question archive Assignment #4: (1) Using the Marketing tactics section of the marketing plan below and on p

Assignment #4: (1) Using the Marketing tactics section of the marketing plan below and on p

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Assignment #4: (1) Using the Marketing tactics section of the marketing plan below and on p. 56 in our textbook, thoroughly outline and describe the marketing mix (4-Ps) needed to successfully implement your global business venture. You will find detailed information about each of the 4-Ps in Chapters 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, and 22. NOTE: The first section of each written assignment should briefly overview the topic. A reader should be able to understand the detailed content that comprises the majority of each paper without having to read the other papers. However, your Introduction section should not be longer than two or three paragraphs summarizing the business venture enough so the remaining report (i.e., the majority of the content for that particular assignment) makes sense to the reader. 1 Running head: ONEPLUS TECHNOLOGIES OnePlus Technologies Name Institutional Affiliation ONEPLUS TECHNOLOGIES 1 OnePlus Technologies Assignment One The United States forms a big market for innovative technological products. When products perform well in the United States market, it is almost guaranteed that the technological product will perform well almost anywhere else. Therefore, establishing a foothold on the American market is the goal of almost every technology company that seeks to globalize, despite the amazing full set of technology companies that have been birthed in the nation. Many companies have a mission to make an entry into the American market. One plus technologies is a relatively new Chinese phone company that focuses on developing mobile phones, which many people around the world could use—their focus is to enter the American market and compete with traditional powerhouses that do well in America. Such companies include Apple and Samsung, who hold the biggest market share in the smartphone category for phones released in America's United States. Competing with such gigantic companies is not an easy task and would require full strategic planning and organization. However, the American market is long treated as a place where people are eager about new technologies. Proper planning and deliverance of quality would more than rightly develop a method in which people favor OnePlus technology devices. The phones are android devices that are required to compete in a similar space with Apple and Samsung. However, it might be more systematic in developing a unique niche that the phone could first serve before targeting going mainstream. The purpose of such a method is so that the market growth and capitalization process is not treated as a goal that should be developed suddenly. Market domination is a ONEPLUS TECHNOLOGIES 2 process that should happen gradually. Progress should be consistent, and unless something which is not accounted for happens drastically, there should be a trajectory in which the market development patterns should happen. The United States' importance as the central mark for western culture would explain its target market. Successful growth in the United States could also translate to successful growth in other regions of the world. Trends that originate from the nation are seen across the globe. If the phone can be successful in the American market, it might have higher chances of doing better in almost every other region. Evidence of this is reflected in how much their cultural components, such as films and music, are seen from the world over. Therefore with the nation being the cultural hub for the world and particularly the western world, having a successful product launch might translate to a similar outcome in the world. SWOT Analysiss A SWOT analysis evaluates the company to decide what the company is doing right and what it is doing wrong. The analysis helps make conclusions on the internal and external factors which influence the growth of the company. Through the analysis done by evaluating the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the company, it is possible to develop an action framework. The framework will be done after the evaluation of the possibility of success in the foreign market. Strengths OnePlus tech products are cheaper than most of the high-performance devices in the market. Consumers are heavily influenced by the prices of the goods which are offered. Price is an important factor for a consumer who wants to determine whether they should buy particular ONEPLUS TECHNOLOGIES 3 products. Launching a product at a lower price in the bracket competitors are competing for is a strength for OnePlus. Having lower prices without necessarily reducing the products' quality would lead to a situation where the products' sales would increase. Such would offer the company the ability to compete in a market with other traditional legacy brands. OnePlus has some of the best up-to-date mobile technologies on its phones. The company can develop phones with the best modern technologies. Companies can be in a volatile position in the modern technological climate if they cannot use the market's best technologies (Cozzolino et al., 2018). OnePlus has technologies that would make their cameras up to par with some of the smartphone market's best cameras. The company also can utilize the best processors that can be used in their product line. For devices released, they should offer the best technologies to appeal to all sorts of customers. Having such competitive pricing with modern technological features on phones would put the phone in a position to compete with major manufacturers in the United States. Weaknesses The budget of the company is not as big when compared with other companies who offer similar products. The company might need more revenue to be able to carry out advertising and product development. To perform proper market research and create feedback channels requires a lot of investment (Dehgani et al., 2020). Such limitations can hamper the growth of the company. That is a big weakness considering the companies they are competing with within their class. Already established companies have a lot of funds and know-how in product development. A new company undertaking extreme cost to launch their first product is likely not in a position to afford to fail. ONEPLUS TECHNOLOGIES 4 Opportunities The phone's entry into the United States market will likely create a new niche for the smartphone market. Traditionally smartphones sold into the market have been divided up into high-end devices and low-end devices. The introduction of a phone which offers premium specs at a lower price would fill a void in the smartphone niche (Teng & Schwanen, 2020). Such an opening would offer an opportunity for market dominance at a specific level. It would present an opportunity to use target marketing which would be an optimized form of marketing. The range of products and services that will be offered would allow the company to develop a consumer niche. Most of the devices made disregard the enthusiast market. The enthusiasts would marvel at specific attributes of the phone, such as the price to performance ratio. The company is also small enough to take feedback and develop quality products. Developing phones for such a market segment would prove highly rewarding. They are also important in the marketing of the products. The company should not ignore such an important market group. Threats There are external threats that could hamper the progress of the company. The company will face competition from some of the biggest established brands of any industry in the world. Such brands include iPhone, Samsung, and Huawei. The competition from the brands will likely make the company rethink some of the approaches they use. However, the bigger companies have a bureaucratic process, which might hamper them in caring for a specific market domain. Goals and Success Metric ONEPLUS TECHNOLOGIES 5 1. Cooperation with other products OnePlus technologies' goal is to be able to form cooperations with other companies that exist serve people with enthusiastic brands. One of the goals should be to cooperate with JBL, a phone audio accessory supplier that also serves its market with some of the best products for the right prices. Cyanogen is an android ROM manufacturer that would form fruitful partnerships. The two products are enthusiastic centered products. The first phones released in the United States should come with products from the two companies. 