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Southern Moderates and Secession: Senator Robert M

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Southern Moderates and Secession: Senator Robert M. T. Hunter's Call for Union Author(s): William S. Hitchcock Source: The Journal of American History, Vol. 59, No. 4 (Mar., 1973), pp. 871-884 Published by: Organization of American Historians Stable URL: . Accessed: 07/08/2013 15:43 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact . Organization of American Historians is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to The Journal of American History. This content downloaded from on Wed, 7 Aug 2013 15:43:10 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions andSecession: Moderates Southern M. T. Hunter's CallforUnion Senator Robert WILLIAM S. HITCHCOCK am a Southernman,"declaredVirginia'ssenatorRobertMercerTaliafto Washington, Jr.,on theeve of his departure erroHunterto his son,Robert, Congress.,The Republican D.C., forthe secondsessionof the Thirty-sixth a electionof November6, 1860,had precipitated triumphin the presidential fortalkof southern disunionwas spreadpoliticalcrisisof massiveproportions, the nation.By December1, 1860,SouthCarolinahad already ing throughout whileidenticalactionwas takingplace issuedthecall fora secessionconvention, in Mississippi,Alabama,Florida,and Louisiana.With theconvokingof one of the most importantmeetingsin the historyof the UnitedStatesCongress, nation To save the endangered Hunter'scommentassumeddeep significance. wouldhave to forsakeanyprovinand civilwar,Americans fromdisintegration to know It is necessary, therefore, forthewelfareof theircountry. cial interests man."2 whatHuntermeantwhenhe calledhimselfa "Southern owner, Bornin 1809,theson ofa wealthyEssexCounty,Virginia,plantation of Virginiaand Hunterreceivedhis undergraduate educationat theUniversity his legal instruction underJudgeHenry St. George Tuckerof Winchester, apostleof Staterights.",Hunter Virginia,the "famousteacherand effective enterednationalpoliticsin 1837 as a memberof Virginia'sdelegationin the wherehe servedas speakerfrom1839 UnitedStatesHouse of Representatives, to 1841. Six yearslaterhe was electedto the Senate,and in 1850 he became Duringthisperiod,amidthebitter chairman of theSenateFinanceCommittee. he emergedas theterritorial expansionof slavery, sectionaldebatesurrounding In 1844 a majorfigurein the southernrightsfactionof theDemocraticparty.4 ofArizona. William S. Hitchcockis a graduatestudentin theUniversity I RobertM. T. Hunterto his son (Robert,Jr.),Nov. 24, 1860.RobertM. T. HunterPapers(Universityof VirginiaLibrary). 2 of the Republicanvictoryon nationalopinion,see Allan Nevins, The For a detailedaccountof theeffects to Civil War,1859-1861(2 vols.,New York,1950), II, 318-26.See also Ralph A. ofLincoln:Prologue Emergence Conventions oftheSouth(Princeton,1962), 11-135. Wooster,TheSecession forthe Year 1916: CorresponAssociation oftheAmericanHistorical 3Charles M. Ambler,ed., Annual Report M. T. Hunter,1826-1876(Washington,1918), 7. denceofRobert AllenJohnson ofAmericanBiography, 4Charles M. Ambler,"RobertMercerTaliaferroHunter,"Dictionary M. T. and Dumas Malone,eds. (22 vols.,New York,1932), IX, 403-05;HenryHarrisonSimms,LifeofRobert 871 This content downloaded from on Wed, 7 Aug 2013 15:43:10 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions TheJournal ofAmerican History 872 ofJohnC. Calhoun, and 1848he activelysupported thepresidential aspirations the foremost exponentof states'rights.Consistently. devotedto the cause of slavery, Hunterpursuedhis own presidential hopesin 1856and 1860.In 1860, he refused to endorsethenationalparty'snominee, StephenA. Douglas; instead he campaigned forJohnC. Breckenridge, thepro-southern candidate. It is remarkablethat a man who "would not have been adverseto the oftheUnion"as earlyas 1850is viewedbyseveralhistorians as dismemberment a conciliatorduringthe perilouswinterof 1860-1861.6Largelyagreeingwith Hunter'sestimateof his behavior,his interpreters have foundhim a moderate devotedto theUnionwho accededto secessiononlywhenall otheralternatives were exhausted.Hunter'sbiographer, HenryH. Simms,wrotein 1935 that, although"Mr. Hunterfeltthatthe South by 1861 was a hopelessminority whichwas law untoitself,yetin thelate months struggling againsta majority in the directionof of 1860 and the earlyones of 1861 he lent his best efforts compromise."7In thesameperiodanotherVirginiahistorian, HenryT. Shanks, concludedthatHunterwas a moderateforcein the southernrightspartywho to workforredress[of southern "continuedin a moreor less hopelesseffort D. ofJohnJ. Crittenden Albert Similarly, Kirwan, biographer the demands]." mostprominent advocateof compromise in 1860,acknowledged the efforts of Hunter... to staytheimpending "themoderate, scholarly revolution."9 Roy L. Nichols, in his well-knownDisruption of AmericanDemocracy, classifiedthe Virginianas one of the "enlightenedleaders"who "sought to quiet such in theSouthbyencouraging as ... southernism divisiveattitudes suchcohesive attitudes as nationalism."1o These viewsportray Hunteras a representative borderstatesenatoradvocatin thefaceof Republicanintransigence ingunion,conciliation, and moderation to explainan Yet none of thesescholarsattempted and southernextremism.,, A Study Hunter: inSectionalism andSecession T. Shanks, TheSecession (Richmond, 1935),28-31;Henry Movement in Virginia,1847-1861(Richmond,1934),1845. toCivilWar,18595Ambler,Correspondence ofRobert M. T. Hunter, 9; Nevins,Emergence ofLincoln: Prologue 1861,II, 206-22;Shanks,Secession Movement in Virginia,103-19. 