question archive Blank Copy of Journal Entry for BUS 111 2 Journal entries @ 75 points each = 150 Points   Your Name Service Industry/Type of Service Name of organization/corporation Location Information Date of Service :       Time of Svc:       Type of Service:       Place:       Approximate waiting time       Rating of Service [1-10] 1= Excellent 10= Poor       Goals   1

Blank Copy of Journal Entry for BUS 111 2 Journal entries @ 75 points each = 150 Points   Your Name Service Industry/Type of Service Name of organization/corporation Location Information Date of Service :       Time of Svc:       Type of Service:       Place:       Approximate waiting time       Rating of Service [1-10] 1= Excellent 10= Poor       Goals   1

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Blank Copy of Journal Entry for BUS 111 2 Journal entries @ 75 points each = 150 Points


Your Name

Service Industry/Type of Service

Name of organization/corporation

Location Information

Date of Service :


Time of Svc:


Type of Service:




Approximate waiting time


Rating of Service [1-10]

1= Excellent 10= Poor




1. Describe the expectations you had when you arrived. Were the expectations met? exceeded? How did your expectations/attitude and those of other customers affect your experience?

Apply GAP#1

                          [ See page 46-47 for extra help .. strategy insight. Using the Gaps Model to assess an organization's Service Strategy.]



2. How were your expectations affected by the level of Service Standards ? Servicescape? Apply GAP #2




3. Describe how technology was integrated or helped shape your experience? (New innovative ways to deliver service, enabling you or the employees to service better, support or enhance your experience, etc.)




4. Describe how your experience may illustrate one of the eight central paradoxes in technology as described in your textbook [pg. 19].





5. How does your experience related to any issues in Provider Gap 3 or 4 as defined in CH 2?






[Note : Each question is worth 10pts for a total of 50 points per journal entry. Please submit on iLearn on time.

These reports will be more than just descriptions. They will require a formal analysis of the service quality experienced. Your report should be between 3-6 pages in length.]


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