2. Use influencers to create buzz and anticipation Enlisting popular tech influencers' services to help create awareness in the United States is the second goal. The videos should get millions of views, and at least 500,000 phones should be preordered to help with the production and distribution process. 3. Sell a million Units The sale from the first product launched should reach a million units in the United States alone. Getting to such figures would be vital and crucial for the development of the business. Achieving the sales target would help with the development of other products by providing money and popularity. Such sales are important in helping with the growth of the company and the achievement of its targets. The success of the company can be evaluated if the company has achieved its sales target. Suppose the product achieves the sales targeted and can exist in its niche, it would be a successful launch. Keeping up with the trend would mean that the company can globalize successfully. More units will be developed to be sold to future markets. Developing products for ONEPLUS TECHNOLOGIES 6 American will propel the company into global recognition making entry into other markets easier and possible. ONEPLUS TECHNOLOGIES 7 Assignment Two Description of the Intended Target Market The phone is targeting a demographic in the American market, which helps increase the product's popularity. The market under target is avid android users. Android market share in the United States is just below 40% and is second only to the iOS market share (Yang et al., 2019). Universally, android has a large market share of more than 70%. Joining the United States market would be vital in helping have universal appeal. The phones will be tailored to people who use the operating system and are android enthusiasts. It will be used to show what can be achieved by using materials that are not expensive. It will be a phone with great features which are value for money. The age of the target demographic will mainly be around the age of 14- 35 years. Extensive market research will make sure the developers what matters most to the specific target demography when they get a phone. When enough information is presented on what people prefer in smartphones, it will be possible to manufacture and create phones specifically tailored for them. However, the product will not be too specialized to discourage other people from using it. Other forms of functionality will be included to make it wholesomely appealing for use by people of different ages. A target marketing approach can ensure that the specific demographic required is accessed and is aware of the product (Choong et al., 2021). The phone will also be specialized to appeal to people of all genders. One way of making sure that is possible is releasing different phone variations that people from all demographics can access. Such variations might include different colors for a specific phone model. The different models should be designed with customer feedback specific design. Using such methods to make ONEPLUS TECHNOLOGIES 8 sure that the phones in the lineup are not similar helps create a wider fanbase for the product. People from all walks of life can be attracted to the product. End-User The product user will be someone who wants to get premium features from a phone without having to spend ludicrous amounts of money. Mobile phones are an integral part of everyday life. They are no longer tools for just making calls. They have evolved to complex gadgets vital to every cultural fiber of a person's life. In almost every aspect of society or culture, there has to be a phone. Modern-day smartphones have the full multimedia capability, something that very few people could have predicted a generation ago. Phones can take videos and pictures, share videos and pictures and also store them. Adding internet access to the device has made them very reliable. The internet speed and service found in the devices are as great as any service found anywhere else. In today's world, mobile devices are pushing the limits of internet connectivity with 5G technology (Oughton et al., 2021). Such innovation makes mobile phones more than just devices that can be used to make phone calls. The OnePlus end user should experience the best of the stated features at a price that should be competitive with other brands offering similar products and services. The devices should have the best multimedia features to compete with other high-end devices in the market. The camera and size of storage should be as good as any other phone on the market. The processor should be as fast as or faster than most of the other contemporaries. Making sure the device offers premium features to consumers is the goal of the business. The consumers should feel the device was made for them. ONEPLUS TECHNOLOGIES 9 Mobile phone end-users should also experience the best of the software and hardware capabilities. With software developers continually releasing games that push most devices' hardware and software capabilities, it will be paramount that the device can keep up. Since the device targets people from the age of 14- 35, it is only sensible to assume that people would like to game on the device. Having a device that offers such capabilities to the end-user would be beneficial and put the company in a good position to compete. Mobile gamers are a continuously ignored group of people, and with the prices of high-end devices getting high, the demographic must be addressed with a device within their niche. Business to Business Supply Chain Necessary For an upcoming business connecting to the market for the sale of a product might prove to be a difficult endeavor. It is important to engage in a company's services that can help sustainably distribute the product. Such a company would be essential in making more sales and would help the company focus more on another side of the business, mainly production. The company can also offer better advantages when it pertains to important feedback for market research analytics. Oneplus business will engage in other business, which will provide a better network for the supply side in America. Such companies that can buy the product directly or share the product when they sell include major distribution chains such as Amazon and Walmart. Such companies can help with distribution to a large extent. Such companies would offer the best business-to-business supply chain in the future when the products from the company are released on a large enough scale (Cafaggi & Iamiceli, 2018). Having a ready distributor also helps when it pertains to making products on a large scale. ONEPLUS TECHNOLOGIES 10 How Venture will go Global One way people are influenced when it pertains to the product to buy is through culture. Enculturation can happen even regarding products where people desire certain products to signify a certain life way. The United States is an important nation and can be treated as an epicenter for every culture and technological endeavor which finds global appeal. If the product finds good footing in America, it would be possible to market or distribute it to other parts of the world. Making a product go global is not such a daunting task when it has a strong footing in America. The company will use direct exporting to conduct sales of the products in other regions. Direct exporting offers advantages, such as the business can sell the products to the customers directly without using a middle man. Having a direct export business is helpful when it pertains to selling the product to overseas markets. However, other methods can be applied after the initial stage of exporting becomes successful. The company might employ the methods of acquisition to operate the business in some regions. Such a method requires buying companies that show promise and transforming them to deal with OnePlus products. Segmentation Variables One of the main ways the company will segment the demographic is through the use of age. By grouping people by age, it is possible to target the desired demographic for the product. OnePlus devices are suitable for people who are between the ages of 14-35. The demographic is the group of people who are regularly engaged