6Ambler,"RobertMercerTaliaferroHunter,"403. See also JohnE. Fisher,"Statesmanof the Lost Cause: The Careerof R. M. T. Hunter,1859-87"(master'sthesis,University of Virginia,1966), 1-73;JamesLaVerne Anderson,"RobertMercerTaliaferroHunter,"VirginiaCavalcade, Eighteen(Autumn1968),9-13. 7 8 Simms, M. T. Hunter, LifeofRobert 175. in Virginia,132. Shanks,Secession Movement D. KirwanJohnjCrittenden: TheStrugglefor theUnion 9Albert (Lexington, 1962),379. 10RoyL. Nichols,TheDisruption ofAmerican (New York,1948), 504. Democracy 1'An interesting studyofVirginia"unionism"is Dean A. Arnold,"The Ultimatumof VirginiaUnionists: 'SecurityforSlaveryor Disunion,"' JournalofNegroHistory, XLVIII (April 1963), 115-29.This analysisof former GovernorWyndhamRobertson'sbehaviorin the secessioncrisismaintainsthat:"By insistingthatthe triumphant Republicansmustrenouncetheirnon-extension of slaveryprinciple,the Southernconservatives abandonedtheirpotentialNorthernallies more readilythan the Northerners abandonedthem."Ibid., 115. Robertson'sunionism,Arnoldassertswas superficial of slavery becausetheVirginian"thoughtthedestruction wouldbe a greatercalamitythandisunion."Ibid.,125. This content downloaded from on Wed, 7 Aug 2013 15:43:10 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Southern Moderates andSecession 873 obviousdualityin Hunter'spoliticalpersonality. As CharlesM. Amblerasserted in his introduction to thesenator'scorrespondence: Hunterwas a "compromiser but"he sharedtheaggressive attitude ofJefferson bynatureand environment," in the Davis and RobertToombsregarding theproperty rightsof slaveholders commonterritories. '12 AllanNevinsunquestioningly acceptedthiscontradiction whenhe statedthatHunterwas a "man of fairlymoderateviews,"although "whenSoutherninstitutions wereunderfirehe would flyto theirdefenseas readilyas theproudDavis or theblustering A.G. Brown...."13 Actually,Amblerand Nevins shouldhave recognizedthatHuntersought specialprivileges, notequal rights, fortheslaveholding section.Southerners, he claimed,couldexportslaveryto thenationalterritories, butthenationcoulddo nothingto oppose thisexpansion.Blind to theinterests of the Union itselfas well as thenon-slaveholding states,Hunterwentfurther thanmaintaining that the South could reach anywherein the nationto extendslaveryor effect recaptureof fugitiveslaves. He also demandedthat the federalgovernment actively supporttheSouthin theseenterprises. As "a championof theextremedoctrineof StateRights,"14Hunteracquired theimageof a moderatebecausehe was "slow in his methods."',F.N. Boney, biographerof Virginia'sCivil War governor, John Letcher,concludedthat "Hunter'sinstinctive conservatism and impressive eruditiongave his factiona moremoderateappearance"thanthatof his opponent, former GovernorHenry H. Wise. This, Boneymaintained, was the reasonLetcherwas "drawnto the morecautiousand moderate wingof thedividedparty.1116 Basedon thesenator's evaluationof personality traits,these judgmentsprovideonly a superficial Hunter'spoliticalmotivation. A reevaluation of Hunter'sbehaviorduringthe wintercrisisof 1860-1861 revealsthathis moderation and compromising proclivities extendedonlyso far as theyinvolvedthe rightsof thefederalgovernment. Motivatedby thedesire to protectsouthern at all costs,Hunter'sactionsin thesecondsession interests of the Thirty-sixth Congressreallyrepresented the views of a pro-slavery sectionalist adamantlyopposed to federalunionin whichthe South was not dominant. To theVirginianthepreservation of slaveryhelda stronger interest thanthe of the Union. As a "Southernman" Hunterfirmlyrefusedto preservation Ambler, Correspondence ofRobert 9. M. T. Hunter, toCivilWar,1859-1861, Nevins,TheEmergence ofLincoln: Prologue II, 43. 14D. R. Anderson, "Robert M. T. Hunter," TheJohnP. Branch Papers ofRandolph-Macon College, II Uune 12 13 1906),62. 15 Ambler, Correspondence ofRobert M. T. Hunter, 9. 