question archive Shelly Cashman Access 2019 | Module 7: End of Module Project 1 Competitive Swim Clubs Inc

Shelly Cashman Access 2019 | Module 7: End of Module Project 1 Competitive Swim Clubs Inc

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Shelly Cashman Access 2019 | Module 7: End of Module Project 1

Competitive Swim Clubs Inc.

Advanced Form Techniques


  • Open the file SC_AC19_EOM7-1_FirstLastName_1.accdb, available for download from the SAM website.
  • Save the file as SC_AC19_EOM7-1_FirstLastName_2.accdb by changing the “1” to a “2”.
    • If you do not see the .accdb file extension in the Save As dialog box, do not type it. The program will add the file extension for you automatically.
  • Open the _GradingInfoTable table and ensure that your first and last name is displayed as the first record in the table. If the table does not contain your name, delete the file and download a new copy from the SAM website.
  1. Competitive Swim Clubs Inc. is a national chain of swim clubs targeted to youth and adults who are or who want to be competitive swimmers. You are the regional manager for clubs located in the Southeastern United States.

    You need to create some additional forms to help manage the clubs in your region. Create a new form in Design View and select the Swimmers table as the basis for the form. Add the FirstName, LastName, LevelID, and MemberID fields (in that order) to the form. The left edges of the text boxes are at the 2" mark on the horizontal ruler and the bottom edge of the FirstName control is at the 1" mark on the vertical ruler. A single dotted line separates the controls. Adjust the sizing of the controls so that the right edges of the text boxes are at the 3.5" mark on the horizontal ruler. Add the SwimmerID field to the form, and then position the control and its label so that the left edge of the text box is at the 2.5" mark on the horizontal ruler, and the bottom edge of the control is at the 0.5" mark on the vertical ruler. Save the form using Swimmers Source Form as the name, confirm that it matches Figure 1, and then close the form.

Figure 1: Swimmers Source Form in Design View

  1. A combo box to assist in finding a club ID when a club name is known would help users of your database. Open the Member Master Form in Design View. Add a combo box to the Detail section. The combo box should get its values from another table. Use the Clubs table as the source of the values, and then add the ClubID and ClubName fields to the combo box. Be sure to sort the combo box in ascending order by ClubID and to remove the hide the key column check mark. The ClubID column contains the value that you wish to use for the form. Store the ClubID value in the ClubID field and use ClubID as the name of the combo box. Position the combo box and label so that the top edges are at the 2" mark on the vertical ruler, and the left edge of the control is at the 3" mark on the horizontal ruler. The combo box control is 1" wide. Confirm that you form matches Figure 2, and then save and close it.

Figure 2: Member Master Form in Design View

  1. You would like to easily identify which coaches are affiliated with each club. Open the Clubs and Coaches Form in Design View and add a subform based on the Coaches table. Include the CoachID, FirstName, and LastName fields in the subform. Link the main form to the subform using the default link and save the subform as Coaches subform, which is the default name. If necessary, reposition the subform so that the top-left edge of the subform is at the 1" mark on the horizontal ruler and the 2" mark on the vertical ruler. The bottom-right edge of the subform control is at the 6" mark on the horizontal ruler and the 4" mark on the vertical ruler. Confirm that the form matches Figure 3, and then save and close the form.

Figure 3: Clubs and Coaches Form in Design View

  1. Open the Coaches Search Form in Design View and change the property name of the Name to Find combo box control using Name_to_Find as the new name. Change the special effect for the Name to Find label to Etched. Save the changes and close the form.
  2. Forms containing tab controls provide different ways of viewing the same data. Open the Swim Levels by Swimmer Form in Design View. Add a tab control to the form and use Datasheet as the name of the first tab and Chart as the name of the second tab. Position the tab control so that the top-left edge of the control is at the 1" mark on both the horizontal and vertical rulers. The bottom-right edge of the control is at the 6" mark on the horizontal ruler and the 3" mark on the vertical ruler. Save the form but do not close it.
  3. With the Swim Levels by Swimmer Form still open in Design View, add a subform to the Datasheet tab. Use the Swimmers table to select the fields for the subform and include the SwimmerID, FirstName, and LastName fields. Use the default field linking and the default name, Swimmers subform, as the name of the subform. Save the changes to the form and confirm that it matches Figure 4.

Figure 4: Swim Levels by Swimmer Form with Datasheet Tab in Design View

  1. With the Swim Levels by Swimmer Form still open in Design View, add a chart to the Chart tab. Use the Swimmers table to select the fields for the chart and include the SwimmerID and MemberID fields in the chart. Select Pie Chart as the chart type. Do not change the layout out of the data. The LevelID field links the document to the chart. Use Swimmers by Members as the title of the chart. Save the changes to the form, confirm that it matches Figure 5, and close the form.

Figure 5: Swim Levels by Swimmer Form with Chart Tab in Design View

  1. Open the Swimmers by Member Form in Design View and delete the SwimmerID control and label. Save the form and switch to Datasheet View. Resize all columns to best fit the data they contain, and then save and close the form.
  2. Swimmers would be easier to find if the names were sorted. Open the Swimmer Search Form in Design View. Select the Name to Find control and sort the last names in ascending order. Save the changes to the query, close the query window, save the changes to the form, and then close the form.

Save and close any open objects in your database. Compact and repair your database, close it, and then exit Access. Follow the directions on the SAM website to submit your completed project.

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