question archive ART 101 Week 4 DQs The file of ART 101 Week 4 Discussion Questions comprises: DQ1) Assess the impact of photography on the 19th century political and social landscape

ART 101 Week 4 DQs The file of ART 101 Week 4 Discussion Questions comprises: DQ1) Assess the impact of photography on the 19th century political and social landscape

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ART 101 Week 4 DQs

The file of ART 101 Week 4 Discussion Questions comprises:

DQ1) Assess the impact of photography on the 19th century political and social landscape. How did it affect paintings? Use one example from Gardner’s Art through the Ages and one from the Internet.

DQ2: Compare Manet’s Olympia to Millais’s Ophelia. Discuss how each work represents the artist and his period. Use one example from Gardener’s Art through the Ages and at least one from the Internet.


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