16F.N. Boney,John Letcher ofVirginia: TheStory ofVirginia's CivilWarGovernor (University, Ala.,1966), 60-61. This content downloaded from on Wed, 7 Aug 2013 15:43:10 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions ofAmerican TheJournal History 874 compromisehis pro-slavery principlesforthe welfareof the nation,and, alwhen-the twoelementsclashed, thoughhe didnotcounselimmediate secession, nature.He was neither his southerndefenseoverwhelmed his compromising norcompromising on thematterof southernself-determoderate, conciliatory, mination.His fearof theRepublicanpartycompelledhimto demandconstitutionalguaranteesforsouthernindependence withina reconstructed union of sovereignstates.Failingin this,he unhesitatingly followedtheextremecourse ofsecession. in 1857,Hunterhadpubliclystatedthat"Whilst forreelection Campaigning I remainin theSenateof theUnitedStates,I shallstandthereas therepresentativeof theprinciples and interests of myState,so faras I can understand them, if necessary, and in the pursuitof theseobjects,I shouldnot scrupleto differ, On December12,1860,commenting on thestateof withanyadministration."117 the nationalcrisisin the RichmondEnquirer, he alignedVirginia'sinterests withthe deep South.The southernstateshave a "commondestiny,"he said, and the borderslaveholdingstatesshould unite with the gulf statesin a "whosepopulationwas homogeneous, and whoseinterests were confederation with theirown. Membership, identified he continued,in such an alliance wouldhave the advantagethat"above all, our social system, insteadof being dwarfedand warredupon by the actionof the Government, would receiveall theassistanceand meansof development whichit is properfora Government to renderto thesocietywhichit represents."19 When referring to himselfas a "Southernman,"Huntergave noticethathis primaryconsideration was for the welfareof the South. Southernism tranof thethreattheRepubliscendedall of his otherconcerns, and his conception his actionsthroughout cansposedto slaverymotivated thewintercrisis.Hunter endeavoredto securesouthernindependence, and he was determined to attain thisend withina reconstructed unionor,if thatwerenotpossible,outsidethe Union.He wantedto bindthegulfand borderstatesin a solidfrontand secure constitutional "or guaranteesforslaveryby eitheramendingthe Constitution elsedefining itspresentconstruction as it nowstandswithan assurancethatthe Southernstatesunitein a separategovernment if theirdemandsare not complied with."20 White supremacy, accordingto the prominent southernhistorian, UlrichB. 17 Ambler,Correspondence ofRobert M. T. Hunter,238; Simms,LifeofRobert M. T. Hunter,38. 18Ambler, Correspondence ofRobert M. T. Hunter,345; RichmondEnquirer, Dec. 14, 1860. 19Ambler, Correspondence ofRobert M. T. Hunter,348. 20Hunterto his son,Nov. 22, 1860,HunterPapers. This content downloaded from on Wed, 7 Aug 2013 15:43:10 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions andSecession Southern Moderates 875 In the South,whereover one Phillips,was the basic doctrineof the South.21 to the thirdof the totalpopulationwas blackand regardedas raciallyinferior The peculiar white,slaveryexistedas a formof racecontroland domination. fora distinct the Southand providedthe foundation institution characterized The idea thatthe Southmustremaina "white typeof sectionalidentification. man'scountry" was, in Phillip'sview,"the cardinaltestof a Southerner...."22 Democraticconventionin On August 17, 1860, at the John Breckenridge Charlottesville, Virginia,Hunterdeclared:"Southernmen no longeroccupya attitudeupon thequestionof negroslaveryin thiscountry. Whilst deprecatory theyby no meanspretendthatslaveryis a good conditionof thingsunderany theydo maintainthat,underthe relations circumstances and in all countries, thatthe tworacesstandto each otherhere,it is bestforboththattheinferior shouldbe subjectedto thesuperior."23 Recognizingthe varietyof opinionin Virginiaoverthe issue of secession, to unifyhis stateand prepareit for"Southernindependence" Hunterattempted no diversity. The North withan appeal to popularracialfearswhichtolerated held the answerto resolvingthe alone,he arguedin the RichmondEnquirer, nationalcrisis.Having electeda sectionalpartyfoundedin hostilityto the threatthisaction northerners ignoredtheinherent institution ofAfricanslavery, to the South'sdomesticpeace and tranquility. By closingtheterritopresented riesto slaverythe Republicanswould denytheSouthan outletforits surplus slave population.Thus, the black man "would indeed be 'penned in' and As theslavestates'political 'localized'withintheir[the South's)own borders." would soon emancipation powerdeclinedand theirblackpopulationincreased, South."The dominantpartyin occurwiththeeventuality of a blackdominated the Northlooks to thisobjectas the cardinalprincipleof theirassociation," Hunterasserted."Is thereone of the slaveholdingStates,"he irrationally incursucha risk,withthefateoftheBritish queried,"whichwouldvoluntarily West Indiesbeforetheireyes?"24 forin illuminating Here was themajorthrustof his argument, the,northern The factthatrecent historians haverenewed theprofession's interest in thisideaperhaps demonstrates thecredibility of UlrichB. Phillips'thesis.SeeJamesM. McPherson, "Slavery and Race,"Perspectives in American History, III (1969),460-73. McPherson contends that"whitesupremacy hasbeen... a majortheme 21 in Americanhistory... whereverwhitesand non-whiteshave livedtogetherin largenumbers. Race has been a baleful, brooding presence in American life,plumbing thedepthsofirrationality, violence, anddespair." Ibid.,473. 