Top Productivity Tips For College Students
  • Nov 2022
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Top Productivity Tips For College Students

24th November 2022

Your time as a college student is likely to be one of the most essential, exciting, and challenging chapters of your life, as you balance education, family, a social life, and possibly even part-time work.

Understandably, you could work hard to complete everything on your schedule, no matter how dedicated and talented you are.

Fatigue, stress, burnout, inadequate time management, and distractions distracting your focus are all commonly mentioned reasons for lack of peak productivity.

Surprisingly, when you combine those considerations with the difficulties of dealing with the epidemic in recent years—particularly for those new to remote studying and online degree programs—students have retained focus.

Take heart in knowing that you are not alone in your search for and incorporation of time management strategies to increase your productivity and college achievement.

"87 percent of students feel stronger time management and organization abilities will help them earn better scores," according to Reliable Plant.

Let us look at 22 productivity hacks and tips that you can use as a college student to accomplish more, meet deadlines more efficiently, boost overall productivity, gain confidence, reduce stress, and enjoy life more.


Make A Manageable To-Do List

While everyone's calendar is different, yours is probably crammed with high-value studies, project completion, and juggling work and personal life. Anyone who can do everything effectively is a rare breed.

If you do not make a list or add tasks to your calendar, you are setting yourself up for much stress and maybe missing deadlines.

It is easy to become overwhelmed and stressed out trying to remember everything when you cannot look at tasks at a glance.

Moreover, if you miss a deadline, things can quickly spin out of control, producing problems and further missed deadlines as you try to make up.

On the opposite end, a too-extensive to-do list might be equally overwhelming. Find the appropriate balance for you by aiming for and restricting yourself to 3-5 chores that you can perform each day efficiently.

Another factor to consider is distinguishing between chores and goals.

  • Tasks are tasks you wish to accomplish in a day, such as completing an outline for your thesis or dissertation or picking up printer toner on your way home from work.

  • Goals are big-picture accomplishments like finishing your thesis or dissertation or researching and purchasing new equipment for your studies or program. Goals are usually made up of several tasks.

You will find it easier to stay on track after comprehending these distinctions and committing to establishing a management to-do list.


Do not Take On Too Much.

Taking on more than you can handle as a college student is the quickest way to stress and burnout.

There is no shame in managing your life by removing or changing specific activities to focus on the most important tasks and goals for your academic success.

Remember not to put yourself under too much pressure to "do it all." While everyone has a variety of duties, strive for balance by removing any superfluous extracurricular activities that offer no value to your life or education.


Turn Off Distractions

Today's distractions are numerous and varied and include:

  • Browsing the internet

  • Checking email

  • Participating in social media

  • Playing games

  • Streaming music and movies

It is easy to blur the lines between studying and browsing your favorite social media platform or using a chat room as an online student. Keep an eye on your behavior to eliminate distractions that inhibit work.


Go For Walks

A decent walk is a fantastic college hack for various reasons, including getting in needed movement, reducing stress, and helping you clear your ideas in preparation for your next study session.

You can also call your parents, listen to recorded class notes on your phone, answer an email, or listen to your favorite podcast. After your walk, you should feel revitalized and ready to resume your studies.


Use A Calendar

You probably have a calendar in your life if you have an email account like Gmail. Please use it to keep track of crucial deadlines, personal events, family functions, and professional calendars.

You may also set notifications, alerts, and reminders for meaningful activities and events at different intervals to avoid procrastination and guarantee you do not miss anything.


Pomodoro Technique

If you need a tried-and-true time management system, consider the Pomodoro Technique.

It motivates students to work within the constraints of their time. You will be working within your time constraints rather than against them.

The method works by dividing your daily routine into 25-minute increments separated by five-minute breaks. Pomodoros are the combined work-break intervals.

The strategy has a psychological component that involves developing a controllable sensation of urgency that aids in completing activities on time.


Do not Multitask

Avoiding multitasking may be illogical, given how common it is. That does not imply that it is in your best interests.

Some people are built to multitask, but most require more attention and organization to complete jobs and goals.

"Instead of skillfully juggling tasks, students' minds become diverted and can impair productivity by up to 40%," according to Grade Power Learning.


Switch Up Your Study Environment

Creating the optimum workplace for your core study time is critical in an increasingly online and remote academic world.

However, it is a good idea to change your setting with a new ambiance periodically. Add some diversity to your study space by moving it from your dedicated office or desk to the kitchen table or by packing up and going to the library or a nearby coffee shop.


Find Your Most Productive Hours

Some people prefer to work in the mornings, while others prefer to work in the afternoons, evenings, or late at night.

It would help if you worked whenever it fits your schedule and promotes productivity. Determine your most productive study times and stick to them.


The Two-Minute Rule

The two-minute rule, devised by productivity consultant and author David Allen, states that if a task takes less than two minutes, complete it right away to get it out of the way.