with their phones, and they would like a device that they feel they can use without challenges or complications. The variable of age will be important for marketing and variable recognition. ONEPLUS TECHNOLOGIES 11 The company does not plan to segregate its market by gender, but gender will be an important factor in creating a device variation. Using gender to create a variation of a device is critical and important for the growth of the business and the market's development to cater to the demographic. Some design features can be found to appeal to certain gender after extensive market research. Conducting market research to come up with devices that might be suitable for each gender is important. Such designs might include the favorable display to use, the color of the back, and the accessories to include so that buyers can be enticed. ONEPLUS TECHNOLOGIES 12 Assignment Three Process of the Global Business Venture Development The business idea was generated when it was observed that there had been a trend in smartphones having polarizing prices. Cheap phones were getting cheaper and expensive flagships were getting more expensive. The idea was to create a mid-range phone that offers the functionality and capability of the expensive flagships while compromising the features that the public was not happy or enthusiastic about. The product was made to survive in its niche without having many competitors. The idea was screened through an intensive research and development project. Through research and development, it was established that it is feasible to create a cost-intensive phone and offer high-end phones' features. Product development would be made possible, making the idea worthwhile. A sample of consumers was willing to be engaged in the project and try out the product to ensure that they offered similar functionality to high-end phones. The feedback showed that the majority of the demographic was satisfied with the result of the product. One of the best ways to market technological devices is to show the world's level of innovation and get as many people interested. The method proposed was through using popular social media influencers who people tune in to get consumer advice for their products. It was possible to create a buzz for the product. Social media influencers were given the product samples to sample, and then they could give their unbiased feedback on the platform. Using popular social media should create an interest in the product and make people want to acquire it when it goes into the market. ONEPLUS TECHNOLOGIES 13 The business can make about a million initial devices. Preorders can be done by paying a discounted deposit which would provide the business with more than enough capital to see through the production process. Preorder payments are vital in helping raise funds for production (Brown et al., 2017). Preorders are a way of making sure that the business has enough revenue to complete other essential functions of the company, including supply and marketing. To make sure the product can perform to high-end device capabilities, a modern processor chip is used in the device. Modern camera technology will be employed to help come up with clearer photos. With product sales meeting expectations, renegotiation can be heard with suppliers of the technology to increase the supply of peripheral devices and more of the raw technology required for production. With a greater share in the capital, the bargaining power improves, and we can get the products at a fair price. As the commercialization of the process becomes more successful, the developers have more feedback on the variation of more successful phones. Market sales offer precious feedback which can be used as data for market research. It can also be used to develop policies that would better suit the global market. Positioning of the Global Business Venture The business will be positioned as a company that offers high-end services at the midrange segment price. People who want to get the phones with high-end phones but are hindered by the price can prefer the OnePlus phones. The phones fill a segment that has been created by the price polarization of low-end smartphones and high-end smartphones. A case example of the most popular phone in the United States can keep the price change in context. In 2010, the highend variant of the iPhone 4 was released for just $300 (Maartens & Maalej, 2019). About ten ONEPLUS TECHNOLOGIES 14 years later, the new iPhone retails' high-end variant at more than $1,100. The price change is staggering. A vacuum is created where device prices in the middle should exist. One Plus was created to not only exist in that segment but own the segment. Marketing Strategies Needed to Grow The product will use a marketing strategy that will make use of a positive user experience to convince others to adopt the device. The marketing strategy will be to create a core group of fans who will be able to create an interest in the product by convincing others how good the product is. Such a form of marketing requires the quality of the product to be impressive. When the product has impressive qualities, it will be easier for others to help do the marketing. Word of mouth marketing strategy can be vital in business marketing (Zhang et al., 2019). The beginning of the core group of enthusiasts will be acquired by convincing tech journalists and influential technology media personalities. If the core group of people whose lives revolve around technology provides a better word for the product, it will be easier to reach the market impactfully. Creating a core group of brand enthusiasts too who the product will cater to provides the technology the ability to stand through a critical process when it might be morphing or changing operations. The devices should be built with modern technology, and they should also be able to offer services reminiscent of high-end phones for the marketing strategies to work. Product Life Cycle Theory The product life cycle theory refers to how a product is introduced to the market until the product is removed from the shelf. The product life cycle is characterized by four stages, with the ONEPLUS TECHNOLOGIES 15 first stage being the introduction, the second stage is growth, the third stage is maturity, and the final stage is decline. The American market product's initial stage might be characterized by respectable sales, which are enough to keep the company afloat and our developers with more freedom to prospect on future line ups. The feedback provided by the sales and customers at the stage provides the company with enough understanding to know the direction they should take when dealing with future products. The second stage would the growth. In this stage, the company can gain a footing in the market, developing more consumers for their initial line or released products. Through this stage, core enthusiasts of the product can be catered for, and diversification of phones' features can start happening. Phones can be released with different storage capacities, have different sized displays, and come in a wider range of colors. The cost of developing a phone for each customer will be cheaper than at the introduction stage, making it possible to invest more of the money in product development and growth. The third stage is maturity, where the product becomes more familiar and reaches its core peak. The average cost of producing a device for a customer becomes lower. The profits reach the highest level. The stage will require having to defend the market share. The stage would require the company to solidify its presence in the market. The stage will also be characterized by declining sales of the company and their major products. The final stage of a product development cycle is the decline. During this stage, the product's popularity and sales begin to decline from what they were used to being. The stage would require some adjustments to make sure that the company can hold up. One way to ensure ONEPLUS TECHNOLOGIES it survives through such a period is to make sure products that are not selling are phased out of production, leaving only profitable products. 