22Ulrich B. Phillips, "TheCentral ThemeofSouthern History," American Historical Review, XXXIV (Oct. 1928),31. 23Washington NationalIntelligencer, Sept. 4, 1860. Simms claimedthat Hunterbelievedthat slaverywas good forthe blacksand thatemancipationwould presentthe "perplexingproblem"of race adjustment.See alsoSimms, LfeofRobert M. T. Hunter, 116. 24 Ambler, Correspondence ofRobert M. T. Hunter, 345-46. This content downloaded from on Wed, 7 Aug 2013 15:43:10 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 876 TheJournal ofAmerican History aroundthe comto rallypublicsentiment threatto slavery, Hunterattempted mon fearof the Africanrace.By raisingthe specterof eventualemancipation, in unitingVirginiato the cause of the gulf Hunterresortedto racialhysteria states.Althoughmuch of his oppositionto the Republicanpartywas more Hunteremployedit as a meansofconsolidatsophisticated thanthisargument, ingpopularfeelingagainsttheNorth." issue to outlinedin 1857 his viewson the territorial Hunterhad privately SheltonF. Leake.Chattelslaveryderiveditslegal justifiVirginiaCongressman cationfromthe principleof property rights,and to Hunter,the rightto own it was thefederalgovernmeanttherightto own slaves.Furthermore, property ment's constitutional to supportthe citizen'srightto property responsibility Congresscouldnotpreventslavery whereitsauthority was exclusive.Therefore, "unlessit actedupon the assumptionthat fromextendinginto the territories in slavesevenin theStatesthemselves."26 therecouldbe no property Soon afterpublicationof the RichmondEnquirerarticle,Hunterwrotea To preventcivil personalfriendstatinghis positionon thenationalemergency. war,Hunterbelieved,theSouthmustpresenta unitedfrontto theNorthin a He wantedfirstto unite to protectits rightsand institutions. determination Virginiaand thentheborderstates"so thatwe maycarryall intoa unionwith was complete,he had no doubt theCottonStates."Once southernunification a new unionwithsuchguarantees of principle "thatwe mightthenconstruct as anysystem ofpoweras willmakeit as permanent andsucha newdistribution of government can be." In orderto accomplishthis,he affirmed, "we mustnot moveso fastas to leavethemainbodyof ourpeoplebehindus to faceperhaps fromthoseto whichwe arelooking."27 combinations different In defininghis positionon the sectionaldisputeHuntergave paramount to the "constitutional consideration rights"of the South."Southernrights," thedemandforsouthrights"all represented "staterights,"and tconstitutional "I wouldnot desireto breakup this ernindependence and self-determination. to preserveit, "withoutat leastan honesteffort Union,"Huntercommented, and safety withtherights oftheSouth."28The keythento his consistent uponterms unionismlies in whathe meantby the rightsand safetyof the South.If the fortheir"rights"in theUnion,thentheyshould slavestatesreceivedguarantees 25WilliaM W. Freehling,"The EditorialRevolution,Virginia,and the Coming of the War: A Review oftheVirginia XVI (March 1970), 71. In reviewingGeorge H. Reese, Proceedings Essay,"Civil War History, of 1861, February13-May 1 (Richmond, 1965), Freehlingcommentson the diversityof State Convention radical painteda distorted, opinionexistingin Virginiatowardsecession,and how the secedersdeliberately pictureof theRepublicanpartyin orderto unitethe statebehindthedriveforsecession. 26Ambler,Correspondence M. T. Hunter,260. ofRobert 27 Hunterto GeorgeBooker,Dec. 14, 1860,GeorgeBookerPapers(Duke University Library). M. T. Hunter,344,italicsadded. Correspondence ofRobert 28Ambler, This content downloaded from on Wed, 7 Aug 2013 15:43:10 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Southern Moderates andSecession 877 thenthere tryto preserveit. If,however,theydid not receivethisprotection believed"thatthe was littledoubtabout the propercourse.Hunterfervently SouthernStates... ought to standtogether,eitherto preservetheirrights withinthe Union,or ... defendthemwithoutthe Union; forin eithermove He would acquiescein Abraham theywould be able to protectthemselves."29 assurancesforits Lincoln'selectiononly if the South receivedconstitutional Hunterthoughttheslavestatesshoulddemandrested security.30 The guarantees powerin on northern divisionof governmental acceptanceof a reconstructed of the national those transcended whichthe interestsof the statedefinitely authority. to Republicanrulemeant As Hunterviewedthe situationthen,submission assuranceforthe Unlessthe Southreceivedunalterable eventualemancipation. unionwiththeNorthwas impossible. protection ofitsown rightsand security, the only eitherwithinor withoutthe Union,offered Southernindependence, Huntertookhis place solutionto