question archive BUSS505 OB ASSESSMENT COVER SHEET   Student Name: ID Number: Programme of Study:   Paper Name: Consumer and Organisational Behaviour Lecturer: Rachel Morrison Workshop Leader/TA:   Assessment: OB Applied Case Questions Paper Code & Stream:   BUSS505/?? Word Count: ???? Note: word limit for answers is 2000 words (excluding references)

BUSS505 OB ASSESSMENT COVER SHEET   Student Name: ID Number: Programme of Study:   Paper Name: Consumer and Organisational Behaviour Lecturer: Rachel Morrison Workshop Leader/TA:   Assessment: OB Applied Case Questions Paper Code & Stream:   BUSS505/?? Word Count: ???? Note: word limit for answers is 2000 words (excluding references)

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Paper Name:

Consumer and Organisational Behaviour


Rachel Morrison

Workshop Leader/TA:



OB Applied Case Questions

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Word Count: ????

Note: word limit for answers is 2000 words (excluding references). Aim for 500 words per 10 mark question.

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Organisational Behaviour Questions

Due Thursday September 1st, week 7

To use this document, delete the rubric and red text, please leave the questions and insert your answer beneath each one. Word limit for your answers is 2000 words – aim for 500 words per 10-mark question.

  1. Individual attributes


  1. What behaviours are usually associated with high and low levels of each of the big five personality traits?

How would Zara score (low or high) on each? Provide evidence from the case to support your answer. (5 marks)


Rubric: A clear and concise description of behaviours associated with high and low levels of each of the big five is provided and an assessment of how Zara would score on each is correct. Examples and justification from the case are provided for each of Zara’s personality traits. (5 marks)


For an A, have you:

  1. Listed behaviours associated with high and low levels for each of the “big five” personality traits?
  2. Stated whether Zara would score LOW of HIGH on each?
  3. Provided examples relating to Zara’s personality from the case study?


For an A+: Have you also used a peer reviewed source in your answer? This must be correctly cited both in text and included in your reference list at the end of the document (using APA 7th).


  1. Using the AUT library databases, find two peer-reviewed journal articles written since 2000 linking any aspect of bias to any aspect of organisational behaviour (e.g. job performance, hiring and selection, leadership, communication). Outline one finding from each article. Reference the articles using APA 7th and provide a “snip” or screenshot of the front page of the pdf for each (the page with the title and abstract). (5 marks)


Rubric: The front pages (with title and abstract) of the articles are provided.

The articles are published since 2000, peer-reviewed, and related to both bias and OB. Key findings are correctly outlined. The article is correctly cited with a full APA reference in the reference list. (5 marks)


Have you:

  1. Included the “snip” or screen shot of the front pages of the pdf (including title, abstract and journal details)?
  2. Ensured the articles link bias with some aspect of OB?
  3. Described a key finding from each article?
  4. Included a full, correct APA reference in your reference list?



  1. Communication and Power
  1. Analyse an instance of poor communication in the case using the model of communication (Wood et al., 2019; p. 485). Provide recommendations that would improve communication in the future. (5 marks)

Rubric: An instance of poor communication is analysed using the model of communication. All elements of the model are included in the answer. Appropriate recommendations (related to the analysis) are provided that would improve communication in the future. (5 marks)


Have you:

  1. Identified an instance of poor communication in the case?
  2. Included all the relevant elements of the model of communication in your analysis?
  3. Provided clear, correct recommendations to improve communication in the future, based on your analysis?


  1. Define the “zone of indifference”. Identify two factors that contributed to research participants electrocuting “learners” in Milgram’s obedience study. (5 marks)


Rubric: The zone of indifference is correctly defined. Two factors that contributed to research participants electrocuting “learners” in Milgram’s obedience study are identified. (5 marks)


For an A, have you:

  1. Defined the zone of indifference?
  2. Identified two factors that contributed to research participants electrocuting “learners” in Milgram’s obedience study?


For an A+: Have you also used a peer reviewed source in your answer? This must be correctly cited both in text and included in your reference list at the end of the document (using APA 7th).


  1. Stress
  1. Use the Job-Demand-Control-Support (JDCS) model of stress (Karasek &Theorell, 1990) to analyse Zara’s job, explaining why she is so stressed. (6 marks)


Rubric: The JDCS model is correctly outlined, and Zara’s experience of work is correctly analysed using the JDCS model of stress. (6 marks)


For an A, have you:

  1. Described the JDCS model of stress, describing a job that would be high in “iso-strain”?
  2. Identified aspects of Zara’s job that relate to Demands, Control, and Support.

Stated whether Zara’s job is high or low in iso-strain (with evidence from the case)?


For an A+: Have you also used a peer reviewed source in your answer? This must be correctly cited both in text and included in your reference list at the end of the document (using APA 7th).



  1. Not everyone in this job would be as stressed as Zara. What aspects of Zara’s experience are not captured by the JDCS model? (4 marks)

Hint: what factors (other than the work itself) will impact on whether someone experiences negative stress?


Rubric: Aspects of Zara’s experience not captured by the JDCS model are correctly identified and incorporated into the analysis. (4 marks)


Have you:

  1. Identified factors OTHER THAN the job itself which would contribute to a worker being stressed?
  2. Evaluated Zara’s experience in terms of these other factors/contributors to stress/resilience?
  1. Motivation theory
  1. Using Equity Theory (Adam, 1963, 1965), contrast Ayesha’s and Vishal’s different responses to realising there was inequity in their remuneration. Be sure to incorporate all the elements of equity theory that led to their different responses. (5 marks)


Rubric: Ayesha’s and Vishal’s responses are correctly described. All elements of Equity Theory are included, along with why these led to the different responses for Ayesha and Vishal. (5 marks)


For an A, have you:

  1. Briefly described Equity Theory?
  2. Contrasted Ayesha’s and Vishal’s different responses to the situation?
  3. Incorporated all the relevant elements of Equity Theory?


For an A+: Have you also used a peer reviewed source in your answer? This must be correctly cited both in text and included in your reference list at the end of the document (using APA 7th).


  1. Use the Job Characteristics Model (Hackman & Oldham, 1975) and Herzberg’s (1968) two-factor theory to identify FIVE enriching or motivating aspects of Emma’s job. Clearly link the elements of Emma’s job to factors within the JCM and/or the two-factor theory. Use at least two factors from each model in your analysis. (5 marks)


Rubric: Five enriching aspects of Emma’s job are correctly identified and linked job characteristics/motivators. At least two core job characteristics and two motivators are included in the answer.


Have you:

  1. Identified five enriching aspects of Emma’s job?
  2. Linked each aspect to factors within the JCM and/or the two-factor theory?
  3. Used at least two core job characteristics and two motivators in your answer?




Ensure all your references are in APA 7th format and listed alphabetically (delete these example references and include every source you used in this assessment, formatted using APA 7th, as below)

Morrison, R. L. (2009). Are women tending and befriending in the workplace? Gender differences in the relationship between workplace friendships and organisational outcomes. Sex Roles, 60(1), 1-13. https://

Morrison, R. L., & Macky, K. (2017). The demands and resources arising from shared workspaces. Applied Ergonomics, 60(April), 103-115.

Owler, K., & Morrison, R. L. (2020). “I always have fun at work”: How ‘remarkable workers’ employ agency and control in order to enjoy themselves. Journal of Management & Organization, 26(2), 135-151.




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