16 ONEPLUS TECHNOLOGIES 17 References Brown, T. E., Boon, E., & Pitt, L. F. (2017). Seeking funding in order to sell: Crowdfunding as a marketing tool. Business Horizons, 60(2), 189-195. Cafaggi, F., & Iamiceli, P. (2018). Unfair trading practices in the business-to-business retail supply chain: An overview on EU Member States legislation and enforcement mechanisms. JRC Working Papers, (JRC112654). Choong, K., Drennan, J., Weeks, C. S., & Weber, I. (2021). Reaching subculture markets: The cryptic marketing approach. Journal of Marketing Communications, 27(2), 160-175. Cozzolino, A., Verona, G., & Rothaermel, F. T. (2018). Unpacking the disruption process: New technology, business models, and incumbent adaptation. Journal of Management Studies, 55(7), 1166-1202. Dehghani, M., Abubakar, A. M., & Pashna, M. (2020). Market-driven management of start-ups: The case of wearable technology. Applied computing and informatics. Oughton, E. J., Lehr, W., Katsaros, K., Selinis, I., Bubley, D., & Kusuma, J. (2021). Revisiting wireless internet connectivity: 5G vs Wi-Fi 6. Telecommunications Policy, 45(5), 102127. Teng, N., & Schwanen, T. (2020). Competition and the Rapid Scaling of Niche Innovations: The Case of Southeast Asia's Ride-Hailing Industry (2012–2019). Available at SSRN 3710731. ONEPLUS TECHNOLOGIES 18 Yang, D., Sonmez, M., Gonzalez, M., Liu, Y., & Yoder, C. Y. (2019). Consumer-based brand equity and consumer-based brand performance: evidence from smartphone brands in the USA. Journal of Brand Management, 26(6), 717-732. Zhang, T., Li, P., Yang, L. X., Yang, X., Tang, Y. Y., & Wu, Y. (2019). A discount strategy in word-of-mouth marketing. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 74, 167-179. Running head: CHICK-FIL-A INVESTS IN A FOREIGN MARKET CHICK-FIL-A INVESTS IN A FOREIGN MARKET: EXPANDING TO INDIA CHICK-FIL-A, INVESTS IN A FOREIGN MARKET 1 Executive Summary Chick-fil-A, a well-known company in the United States (U.S.) is changing the standard perception of quality and service in the fast food industry. This market study focuses on Chickfil-A expanding beyond its borders to a third country, entering the global market of the untapped potential of India’s consumers. The introduction will give a brief history on Chick-fil-A and company overview. The major’s factors for going global are discussed to penetrate the market and further cultural understanding. A situation analysis will be made to help define the market. Management will have a big focus on marketing strategy and tactics to be a successful in the new market. Combining all the research gathered, Chick-fil-A management team will determine the financial projections for the upcoming year. The implementation controls will give an overall review of management goals and performance in order to maintain a competitive advantage in the Indian market. CHICK-FIL-A, INVESTS IN A FOREIGN MARKET 2 Introduction Opened by Truett Cathy in 1946 as the Dwarf Grill in Atlanta Georgia, in 2018 Chick-fil-A, Inc. has grown to become a possible global competitor (“This Is How It Started”, 2018). The idea of moving to the global market arised all due to the success it has experienced in its current markets, the United States and Canada. A company overview allows an introduction to the history and possibilities Chick-fil-A have in India. Franchising is the perfect entry strategy into the market by examining cultural aspects of India. By opening restaurants in Chennai and Kerala, the company will enter urban markets with strong Christian values, similar to those in the U.S.. Although Chick-fil-A has no true mission or vision, the company asks “To glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us. To have a positive influence on all who come in contact with Chick-fil-A.” (“This Is How It Started”, 2018). An analysis of the macro environment aid in defining the market size and growth possibilities. The product offering and distribution depends on the competition in the market, especially other fast food restaurants in India, such as like McDonald's and Burger King (Tandon, 2017). The market strategy focuses on the marketing and financial objectives with the purpose based on Indian values. This will aid in the setup of the marketing and positioning of Chick-fil-A in the Indian Market. Situational Analysis Chick-fil-A is a Georgia-rooted fast food restaurant chain specialized in chicken sandwiches. Chick-fil-A started as a family business; however, after 72 years, the chain has reached 49 states with more than 2,200 restaurants and has successfully maintained 51 years of continuous growth (“This Is How It Started”, 2018). Even though, the U.S. market is still full of potential for further expansion space for expansion, Chick-fil-A is looking for opportunities CHICK-FIL-A, INVESTS IN A FOREIGN MARKET 3 internationally. Large numbers of potential customers in developing countries offer opportunities to increase revenues and to gain international recognition. Competition among U.S. fast food chains have always been fierce, as consumers are offered with a wide variety of options from various fast food providers to convenience stores or superstores options that focus on consumers’ convenience and trending lifestyle of health-consciousness. As a result, international expansion will be a good way for Chick-fil-A to serve international customers and gain market share. Market Summary Chick-fil-A’s consumer segments consist of middle-class and upper-class families with children. Besides tasty, fresh food, the company takes pride in providing customers with convenience and family-friendly environment, which makes it different from other fast food chains. The operations are based on biblical principles and values, are another characteristic that makes Chick-fil-A stand out among its competitors. Religious beliefs are also the reason the restaurants are closed on Sunday. In case of breaking this rule, the franchisees risk having their contract terminated (Schmall, 2007). Based on such values, Chick-fil-A has been able to establish a loyal and reliable employee body, that makes up the friendly and cozy Chick-fil-A presented today. In order to tap into global markets, Chick-fil-A is currently under work to open the first three locations in Toronto, Canada in 2019. The goal is to open at least 15 more restaurants in the area over the next 5 years (Tobin, 2018). Besides Canada, Chick-fil-A is also considering expanding its operation to a developing market, India specifically, as the country possesses the economic and demographic potential for the company to reach and serve. As the world’s second most populous nation with 1.21 billion people, India offers accessible financial services and modern technology. There is also a high demand for Western goods, ranging from clothing, CHICK-FIL-A, INVESTS IN A FOREIGN MARKET 4 entertainment, food, to travel (Kotler & Keller, 2016, p.223). According to 2011 India Religion Census, Christianity accounts for around 27.8 million people (2.3% of India’s total population). Through developing communication, promotion strategies, and its core values and beliefs, Chick-fil-A will be able to gain a deeper and meaningful connection with the local consumers. Due to its dynamic population and low trade barriers, India is an attractive and potentially profitable market for Chick-fil-A. The country has become a fast food melting pot for U.S chains, such as McDonald’s, Burger King, KFC, Dunkin Donuts, and Domino’s Pizza. The industry growth rate was expected to double between the period of 2013 to 2016 (Gauba, 2015). According to Nation’s Restaurant News, by 2015, Indian consumers could generate annual sales of $1 million for Yum – the company operating Pizza Hut, KFC, and others, $800 million for McDonald’s, and $80 million for Starbucks. These numbers would make India the hottest growth market for Western quick-service brands (Van Landingham, 2012). In 2018, the Indian fast food market is expected to grow tremendously to a $29 billion industry, including new U.S competitors, such as Great American Cookies, Forever Yogurt, and Quiznos (FRPT – Retail Snapshot, 2014). With growing purchasing power and willingness to indulge, India has proven to be a welcoming market and economy that vigorously adopts global brands. These characteristics create opportunities for Chick-fil-A to not only enter, but also generate profits. The growing middle class in India's urban areas is another foundation for Chick-fil-A to reach and serve the country. By 2025, the Indian middle class is expected to rise to 583 million people, which would make it account for three-quarters of the country’s urbanites (Einhocker, Farrell, & Zainulbhai, 2007). As the economy improves, the consumption