theproblem.His mindfixedon thisobjective, in theSenate. to Respondingto SenatorLazarusW. Powell'srequestfora selectcommittee dealwiththemounting Breckenridge appointeda groupof crisis,Vice-President The SenateCommittee thirteen senatorsto meetunderPowell'schairmanship. of Thirteen'smembership a broadcross-section of the majorfacrepresented joinedhis KentuckycolleaguePowell, tionsin thesectionaldispute.Crittenden Davis whileHunterroundedout theborderstatemen.Mississippi'sJefferson and Georgia'sToombs stood for the deep South; and Douglas of Illinois, and HenryM. Rice of MinnesotarepreWilliam M. Biglerof Pennsylvania, Democrats.Led by WilliamH. Sewardof New York,the sentedthe northern Republicansalso includedJacobCollamerof Vermont,BenjaminF. Wade of Ohio,JamesR. DoolittleofWisconsin,andJamesW. GrimesofIowa.3, thereimmediately Althoughthesesenatorsspoke fora varietyof interests the restof the the a line of between and Republicans demarcation appeared receivedthecommitthatbeforeanyresolution group.Davis securedagreement of Republicansas "one tee'sendorsement it neededthe approvalof a majority class" and a majority Not onlydid of the"otherparties"as the"otherclass."32 thisreducethe chancesformediationby settingapartthe victoriousRepublithoseadvocating cans fromtheirdefeatedopponents,it also servedto identify an imwiththe pro-slavery conciliation of Lincoln.Consequently, antagonists 29Ibid., 345. 30Hunterto Booker,Dec. 14, 1860,BookerPapers. 31"Report of the Committeeof Thirteen,"Reports oftheCommittee oftheSenate oftheUnited States, 36th Cong.,2nd Sess.,No. 288 (serial.1090),1. 32Ibid.,2. This content downloaded from on Wed, 7 Aug 2013 15:43:10 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 878 TheJournal ofAmerican History thefruits of refusedto sacrifice passedevelopedin whichone groupadamantly in thefaceof demandsfromthoseequallydetermined to deny politicalvictory themtheirrewards.33 The Committee ofThirteenmetthroughtheweekof December21,without Davis and Toombs introduced proposalsforamending breakingthe stalemate. in theirdetermination theConstitution whileHunterremainedsilent.Inflexible rightson the restof the of property to imposethe South'sunique definition stoodas solidlyin favorof the territorial nation,the "SouthernTriumvirate" opposedit.34 expansionofslaveryas thefiveRepublicansrigidly Toombs on theirviews of the legalityof chattelproperty, Concentrating posforslaverywhereverthe centralgovernment wantednationalprotection andDavis calledforitsequalizationwiththerights sessedexclusivejurisdiction, of federally They insistedthatslaverybe advanced recognizedreal property.3" in a federalsystemto tolerated as a state-defined private property fromits status a federally formofproperty. defined theMissouri arguedforreestablishing Duringthesesamedebates,Crittenden betweenfreeand slaveareas;and Rice suggested Compromiseas theboundary intofreeand slavestates.Douglas also submitted equallydividingtheterritories a his ideasof popularsovereignty as well as introducing a planwhichreiterated to AfricaandLatinAmerica.Everyone racistschemeofforcedblackemigration The southbut Hunter,Davis, and ToombsvotedfortheDouglas proposal.37 ernerswantedrecognition of heretofore sectionalrightsratherthan exclusively elimination of blacksfromthe country. Aftersevendaysof futiledeliberation the committeeadjournedwith the candidadmissionof its inabilityto agree uponanygeneralplanofadjustment."38 Hunter'sreticencein the debate stemmedfromhis primarydesirefor a reconstructed federalunion. Althoughdeeplyconcernedabout the territorial issueofslavery, theterritories to themaineffort forwhichhe remained ancillary struggled.Hunterwould never be satisfieduntil the South held exclusive controloverherown interests, he wroteto GeorgeBooker:"If we can accomplish this union of the SouthernStatesin a peaceablemannerwe should 33Harold M. Hyman maintainsthat the Republican's"constitutional positionwas so much in harmony accountof the efforts to separatethem." For an interesting with the nation'sneeds as to renderirrelevant compromiseissue,see Harold M. Hyman,"The NarrowEscape froma 'Compromiseof 1860': Secessionand and Reform: Harold M. Hymanand LeonardW. Levy,eds.,Freedom the Constitution," Essaysin HonorofHenry SteeleCommager (New York,1967). 34"Reportof the Committeeof Thirteen,"1-18.Because of theirdevotionto southernism, Jefferson Davis, RobertToombs, and Hunterwere knownas the "SouthernTriumvirate." MarthaT. Hunter,A Memoirof M. T. Hunter(Washington,1903),67. Robert 35"Report of theCommitteeof Thirteen,"2-3. 9. 36Ibid., 37Ibid,16-17. 38Ibid.,18. This content downloaded from on Wed, 7 Aug 2013 15:43:10 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions andSecession Southern Moderates 879 the positionof greatest probablyaccomplishall thatwe desire..... 