge and guiding you in the critical practical application of economic ideas.

It will benefit people interested in the behavioral side of economics and macroeconomics and finance students.


  1. North and South – Elizabeth Gaskell

To round up the list, North and South is a Victorian romance novel. If this isn't your cup of tea, or you're wondering what it has to do with economics, we assure you it is.

Margaret, the novel's female protagonist, travels from the peaceful south of England to the industrial north.

We are introduced to a world unfamiliar to Margaret, one of industries and trade unions, extremes of poverty and prosperity.

The plot is entertaining, the social critique is thought-provoking, and the reader can learn alongside Margaret as she meets and gets to know the multi-dimensional personalities of factory workers and owners.



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