budgets of Indian people will improve, leading to more spending on food expenditures. The rise of the middle class CHICK-FIL-A, INVESTS IN A FOREIGN MARKET 5 in India is an opportunity for Chick-fil-A to tap into the demand for a new quick-service brand. However, the growth will attract competition from other multinationals as well. India possesses some significant characteristics that require careful planning and customization. The country has 28 separate states with their own policies, regulations, and different languages. In order to prepare for the market entry, Hofstede’s cultural dimensions can be used to assess and evaluate the differences between the American and Indian cultures. According to Hofstede’s Insights, India experiences a higher level of power distance compared to that of the U.S. Asians countries accept power differences, hierarchical organizational structures, and unequal rights (“What about India?,” n.d.). With the individualism index almost a half smaller than the one of the U.S, India demonstrates a high preference of collectivism, where individuals are expected to act for the greatest good of their loved ones, family, or the society (“What about India?,” n.d.). Marketers must be careful when designing the marketing mix for India, as Indians may make their purchase decisions based on peer pressure, rather than their own opinions. Both the U.S and India score high on masculinity, meaning that the cultures would focus on acquiring success, money, achievements, and material gains (“What about the USA?,” n.d.). Advertising and promotions should be tailored to attract the local CHICK-FIL-A, INVESTS IN A FOREIGN MARKET 6 audience. Low score of 40, on uncertainty avoidance, shows that India can tolerate uncertainty and is willing to adopt innovation and new things (“What about India?,” n.d.). This is a good sign for globalization. Another important aspect that differentiates the two cultures, is indulgence. Contrary to the U.S., India scores only 26, which means the country does not emphasize leisure time and tend to control desires or impulses (“What about India?,” n.d.). With these findings prove, that Indian culture is quite different from U.S. culture. To effectively reach the target market and push sales, Chick-fil-A will have to make numerous accommodations. SWOT Analysis Assessing SWOT analysis is critical the company to come up with feasible strategies for successful market entry and risk management. Chick-fil-A possesses some powerful strengths that can distinguish the firm from competition. However, lack of international experience can be a big weakness. One major opportunity for Chick-fil-A is the rising middle class in developing countries, stirring high demand for Western products and services. Simultaneously, the company experiences increased competition and cultural differences. SWOT Chart: Strengths Weaknesses 1. Strong brand recognition 1. Lack of international experience 2. Attractive menu options 2. High prices 3. Partnerships 3. Lawsuits Opportunities Threats 1. Globalization: oversea market potential expansion 1. Rising Competition 2. Increasing demand for Western products in developing markets 3. Cultural differences 3. Growing consumption of chicken 4. Lower labor and infrastructure costs 2. Changing consumer tastes CHICK-FIL-A, INVESTS IN A FOREIGN MARKET 7 Strengths Among different fast food chains in the U.S., Chick-fil-A was ranked among America’s Favorite Chains by The Consumer in 2016. This was due to the delicious offerings, service quality, and the ambiance of the restaurants. Distinguished customer service and hospitality is the factor that differentiates Chick-fil-A from other service providers (“Chick-fil-A, Inc. SWOT,” 2018). Because of its innovative services that accommodate customers’ busy lifestyles and novel menu items satisfying changing preferences, Chick-fil-A has been able to capture a significant number of supportive brand advocates. In order to meet customers’ taste and reach health-conscious individuals, Chick-fil-A tested spicy Sriracha sauce, superfood salad with kale, and a barbecue sandwich in 2015 (Rush, 2016). Weaknesses Even though the company is well known in the U.S., it has not established any franchise on the global market except for Canada. This can be a major drawback for Chick-fil-A as global expansion requires special sets of skills and strategies to deal with foreign economies, cultures, laws, and regulations. Chick-fil-A’s prices are set higher than those of competitors (“Chick-fil-A, Inc. SWOT,” 2018). The price range prevents the low and lower-middle income classes from accessing Chick-fil-A’s offerings. For example, in order to get a Big Mac meal, a potential consumer must pay only $5.99; however, the price for a sandwich combo at Chick-fil-A goes up to $7.19 (“Chick-fil-A, Inc. SWOT,” 2018). Additionally, McDonald’s, Burger Kings, Wendy’s or other chains offers special promotion offers with intensively low prices such as $1 menus, $2 menus, and $4 for 4, to attract customers (“Chick-fil-A, Inc. SWOT,” 2018). CHICK-FIL-A, INVESTS IN A FOREIGN MARKET 8 Opportunities Tapping into global markets has been essential to the current economy, as globalization provides firms with profitable untapped market share, achieves economies of scales, and creates valuable relationships with foreign customers, suppliers, and governments (“Chick-fil-A, Inc. SWOT,” 2018). As mentioned before, developing nations are growing rapidly, stirring up high demand for foreign products and services. With careful planning, reliable strategies, and the right marketing mix, Chick-fil-A can expand operations, reach new customers, and succeed in the international market. As consumers tend to consume chicken more than other types of meat, Chick-fil-A is in an advantageous place thanks to the core offerings of different chicken products (“Chick-fil-A, Inc. SWOT,” 2018). According to Convenience Store Decisions, “sales of chicken sandwiches continue to trend upward in the convenience channel, and chicken is a consistent seller, month to month and year to year, with predictable margins that continually place the white meat among the top foodservice items retailer offer” (Steele, 2018). With this trend, Chick-fil-A can continue to benefit and beat competitors in the industry that rely solely on beef, pork, or fish. Threats Besides Chick-fil-A, there is a large number of quick-service chains that offer chickenbased products, such as McDonald’s, KFC, to Popeyes (“Chick-fil-A, Inc. SWOT,” 2018). The company has to differentiate to stand out among powerful competitors. When going internationally, Chick-fil-A will face not only U.S domestic chains, but also local restaurants and vendors in the host country (“Chick-fil-A, Inc. SWOT,” 2018). Increased competition will require Chick-fil-A to distinguish itself by offering exceptionally good service, adjusting prices, or pushing promotional activities to survive. CHICK-FIL-A, INVESTS IN A FOREIGN MARKET 9 Consumer preferences can be challenging to predict; therefore, the company needs to keep up with constant-changing trends to provide customers with the right products (“Chick-fil-A, Inc. SWOT,” 2018). Failure to acknowledging customers changing needs and wants, can hurt revenues and result in market share loss, as it is easy for the consumers to switch to other brands. The Chick-fil-A will need to find a balance between staying up to date with the latest trends, and stick with the brand originality, to capture customer loyalty. Competition Competition in the fast food industry has always been intense for past few decades. There are plenty of competing companies in the fast food industry. The competition is also expanding in diversity, with new quick-service franchises, offering Chinese, Mexican, or even Hawaiian options. Various affordable menu options, happy hours, coupons, or new, seasonal features are constantly adopted by restaurants to attract eaters. This motivates companies in the industry to always innovate and move forward. Some of Chick-fil-A biggest competitors are: ? McDonald’s: The fast-food giant – named the strongest brand in 2018 by Entrepreneur – is a powerful contender with around 37,000 franchises worldwide, concentrating in serving international consumers with burgers, chicken, salads, and beverages (“2018 Top Brands Ranking,” n.d.). McDonald’s is widely known for affordable, diverse meal combinations and long operating hours that