9 Offering the only means of strengthfor theircause, a southernunion represented southernrights.He recognizedthe dangerof civil war in such a protecting course,yetonlycounseledcautionto thosetakingthelead. Believing"we must withtheidea ofcomprohimself riskall to pursueall," Hunterneverconcerned mise.40 to establishthelegalityof attempt On January 2, 1861,Huntermadehis first He offeredin the Senatea resolutionrequiringthe southernindependence. over"forts, magazines,arsenals, all authority to "retrocede" government federal and otherneedfulbuildings,"to theindividualstatesupon request dock-yards, fromtheirlegislatures.41The states,he reasoned,only ceded controlof this forso longas theyremainedin theUnion. to thefederalgovernment property thereasonsfortheseinstallaOnce thestatessecededfromtheUnion,however, In tionsto remainin federalhandsvanished,exceptas a threatto theirsecurity. to thesecededstates,thenationalgovernofthisproperty jurisdiction returning betweentwo "indepenremoveda serious"bone of contention" mentthereby dent"people.42 In legalizingthe docThe implicationin this suggestionwas momentous. trineof secession,Hunterplacedhimselfon recordas opposingfederalgovernthatthe Union coulddo nothingexceptwatch in effect, ment.He contended, spoke itselfdisintegrate. Aftera monthof publicsilenceon thecrisishe finally he addedfuel theflamesofextremism out,butinsteadofworkingto extinguish to thefire. in theCommittee ofThirteen The Republicans'refusalto acceptcompromise did not forcethisposition;he had acceptedit priorto his arrivalin Washingof his son of the righteousness ton. In Novemberhe alreadyhad informed secession.He wouldnotpreventthegulfstatesfromleavingtheUnionbecause and [saw) muchgroundto fear he "sympathize[d]with theirapprehensions further assaults."43 silence"on the Noting Hunter'ssuddenemergencefromhis "protracted Washington theeditorof theconservative of thecountry," "presentconditions commentedthatif "he has no plan to suggestfor the NationalIntelligencer of the Union,it is somethingto knowthat... he is willing,in preservation a dissolution compliancewiththemerelegislativevoteofanystate,to facilitate "thathe wouldfavor oftheUnion...."4""We had hoped,"theeditorlamented, 39Hunterto Booker,Dec. 14, 1860,BookerPapers. 40Ibid. 36thCong.,2nd Sess.,69 (Jan.2, 1861). oftheSenate, 42Cong.Globe,36thCong.,2nd Sess.,Pt. 1, p. 331 (Jan.2, 1861). 43Hunterto his son,Nov. 22, 1860,HunterPapers. Jan.4, 1861. Intelligencer, National 44Washington 41Jou4al This content downloaded from on Wed, 7 Aug 2013 15:43:10 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 880 TheJournal ofAmerican History the countrywith such sage counselsas we have been taughtto expectat his hands,and as wouldbe adaptedto meettheemergencies of thecrisis...." The of federalpoliticswe can editorfurther statedthat"in our long observation recallno measurewhich ... is calculatedto strikea morefatalblow at the ofanything likefederative stability government."4' On January11, Hunteraddressedthe Senatein behalfof his resolution. Duringthecourseof his speechhe outlineda revolutionary plan foradjusting "the differences betweenthe two social systems."46 Convincedthatthe "old Union"diedwhenSouthCarolinaseceded,Hunterproposedtheconstruction of "new Union." In his view the propositions a morepermanentand efficient in the Committeeof Thirteenfocusedon onlya partof the vital introduced questionoftheterritorial rightsof slavery.He insistedthatto "maketheSouth secure... somepoweroughtto be givenit to protectitsrightsin theUnionsomevetopowerin the system, whichwouldenableit to preventit fromever to itsattackanddestruction."14 beingperverted Resolvingthesectionalturmoilwas possibleonlywiththepermanent establishmentofgovernmental powerin sectionalhands.Employingthelogicof his mentor, Calhoun,Hunterarguedthatit was necessary to createa dualexecutive with one from the Northand another formof government, presidentcoming withequal powerfromthe South.Each section,he asserted,would be armed withthepowerto veto all foreignand nationalpolicydecisions,whileneither presidentcould appointofficialsto servein the other sectionwithoutthe consentof thatsection'spresidentor an affirmative vote of a majorityof its senators.48 On thematterof secessionhe statedthatif a statewantedto secede thena convention ofstatesin itssectionwouldmeetto decideitsreason-ifjust causeexiststhenit maysecede. Shouldtheysay,however, thatno goodcauseexisted, thenthemoralforceofsucha onthepartofconfederates ofthosewhoareboundtothecomplaining Stateby decision, it from identical andhomogeneous wouldprevent theclaimany interests, prosecuting further.49 With thesepoliticalguarantees, Huntermaintained, each sectionwouldhave thepowerto preventsubversion by theothersection.It was a fantastic scheme, A crisis. and it his answer to the basedon distrust suspicion,but represented of theUnionwhiledemanding thecreation solutionrecognizing thedissolution forreunionleftlittleroomforcomproofnewpoliticalbondsas theconditions mise.The Northhad to acceptunionon southern termsor therecould be no 45Ibid., Jan.9, 1861. 