The method can also be adapted to meet various duties and activities, such as committing to reading one page each night instead of reading before bed.


Take Regular Breaks

Taking regular study breaks is beneficial to your health. There is no point in pushing yourself when your focus and energy dwindle.

Commit to taking a planned break that lasts anywhere from five minutes to an hour to walk or nap, read for pleasure, listen to soothing music, or play a video game.

After the break, you will have refreshed your mind and increased energy, focus, and productivity.


Set Yourself Deadlines

Deadlines, like making a to-do list and organizing your calendar, can help you stay on track for success.

Even though deadlines are self-imposed, they help to guarantee that work is completed and goals are met within a realistic time range.


Plan Ahead

Make a note of your weekly, monthly, or college semester-specific chores, deadlines, activities, and engagements in your planner, calendar, or digital app.

Making a plan for weekly assignments may take an hour or two, but it will only take 10-15 minutes and provide you with peace of mind.

Write down chores as essential as reminding oneself to iron and lay out clothes the day before classes or as necessary as creating an outline for an upcoming article. This advice will help you succeed in life long after you graduate.


Get Plenty Of Sleep

Avoid putting yourself in situations where you have to finish jobs or projects late at night or pull all-night study sessions.

Adults perform best on seven to eight hours of sleep every night, so commit to finishing your daily responsibilities and going to bed at a reasonable hour every night.


Find Apps To Help

You will find a great assortment of productivity apps to help you succeed whether you have an Android or an Apple smartphone.

Some productivity applications offer virtual instructions and small rewards for staying off your phone and completing a task.

Among the best college student productivity applications are:

  • Pomodoro

  • Quizlet

  • Todoist

  • Notion

  • Any calendar app


Do The Hardest Tasks First

While this may appear to contradict the Two-Minute Rule hack, it does not. After you have completed the quick and easy jobs, move on to the more difficult ones.

If you fear doing anything, it is conceivable that you will put it off until the last minute, causing unneeded stress in your life. In such cases, start with the most challenging to-do.

Experts believe that tackling the most challenging projects and chores first is the path to doing more and doing it more efficiently.


Wake Up Earlier

You may prefer to get up earlier every day, but the benefits may entice you to try it. You will have more time to work on your day's activities, events, and duties if you get up early.

It also gives you more time to organize your strategy and either stick to it or make minor changes.


Use The Eisenhower Matrix

Another method for prioritizing tasks based on urgency and importance is the Eisenhower Matrix, which deprioritizes everything less urgent or significant.

The strategy was developed by Dwight D. Eisenhower, the 34th President of the United States, who had to make complex judgments on the spur of the moment.

He also had to focus on his regularly scheduled activities, which prompted him to develop what is now known as the Eisenhower Matrix or the Eisenhower Principle.


Stay Organised

The organization is not a life skill that is frequently taught systematically. While some teachers and parents may instill organizational values in kids over time, the duty is usually on the students' shoulders.

Fortunately, there is still time to establish solid organizing skills to achieve tremendous success and less stress during college and beyond.

Here are a few ideas to help you improve your organizational skills:

  • Create and utilize a digital calendar.

  • Make use of a digital or paper planner.

  • Convert your handwritten notes to digital files.

  • Organize everything according to classes, projects, presentations, and so on.

  • Plan ahead of time to identify busy weeks that may cause deadline bottlenecks.

  • Maintain the cleanliness of your desk workstation and computer files.


Join A Study Group

Joining or establishing a study group can help you avoid isolation while studying in a remote location.

Even if your study group is in an online forum, exchanging ideas with others in your program and enjoying some social interaction is beneficial.

Here are a few more reasons to join a study group:

  • Improve your knowledge of the subject

  • Learn more about a given topic and gain a deeper understanding of it.

  • Improve your grades

  • Gain knowledge of team dynamics.

  • Combat procrastination through mutual accountability.


Do not Skip Class 

It is common for college students to miss a class now and then, but it is a slippery slope.

You are better off avoiding this behavior unless you are genuinely ill or have another pressing responsibility because you will quickly fall behind.

What if you skip a few days for fun, and then something serious comes up that stops you from attending Class? Things can swiftly deteriorate.

Furthermore, you or your parents have paid a significant amount for your education.

The classroom environment is where your professors or instructors deliver valuable material you may not discover in your textbooks.

Furthermore, it is a bad habit to develop. Your lecturers may keep track of your attendance, and you do not want to make a terrible first impression.

If you are having trouble with a subject or received a poor grade, you want to demonstrate that you have been devoted enough to show up and perform the work so that they may assist you in correcting the situation.


Learn Better Time Management

You can do daily responsibilities swiftly, confidently, and effectively if you have strong time management abilities.

Everything we have covered here, including applications and various strategies, might assist you in learning better time management.

Pay attention to the following:

  • Prioritization

  • Planning

  • Goal setting

  • Stress management

  • Eliminating distractions



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