provide customers with flexibility and choices. Furthermore, McDonald’s international enormous coverage is a significant threat considering the international experience as well as established brand awareness of foreign customers. ? KFC: Similar to McDonald’s, KFC is also a tough competitor in the industry operating over 50 percent more restaurants than Chick-fil-A (“Chick-fil-A, Inc. SWOT,” 2018). Besides Chick-fil-A, KFC is another company that holds a considerable market share of the chicken CHICK-FIL-A, INVESTS IN A FOREIGN MARKET 10 restaurant. Having expanded to international markets and succeeded in customizing menus for foreign markets, KFC can be considered a top competitor for Chick-fil-A with these advantages. ? Popeyes: Another competitor that belong to the chicken restaurant is Popeyes. Even though Popeyes market share does not have a dominant position as KFC, or diverse offerings as Chick-fil-A, Popeyes still possesses distinct remark in not only the Southern plus Midwest region of the U.S, but also in some foreign markets (“Chick-fil-A, Inc. SWOT,” 2018). Despite strong competition, Chick-fil-A can stand out and be recognized with its own values, image of above-average customer satisfaction, welcoming dining ambiance, and quickyet-quality service. With the right combination of the marketing mix and decent market research, Chick-fil-A will be able to bring the exemplary service beyond the U.S. Distribution The company operates around 2,200 restaurants nationwide. Chick-fil-A can be found easily in malls, airports, hospitals, and universities. Among these locations, there are also 31 drive-through only facilities in the U.S. (Bhasin, 2018). Chick-fil-A also offers online ordering for customer convenience, as well as catering services at almost every location. Marketing Strategy Being successful in a foreign market, a company needs to focus on marketing efforts and the success it provides for its business (Kumar, 2007). This offers the wide scope of the plan to attract consumers and partners for Chick-fil A. By opening a store in Chennai & Kerala, Chickfil-A will be entering a market with other fast-food competitors, McDonald's being another U.S. competitor, has a competitive advantage over Chick-fil-A. (Kumar, 2017). But this offers a chance to focus on similar market area and type. According to the 2011 Religion Census, India is a very strong religious-based country. In 2011, it was determined that 79.8% of the population of India practices Hinduism, 14.2% accounted for Islam, and remaining 6% represent other CHICK-FIL-A, INVESTS IN A FOREIGN MARKET 11 religions such as Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism, and others In the U.S., Chick-fil-A is well known for being a Christian based company. Christianity is the third largest religion in India (Religion Census, 2011). These religious values offer a way to relate to the to the Christian culture found in Kerala. The company will earn as much market share as possible through offering of great customer services and product quality, just like in the U.S. Chick-fil-A management team needs to build brand awareness, target customers, and successfully build strong relationships with the consumers. Chick-fil-A does not have a mission statements. Therefore, when entering the Indian market, the company can just build off the current Corporate purpose and molding it to the Indian market. Indian is a strong power distance country and faith based, the Indian purpose will focus on faith, service, and influences for a better tomorrow when coming to Chick-fil A. Chick-fil A Corporate Purpose: “To glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us and to have a positive influence on all who come into contact with Chick-fil-A.” Chick-fil-A Indian Purpose: "To respect those we serve, we promise to be faithful, to have a positive influence on all who come in contact with Chick-fil-A.” Chick-fil-A will have to set the brand apart from the current competitors and make it the focus of the new market. This can be done by focusing on the cultural aspects of India and Chick-fil-A’s strongest brand ambassadors, dairy cows. Chick-fil-A’s most famous marketing tool since 1995 is the “Eat Mor Chikin” slogan, which features mischievous cows tagging billboards (Hendrix, n.d). Since much of India’s culture respects cattle as a holy member, this slogan will be useful to continue in the future marketing campaigns. Also, by investing in more traditional Indian cuisines, mostly based on vegetarian dishes, Chick-fil-A can offer vegetarian items to the consumer at lower costs (Keane, 2017). CHICK-FIL-A, INVESTS IN A FOREIGN MARKET 12 Franchising in India provides Chick-fil-A with great opportunities to blend with the culture and to successfully penetrate the market. As a new start, most of the original funding will come from the corporate office and investors interested in expanding into India, after successful performance over a set time period (annually), the storefront will be able to support itself financially (Srivastava, 2015). Chick-fil-A will also have an opportunity to assist with the training, marketing, and management of the day to day business, in the host country. At the beginning, the management and human resources will be based of the U.S. management. After they complete the management training, the positions will be given to the Indian natives. India scored high in power distance dimension, which means that more respect can be seen from someone who better relates to the worker (“Country Comparison”, n.d.). The Chick-fil-A products will be very similar to those in the U.S. The majority of products can be easily converted with Indian spices or switched to vegetarian options. Management will have to work with local supplier and vendors for the necessary products. Also, investing in a local chef to aid in the conversion on the menu can better prepare for Indian taste. Pricing of products will be lowered and based on the income of urban families in the middle-upper class. The average income in India is $1670 per year vs the U.S. $59,039, as per dollar is 70.86 Indian Rupee, pricing will have to reflect this difference (Chakrabarti, 2011). Opening in Chennai & Kerala, Chick-fil-A offers a chance to invest heavily getting the brand to the consumer through social media, advertising through public boards, and sampling. Marketing Tactics According to Business Dictionary (n.d.), marketing tactics is “a set of strategic methods intended to promote the goods and services of a business with the goal of increasing sales and maintaining a competitive product.” In the study about Chick-fil-A’s potential operation in India, CHICK-FIL-A, INVESTS IN A FOREIGN MARKET 13 the main focus will be on products and services, pricing, distribution channels, and communication channels. Products and Services Chick-fil-A’s specialty is the chicken sandwich. The company takes pride in using fresh ingredients daily to prepare their products. The restaurants all around the United States serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner (Bhasin, 2018). Chick-fil-A also offers catering services for special events, such as meetings, parties, and receptions. The product portfolio consists of a variety of food and beverage options which include a selection of breakfast menu items, dipping sauces and dressings, drinks, sweet treats, kids’ meals, salads, entrees, and sides (Bhasin, 2018). In addition to its existing menu, Chick-fil-A will need to consider adding vegetarian options to its Indian store menu. Based on data from the Sample Registration System (SRS) survey (2014), almost 30 percent of the Indian population is vegetarian (Kaushik, 2016). A great example of a restaurant adjusting its menu to meet the demands of vegetarian customers in India is the fast food chain, Burger King. Burger King developed varieties of vegetarian sandwiches, snacks, and entry-level products (Batra, 2015). The vegetarian menu additions has allowed for the company to achieve a lot of growth within India’s fast food market. In 2017, Burger King broke its 100-restaurant mark in India and due to their high success, the company plans to open additional 30-35 facilities in the country (Ambwani, 2017). Chick-fil-A can use this story of success to its advantage and adjust its current menu to meet the taste buds of Indian vegetarians. The company currently offers some basic vegetarian options for the U.S. market, like the Buttered