46Cong. Globe, 36thCong.,2nd Sess.,Pt. 1, p. 330 (Jan.2, 1861). 47Ibid.,329. 48Ibid.,329-30. 49Ibid., 330. This content downloaded from on Wed, 7 Aug 2013 15:43:10 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Southern Moderates andSecession 881 Union.In the extremelanguageof a fire-eater, Huntercomparedthe southern forfreedom determination to thatoftheDutchwhopreferred "deathin anyand to suchoppression everyformratherthansubmission and tyranny.""0 On January14, the Senatevoted27-24againstHunter'sretrocession resolution,givinghis dual executiveplan scantattention." Two dayslaterSenator Daniel Clarkof New Hampshireproposeda resolution striking at theheartof southern"unionism."Statingthatno constitutional changeswere neededin preserving theUnion,Clarkaffirmed thatall thatwas necessary to maintainthe peacewas to obeythelaw "ratherthandemanding newguarantees forparticular interests, compromiseforparticular difficulties or concessionsto unreasonable was beginningto reactto the extreme demands.""2Congressionalsentiment ofsouthern suggestions "moderates." Respondingto thesedevelopments Hunterjoinedseveralofhis congressional colleaguesin issuinga publicwarningto thepeopleof Virginia.Theyblamed the Republicansforthe entirecrisisand informed of the theirconstituents of lookingto Congress"foranymeasuresof conciliation or adjustment futility whichyoucouldaccept."The onlymeansofaverting civilwar,theyconcluded, was in a unified in defenseofsouthern displayof solidarity rights."In a letterto hiswifeonJanuary Hunter "I in trust Providence as offering stated: 25, putmy theonlyhopenow.",' Throughtheremaining monthsof theThirty-sixth Congress,Huntercontinued to laborfor"the cause of the South."",At the requestof William Henry Trescot,actingsecretary of state,Hunterconferred withPresident JamesBuchananon themilitary evacuationof FortSumter.DisappointedwithBuchanan's stand,Hunterinformed Trescotof thehopelessness of the situation. "The he said,"has changedhis groundand will maintainit to the last President," extremity. Telegraphyour people [South Carolina] to sink vessels in the entrance oftheharbourimmediately. Theyhaveno timeto lose.""6 On January19,Hunterresignedas chairman of theSenateFinanceCommittee to freehimself"froma greatdeal of routinework." It was "quite an his wife,"whenthe secedingmemberswithscene,"he informed [affecting?) fromtheFinanceCommitdrewfromtheSenate"on thesamedayhe withdrew In refusing tee.57 to leave Congress,however,Hunterdeclaredthathis services 332. 501bid., 5 Journal oftheSenate,36thCong.,2nd Sess.,94. SenatorJohn J. Crittenden opposedHunter'sresolution. 52Ibid.,107. Motionto discussSenatorDaniel Clark'sproposalpassedby a voteof25 to 23. 53RichmondEnquirer, Jan.25, 1861. 54Hunter to his wife,Jan.25, 1861,HunterPapers. 55RichmondExaminer, March25, 1861. 56William Henry Trescotto Howell Cobb, Jan. 14, 1861, Ulrich B. Phillips,ed., Annual Reportof the American Historical Association fortheYear1911:Correspondence ofRobert Toombs, HowellCobbandAlexander Stephens (2 vols.,Washington;1913), II, 530. 57Hunter to his wife,Jan. 22, 1861,HunterPapers. This content downloaded from on Wed, 7 Aug 2013 15:43:10 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 882 ofAmerican History TheJournal wererequiredin the Senate,for"the unionof the Southis the eventwhich With all hope fora recon[will?) do mostforour happinessand security."58 daysas a UnitedStatessenator structed uniongone,Hunterspenthis remaining indepenin an attemptto uniteVirginiaopinionbehindthedriveforsouthern dence.59 wereelectedto decide On February 4, delegatesto the Virginiaconvention on the issue of secession.Three days later,CharlesA. Russell of Wheeling, Virginia,analyzedtheelectionresultsforHunter.Notingthatthevoteshowed to secession,"Russelladdedthat"iftheNorthcontinues no "stronginclination guarantees-IftheGulfStatesremainout-And ifVirginia to denyall effective ... is compelledto choose betweena Northernand a Southernconfederacy areso conducted whatcan Virginiado?" He thenadvisedHunterthatif"affairs that the people will clearlyunderstandthe issues, the decisioncannotbe doubtful." George Bookerthat the The followingday,February8, Hunterinformed beforethem."The "StatesRightsmenhave[never?)had so [many?)difficulties to "oughtto havebeenfoughtwithreference he lamented, secessionmovement, reconstruction .. . becausewe could have unitedVirginiaon thatground.""If theremighthave been a redistributhe borderstateshad gone out promptly thereis "moredangerahead of us in our own state tion,"now,he continued, thanis supposed."It was Hunter'sbeliefthatVirginiacouldpreventcivilwarif she immediately "unite[d) her [destiny?)to her sisterslave states."He was thatthe Virginiaconvention would"be composedof ... menwho optimistic Convincedthat will secedeif theydo notget guarantees"forsouthern rights.61 reconstruction was hopeless,andcertainthatthecottonstateswerepermanently stateopinionin out of the Union,Hunterdevotedhis