Visual keyword tools for search engine marketing analysis
  • Feb 2022
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Visual keyword tools for search engine marketing analysis

6th February 2022

In an increasingly competitive market, search engine marketing or SEM is one of the most effective strategies for expanding your business. Online advertising is more important than ever, and search engine marketing is the most effective approach to promoting products and building brands, with millions of companies competing for the same eye. 

This introduces you to the basics of search engine marketing and some ideas and tactics to do it right. 


Search Engine Marketing Overview 


Search engine marketing (or SERP) is the technique of marketing a business through paid advertisements displayed on pages of search engine results. Advertisers compete for terms entered into search engines such as Google and Bing. 

Advertisers can bid on keywords that users of search engines such as Google and Bing can enter when searching for a particular product or service, and display ads with results for that search term. 

These ads, also known as pay-per-click ads, come in a variety of formats. Product listing ads (also known as PLAs, product ads) are more visual product-based ads that allow users to see key information such as prices and reviews at a glance. 

The great thing about search engine marketing is that it allows advertisers to place their ads in front of motivated customers who are ready to buy, the moment they're ready to buy. No other advertising medium can achieve this. 

That's why search engine marketing is a powerful and successful approach to growing your brand. 


 Search engine marketing is based on keywords


Search engine marketing is based on keywords. People use keywords as part of their search queries to find what they're looking for, so it's no surprise that keywords are the backbone of search engine marketing as an advertising approach. 


Keyword Research for SEM 

As part of your keyword management plan, you should do extensive research before deciding which keywords to use for your search engine marketing campaign. 

To get started, you first need to choose keywords that are relevant to your business and are what your prospects are looking for.  

To start, you need to find keywords that are relevant to your company and that potential buyers are likely to use when searching for your products and services. One way to achieve this is to use WordStream, a free keyword tool. 

Just enter a term related to your business or service and you'll get a list of relevant keyword suggestions that you can use in a variety of search engine marketing campaigns. 

Keyword Research not only helps you identify keywords to bid on but also helps you identify negative keyword searches to exclude from your campaign. Bad keywords are irrelevant terms that don't have a negative connotation but are less likely to lead to conversions. 

For example, if you offer ice cream,  you can omit the keyword "ice cream recipe" from your search because visitors searching for an ice cream recipe are less likely to be interested in your product. 

The likelihood that a prospect will make a purchase or other desired action after searching for a particular term is known as search intent. Some keywords are considered to have significant commercial value for best buying tips or are a clear indication that the user wants to buy something.


Account structure and keywords 

Account structure is another important feature critical to best buy hacks for the success of your search engine marketing campaigns. 

Logical keyword grouping and account structure will help you increase click-through rates, lower your cost per click, and improve overall performance, and keyword research will help you think about how best to organize your account. 

As shown in the diagram above, an optimally configured account consists of five distinct elements. 


 Keyword ad campaign ad group 


  • Text Advertising Landing Page 

Similar products or services can and should be the subject of multiple advertising campaigns. For example, if you run a hardware store,  one marketing campaign might focus only on fall products like blowers, rakes, and petioles, and another marketing campaign might focus on winter products like snow shovels and snow shovels.  


  • The Importance of Quality Scores in Search  Marketing 

Google AdWords' Quality Score is half of the ad ranking algorithm, so it's one of the most important metrics search engine marketers should pay attention to. 

Because Google promotes ads that are more relevant to user searches, a higher Quality Score allows your ad to rank higher at a lower price.


Digital marketing strategy relies heavily on keyword research


Keywords can help your audience understand what your company has to offer, who you want to help, and how you are different from your competitors.  Ranking for specific keywords can help you identify what users can do to help themselves and their Unique Advantage (USP). 

  • Content Strategy: By using large keywords to create a collection of relevant and useful articles and content snippets, you can engage your target audience and provide them with the information they are looking for at the right time and in the right way. 

Depending on their position in the buyer's journey.  By targeting specific keywords on different pages of your website, search engines will get a timely understanding of each stage of the buyer's journey. 


  • Search engines understand the focus of your website and rank your business accordingly if you target specific keywords on other pages of your website. It also makes it easier for search engines to serve the most relevant pages of your site in SERPs, resulting in a better user experience and higher conversion rates. 

Keyword research can also help you compete more effectively by showing you the search phrases your competitors rank and how you compare with your competitors. It can also allow you to adopt new strategies and experiment with terms you may not have considered before. 


  • Keyword research has many benefits for SEO. On-page SEO is the process of increasing the quality and quantity of search engine traffic to websites like Google. This is achieved by improving the content of the page. To best respond to searchers, search engines only display the most relevant content from the web, so ranking your target audience requires homework. 


To increase your SEO ranking, you need to do keyword research. Surprisingly, according to Ahrefs, 90.63% of pages receive no traffic from Google at all. This is most likely because website owners create and publish content that customers aren't looking for. 

On the other hand, they make something useful. Alternatively, you might create useful content but not include or optimize relevant keywords. 

All these pages, like this company, are rarely seen on the Internet. The time and labor required to compile them turned out to be completely in vain, and the prospects kept moving. 

On your website pages, you can target terms that are important to your target users, with relevant and useful content and effective calls to action. As a result, search engines rank your site for your search terms and give it a high ranking. 

This helps to attract relevant and targeted traffic, increasing conversion rates. If you're not sure who your competitors are, look at your original keywords and see what happens. 

When you start optimizing your site with keyword-based content, you can see who will compete in search engine rankings. You won't know who your main competitors are until you check, and your online competitors may differ from your offline competitors.


After identifying who your audience is, gathering initial keywords, researching your competitors, and entering them into your chosen keyword research tool, you should have available and relevant search queries. 

Now you need to sort the results so that only keywords that are relevant to your business remain, specifically those you want to target in your content. 

Load the results into an Excel spreadsheet and start highlighting terms to rank as well as potential blog post titles that you can use to improve your content strategy. You may come across negative keywords that you don't want to rank, in which case you should highlight them and remove them. 

Learn what negative numbers mean. You are now ready to assign specific keywords to the current pages of your site and to new pages that you believe are missing content. 

Designing your content around these keywords, and using pages dedicated to keyword-related content, gives your content strong keyword and topical focus, making it more likely to rank.

Fresh, targeted, and well-planned content can help you reach a larger audience and drive more traffic to your website. 

This is why keyword research is so important. Learn more about finding the best content ideas to help you rebalance your content and find new ways to deliver relevant and valuable information to your audience.



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