Biscuit, Fruit Cup, and Greek Yogurt Parfait for breakfast, multiple salad options, sides, and desserts (Keane, 2017). In addition to the already existing menu, Chick-fil-A will develop new products such as tofu or paneer “chicken” nuggets CHICK-FIL-A, INVESTS IN A FOREIGN MARKET 14 and variety of veggie sandwiches. Including local spices in different meals could also help attract more customers. Pricing Chick-fil-A’s primary target market is middle and upper-middle class customers from urban families interested in good quality products and services (Bashin, 2018). To attract more customers, the company has adopted a reasonable pricing policy to keep its offerings at an affordable range. It has also adopted a competitive pricing policy, in order to deal with the competing companies (Bashin, 2018). If Chick-fil-A decided to expand to India a few decades ago, the company would have to adjust its pricing to attract enough customers. However, India is the fastest growing economy in the world, and with a continuously growing middle class, it is expected to become the third-largest economy in the world by 2027 (Kumar, 2017). With a growing average income and discretionary funds rising, there is a growing demand in families eat out. They can choose from a variety of fast-food and fine dining options to satisfy this increasing demand. It seems that Indian customers cannot get enough of foreign cuisine (Tandon, 2017). Therefore, Chick-fil-A should be able to experience growth, while maintaining its original pricing strategies with adjustment based on the currency exchange rates. Distribution Channel According to Investopedia, a distribution channel is “a chain of businesses or intermediaries through which a good or service passes until it reaches the end consumer” (“Distribution Channel,” n.d.). Chick-fil-A takes pride in serving foods and beverages made of fresh ingredients. Therefore, the most important distribution channel for the company would be its suppliers, especially those of fruits, vegetables, and chicken. CHICK-FIL-A, INVESTS IN A FOREIGN MARKET 15 Much of the food Chick-fil-A serves in the United States, is raised and grown on farms spread across the country. The major suppliers of fruits and vegetables are in California and Arizona, due to the perfect veggie-growing climate (“Where Our Food,” n.d.). When it comes to chicken, the company only uses 100 percent real, boneless chicken breast that contains no added steroids or hormones (“Where Our Food,” n.d.). The Chick-fil-A supply chain team visits its key suppliers and farms every year, to ensure they follow the required quality and safety standards (“Where Our Food,” n.d.). Many parts of India are ideal veggie-growing climates, similar to those in California and Arizona. The country is also the number one country in the world for poultry growth, with 10 percent, compared to the U.S. with 2.1 percent (“Indian Poultry,” 2018). India offers an ideal environment for Chick-fil-A, and there should be no problem in allocating the right suppliers. If the company will be able to hold everyone up to standards just like in the United States, it should be set up for success in the Indian market. Communication Channel When advertising and promoting its products, Chick-fil-A will have to take into consideration various literacy levels across India, and the fact that not all potential customers may have access to electricity as well as. In their research Ramachandran, Jaggarajamma, Muniyandi, and Balasubramanian (2006) studied 51 Indian villages with an overall population of almost 40,000 people. The results showed there were 13 villages with no educational facilities available, 26 villages had primary schools, 10 villages with middle schools, and 2 villages had access to secondary education (Ramachandran, et al., 2006). Electricity was accessible in all 51 villages. The most commonly available source of information was through television. Other available information was shared through wall posters used by 55% of the population, 53% CHICK-FIL-A, INVESTS IN A FOREIGN MARKET 16 through office meetings, friends and relatives created 22%, announcements by loudspeakers accounted for 18%, and radio was used by 10% of the overall population (Ramachandran et al., 2006). Financial Projections Chick-fil-A is a privately-owned company which limits the allowed financial information. Building financial projection on a privately can be impossible and most projects will be based on the information readily available to the public or based off competitors’ prices. Since Chick-fil-A is a company that franchises the storefronts, it also provides a fair amount of financial support. Budget Plan: – Direct labor budget – Direct materials budget – Ending finished goods budget – Manufacturing overhead budget – Production budget – Sales budget – Selling and administrative expense budget Direct Labor Budget Opening in a new country, setting a budget can be difficult, determining the labor cost takes valid and reliable estimates from the account team. Using a direct labor budget, the number of labor hours and employees needed can be estimated to meet the production budget (Kotler & Keller, 2016). This also aid with management where changes can be made for productivity and HR can determine when to hire and to make layoffs. The average pay in India is 18.75 Rupee per CHICK-FIL-A, INVESTS IN A FOREIGN MARKET 17 hour around .40 cents (Chakrabarti, 2011). The labor cost has a major cut in comparison to the $10.47 offered in the United States (“Where Our Food,” n.d.). Direct Material Budget A company goal is to meet the requirements on the production budget for a set period of time, a direct material budget calculates the amount of material to be purchased (Kotler & Keller, 2016). By including all incurred cost an annual budget report can reflect monthly or quarterly cost. The direct materials budget formula: Raw materials required + Planned ending inventory= Total raw materials requiredBeginning raw materials inventory= Raw materials to purchase Ending Finished Goods Budget Each budget period the cost of finished goods can be calculated in the ending finished good budget sheet. Most of this information comes from the production budget and used to determine. The purpose of the ending finished goods budget sheet is to provide the amount of the inventory asset is needed, then is used to determine the amount of cash needed to invest in those assets (Kotler & Keller, 2016). This allows the opportunity for Chick-fil-A to take an overview for the provided inventory for in-store and to be exported from the host country. Manufacturing Overhead Budget The manufacturing overhead budget uses a large percentage of a company’s expenditures to determine department budgets (Kotler & Keller, 2016). The budget sheet contains all manufacturing costs other than the costs of direct materials and direct labor and included as part of the cost of goods sold in the master budget. Assistance provided by the accounting team to management team funding can be correctly allocated, this is very helpful in the new market CHICK-FIL-A, INVESTS IN A FOREIGN MARKET 18 because funding can change until the storefronts prove to be a success. This can be calculated quarterly or yearly. Production Budget The production budget can calculate the number of units needed to be produced to meet the upcoming sales forecast and ending finished goods for the budgeted time period. This will aid Chick-fil-A the chance to determine how much suppliers and workers are needed to assist in supporting the production budget. The production budget also works with other budget repost within the Master Budget Report including sales and direct material budget (Kotler & Keller, 2016). Management and account team would work together to determine the production budget based on products and services offered and can be calculated quarterly or yearly. Production Budget calculations: Forecasted unit sales+ Planned ending finished goods = Total production required- Beginning finished goods= Products needed to be manufactured Sales Budget In 2017, Chick-fil A experience $9 billion in revenue with its 2300 restaurants (“Where Our Food,” n.d.). The sales budget contains the company's sales expectations period. This can be based on units sold and in dollars. The sales budget is calculated either a monthly or quarterly (Kotler & Keller, 2016). During the sales budget sales promotion can be an offer by