question archive Sociology 100 Part 1 Objectives: 1

Sociology 100 Part 1 Objectives: 1

Subject:SociologyPrice: Bought3

Sociology 100

Part 1


1. Review key sociological terms and concepts

2. Collaborate to generate a final report of key sociological terms and concepts


1. Define the following terms: (17 terms)


Structural-functional theory, Segregation, Conflict theory, Minority group, Symbolic interaction

theory, White privilege, Feminist theory, Audit study, Social facts, Sex, Social institution, Gender,

Sociological imagination, Gender stratification, Norms, Gendered institution


2. All definitions are accurate, clear, and proofread


Part 2


What makes a good team? Provide two (2) characteristics or qualities of a good team, and relate at least

one example of how these characteristics led to a successful working team in your experience. Note that

group members should not overlap in characteristics or qualities.

Answer in one paragraph (i.e., five to six sentences)


Sociology 250

Part 3 involves two parts please do all of them


Part 1:

Based on the content we reviewed from this week (see week 6 lecture file), discuss (in detail) ways we can support others in our diverse community. That community can be local, state, regional, national, global. Feel free to share things you have done in the past or seen others do. Your answer can include descriptions of major social movements or events that have taken place as long as you make sure to tie your answer to what YOU can do to be an ally for someone based on that example OR what from this week's content reminds you of or can be connected to your example.

Part 2:

Using content and discussion from this semester (you been doing my assignement so review those week posts for part 3), identify a diversity research project you would be interested in conducting. Be sure to identify if you are interested in doing a qualitative or quantitative study and why you would want to conduct such a project and include specific concepts and terms from class. For example, if you want to conduct studies on age, you might want to explore the impact of elderspeak on identity through qualitative



interviews, or if you are interested in exploring shared experiences and sense of identity based on social/economic class, you might want to distribute a quantitative survey asking people their preferences, familiarity, access to various services, amenities, and activities in their communities, as well as their annual household income and other demographic questions. Perhaps you are interested in collecting both - maybe you want to use data from your survey on access to resources in their community to connect with people to conduct qualitative interviews about their experiences and opinions related to access to resources. (For those of you interested in research later in life, the ideal would be to have the qualitative and quantitative data speak to each other.).

Answer in one paragraph (i.e., five to six sentences)


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