Benefits of Studying online PhD Degree in 2022
  • Nov 2022
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Benefits of Studying online PhD Degree in 2022

10th November 2022

Although it was once considered odd, many people are now considering getting a Ph.D. degree remotely.

The coronavirus pandemic may have made online learning mandatory, but by 2022, an online Ph.D. has become an appealing option for many aspiring researchers and professionals.

In this post, we will look at how an online Ph.D. may be the ideal option for you on your path to obtaining a doctorate.


PhDs are largely research degrees

PhDs, in reality, are largely research degrees. While some schools may require doctorate applicants to complete a few core taught modules, the main goal of most Ph.D. programs is to immerse yourself in a specific research topic of interest. 

Naturally, this means that you will spend the majority of your time doing independent fieldwork, data collection, and writing.

If you're working on a doctorate in the social sciences or humanities, and don't need to use your university's lab facilities, the amount of time you need to be on campus is low.

Given that arranging online sessions with your Ph.D. supervisor to examine your work is now the norm, you might be able to gain great feedback on your work without ever leaving the comfort of your own home.

In this instance, an online Ph.D. may be the more time-efficient alternative for you.


Campus life can be costly

Ph.D. programs normally span at least three years but can go much longer depending on how rapidly you can gather relevant data.

When relocating to a new city or country, the costs of housing, food, insurance, visas, and socializing can quickly pile up. 

Given the time and energy required to adjust to a new environment, on top of familiarising yourself with the academic demands of a Ph.D., pursuing a Ph.D. on a physical campus could take a financial and emotional toll on any student, and fulfilling the academic requirements online may be a better option.

A huge bonus is that some colleges now provide discounts to entirely remote students, which might be very useful if you're looking to save money on tuition.


You don’t have to halve your income to pursue a PhD

The financial cost of earning a Ph.D. is one of the most significant impediments for many professionals.

Pursuing a doctoral degree is a significant commitment, and if you need to transfer to a different area and your employer isn't set up for remote working, you may have to leave your employment for several years while you finish your studies.

This may not be a practical choice for young persons with limited finances or more older Ph.D. candidates with families to support.

On the other hand, an online Ph.D. may give you greater flexibility in your working arrangements.

An online Ph.D. allows you to continue working part-time at your existing employment while writing your thesis, keeping your finances in check.

Who knows, if your Ph.D. is connected to your profession, your company might even offer to pay for some of your Ph.D. expenses!


Staying local could help you conduct better research

If your research interests are local, an online Ph.D. can be beneficial. Data collecting is a difficult task for any researcher.

Many Ph.D. candidates want to learn more about a problem or phenomenon in their city or country, to apply their study to make a significant change in society.

If you can pursue your Ph.D. from home, it may be easier to conduct key interviews with local agencies and persons, as well as collect data from local libraries that may not be as easily accessible through internet sources.

All of this will undoubtedly assist you in developing a stronger, more compelling argument to ace the viva.


Shape your path to a PhD

If you're thinking about getting a Ph.D., you presumably have a strong enthusiasm and research interest in a certain field.

That is why you are likely to be tenacious enough to work on a Ph.D. program in a disciplined manner without necessarily having to be on a physical campus. 

While campus life has its own set of advantages, returning to "physical" school may not be for everyone, but that shouldn't stop you from achieving your academic ambitions.

While online learning is generally becoming the norm, completing an Online Ph.D. is still relatively new. However, if you prepare strategically, the benefits are numerous.

Higher education's future is about innovation and making learning more accessible to all. So, why not boost your credentials with an online doctoral degree today?



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