energiesto influencing favorof secession.62 he refusedto approveanyproposedsolution Consequently fortheSouth. to thenationalcrisiswhichdidnotguaranteesovereignty and on March1, 1861,in his last Compromise, He rejectedthe Crittenden Senate speech,Hunterelaboratedon what he regardedas the fundamental The Dred Scottdecision,he resolutions.63 weaknessof the Peace Conference declared, gave southernstatestheright"to carrytheirslavesintoanyTerritory of the United States."This proposal"excludesthem; it puts the Wilmot 58Ibid.,Jan.26, 1861. fora stateconvention"to take the 590n January15, 1861,GovernorJohn Letcherissued a proclamation senseof the qualifiedvotersas to whetherany actionof said conventiondissolvingour connectionwiththe or FederalUnion, or changingthe organiclaw of the state,shall be submittedto the people forratification ix. Virginianswerenot unitedbehind oftheVirginiaStateConvention, rejection."Reese, quoted in Proceedings See Freehling,"The EditorialRevolution." thesecessionists' driveforsouthernindependence. 60Charles W. Russellto Hunter,Feb. 7, 1861,HunterPapers. 61Hunterto Booker,Feb. 8, 1861,BookerPapers.See also RichmondEnquirer, Feb. 22, 1861. StatesCapital(2 vols., New York, 1935), I, 62JohnB. Jones,A RebelWar Clerk'sDiary: At theConfederate Movement in Virginia,184. 32; Shanks,Secession 63 Cong.Globe,36th Cong., 2nd Sess., Pt. 2, pp. 1305-09(March 1, 1862). At the requestof the Virginia GeneralAssemblya Peace Conferenceamongthe severalstateswas convenedin Washingtonon February4, This content downloaded from on Wed, 7 Aug 2013 15:43:10 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Southern Moderates andSecession 883 Provisoon all territory northof 360 30'; and southof360 30' it givesthemthe privilegeof anotherlawsuit,in orderto trytheirrightand titleto enterthe territory with theirslaves."Republicanjudges,he surmised,"who are to be appointedfroma party,and by a partywho believe that therecannotbe chattel propertyin man" would jeopardizeslavery'sexistence.Interpreting so of Hunter reasoned that long slaveryas a basic southern right realproperty, as humanbondageremainedoutsidethe supremelaw of thenationits legality Hunterconcludedhis would be subjectedto the discretionof the judiciary.," of eventualemancipafinalappeal forVirginiaunityby raisingthe apparition tion.65Solelyconcerned withattainingnationalacquiescenceto a statedefined property right,he talkedof sectionalequalitywhileworkingforthe superiority he of southerninstitutions. Promisesnot to molestslaverywereinsufficient; and its approvalof the institution requiredthatthe Republicanpartyaffirm on theeventsof thepastwinter, guaranteeto supportitsexpansion.Reflecting it starsthat Huntercommented that "was writtenlong ago in the everlasting the Southwould be drivenout of the Union by the North."' In lightof his Hunter'sconclusions refusalto respectthe principlesof federalgovernment, wereominously self-serving. ofCongress, One weekpriorto theadjournment HunterleftWashingtonfor his home in Essex County.67 On April 17, Virginiasecededfromthe United to the States.Two weekslaterHunterwas electedas Virginia'sdelegate-at-large Alabama,where,on July25, 1861,he Confederate Congressin Montgomery, succeededToombsas secretary ofstate.i8 During the wintercrisisof 1860-1861,Hunterissueda demandforreconstruction ratherthancompromise. His termsforresolvingthesectionaldispute forhis proslavery viewscompelledhim wereneithermoderatenorconciliatory, to demandthe dissolutionof the Union in behalfof southernrights.His idea thatsecessionwas legal and coercionillegal deniedthe nationthe powerto defenditselfin the face of total destruction, while his proposalfora dual executiveseverely theprinciples offederal government. Remaining undermined silentthroughthe firstmonthof debate,Hunterfeltthe Southneededpermanent governmental and compromise,for adjustments power,not territorial 1861. Adoptinga modifiedversionof the CrittendenCompromise,the Conferencesubmitteda reportto Congresswhereit was rejected.Ibid.,1402-05.See also JesseL. Keene, The PeaceConvention of 1861 (Tuscaloosa, 1961), 112-15. 64 Cong.Globe, 36thCong.,2nd Sess.,Pt. 2, p. 1307. 65Ibid.,1305-09. 66Mrs. RogerA. [Sara AgnusI Pryor, Reminiscences ofPeaceand War(New York, 1905), 124. Examiner, March25, 1861. 67Richmond 68GeorgeH. Reese, ed., Proceedings of the VirginiaStateConvention of 1861, April 16-May1 (Richmond, 1965),598-600. This content downloaded from on Wed, 7 Aug 2013 15:43:10 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 884 TheJournal ofAmerican History protectingits rights.When hope was gone for a reconstructed union, he remainedin the Senate to work for southernunity.As a "Southernman," RobertM. T. Huntercould see no further thanthe sectionalinterests of the South. This content downloaded from on Wed, 7 Aug 2013 15:43:10 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions

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