the marketing team and the introduction to new product engineers for the upcoming budget period. Selling and Administrative Budget expense The selling and administrative expense budget are built on the budgets of all departments outside of manufacturing (sales, marketing, accounting, and engineering) The selling and administrative calculated either a monthly or quarterly. This information is not included in other CHICK-FIL-A, INVESTS IN A FOREIGN MARKET 19 budgets but comes from an estimate of the use of expenditure, it helps to know all incurred cost to include in the budget (Kotler & Keller, 2016). Chick-fil-A's management and account team are able to estimates for the uncommon year, and how it can be adjusted per department for better performance. Implementation Controls Management Strategy Chick-fil-A will begin the initial penetration into India’s fast food market by strategically placing storefronts in locations that are highly attractive, highly accessible locations based on where the market research points. Chick-fil-A has always practiced a highly competitive business model for hiring franchisees to open storefronts (Kruse, 2016). It will continue to do so as it enters the Indian fast-food market. By continuing its hands-on management practices and customer-first values, Chick-fil-A will set itself apart from its competitors. It will bring a unique business perspective to India that will captivate its consumers and its employees. The initial market research indicates that on top of offering its well-known menu options, Chick-fil-A will also need to test new additions like featuring vegetarian options. As a popular dietary choice among the Indian population, testing new product lines like this at the initial storefront can help Chick-fil-A’s international expansion. Some of the risks Chick-fil-A will face during the expansion include but are not limited to cultural, political and legal risks associated with franchising a new business within a foreign market. CHICK-FIL-A, INVESTS IN A FOREIGN MARKET 20 Strategic Assumptions: ? Hiring for the Indian storefront(s) based on the business model and culture of Chick-filA, while also adapting to the norms of India, will be critical to developing and maintaining success in the new market. ? Implementing the marketing strategies that will provide the opportunity to reach consumers and increase business awareness. ? Developing and implementing value metrics in order to evaluate performance and success in the new market will provide a basis for future expansions. In order to ensure a smooth transition, Chick-fil-A will develop a specific team to spearhead the initial penetration into the Indian and international market. There will be a named Strategy Director, which will oversee and direct the implementation process for the new storefront. The team will also include Market Research Director, a Marketing Director, Human Resources Director, a U.S. Store Manager serving as liaison/mentor for the new Franchisee and more. Following the development of the rest of Chick-fil-A India team members, a tentative implementation schedule will be put in place. Tentative Implementation Schedule: *Timeline is in reference to a selected opening date ? Develop Strategy Team Directors - In progress ? Name team members i.e marketers, HR reps, etc - In progress ? Hire Franchise Owner for Indian Storefront #1 - 18-24 months* ? Initial Search, Phone Interviews, Top 10 in-person Interviews, Selection ? Franchisee Training - 12-14 months* ? Begin Marketing Campaign - 10-12 months* ? Begin Employee Hiring Process - 6-8 months* CHICK-FIL-A, INVESTS IN A FOREIGN MARKET 21 ? Initial Search, Hiring, Training ? Soft Opening of Chick-fil-A India #1 - 4-6 weeks* ? Test new menu items, get initial feedback for overall ? Opening Day! - TBD Franchisee Selection Chick-fil-A offers one of the most competitive selection processes for becoming a franchisee of their storefronts (John, 2018). The initial startup costs are lower than most of their competitors, but with higher on-going fees brought on by leasing the storefront from Chick-fil-A (Peterson, 2017). According to Business Insider India (2017), this helps to limit the barrier of entry based on money and open the opportunity to recruit business partners based on experience, passion to serve others and an entrepreneurial spirit. Chick-fil-A also has a strict policy on prohibiting the number of units a franchisee can open (Peterson, 2017). This helps to create a real and intimate relationship between the franchisee and the day-to-day operations. Chick-fil-A also encourages a strong connection to community and community service. According to Indian Society and Ways of Living (n.d) this ties in well with the culture of India where social interdependence is high and people feel a deep sense of inseparability from their clans and groups. Implementation. Chick-fil-A will begin the hiring process for finding the right franchisee approximately 18-24 months prior to opening the storefront. This will provide time for the company to find the right manager and account for any relocation necessities, the multiweek training program, and any additional barriers to account for. Chick-fil-A will also provide a veteran franchisee to serve as a mentor for up to six months at the new storefront to ensure a smooth operation within the new industry. Franchisee mentoring is not a typically common CHICK-FIL-A, INVESTS IN A FOREIGN MARKET 22 practice in Chick-fil-A’s business model. But due to a cultural difference in entrepreneurship, which is not strongly encouraged in traditional Indian business practices, investing heavily in teaching this business mindset and encouraging entrepreneurial initiatives has proven successful in Indian culture (Juhász, 2014). Employee Hiring Chick-fil-A has an untraditional mission statement comparative to most successful businesses. In fact, it lacks a mission statement altogether. Instead, they created a statement that depicts their ultimate focus: service to the customer. The company’s purpose is “To glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us and to have a positive influence on all who come into contact with Chick-fil-A.” (Kruse, 2016). It is of the utmost importance that with this transition into the Indian fast food market, that Chick-fil-A maintains its steadfast approach toward valuing the customer, maintaining hiring practices and integrating cultures. Culture is the soul of a business. It is also one of the biggest risks a business can face when entering a new industry and Chick-fil-A must implement a solid plan for hiring in the Indian fast-food industry. In the United States, Chick-fil-A's culture is a well-known expected part of their experience. Customers know that when they arrive at a Chick-fil-A they will be greeted by friendly employees who exemplify the values set by the company. Implementation. Once the franchisee has been selected and has gone through the proper training, hiring and training employees will be the next step in the business process. The employee hiring process will begin approximately 6-8 months prior to the opening of the storefront. This will allow hiring managers to find the right employees and begin the training and cultural immersion process. CHICK-FIL-A, INVESTS IN A FOREIGN MARKET 23 In keeping with the conceptual pillars that make up the employee hiring process, the franchisee will begin recruiting employees which exemplify the hiring values set by Chick-fil-A: recruit for culture (Kruse, 2016). When making a hire, Chick-fil-A managers will look for talent that fills the three C’s: character, chemistry, and competency. Ultimately, it boils down to how the employee or future employee treats the customer and how they treat one another. (Kruse, 2017). This may pose as one of the more difficult challenges hiring managers will face in India. India has a high-power distance score, which indicates an appreciation for hierarchical structure and a top-down mentality. Employees in Indian culture expect to be monitored closely and often share a very uncomfortable relationship with higher ranking employees (Juhász, 2014). Consistently encouraging employees to be more open and communicative to managers will help ease some of this challenge. However, Chick-fil-A must be willing to adapt and respect the more structured form of employee-manager relationship, as it is a core part of Indian culture (Juhász, 2014). Marketing Strategy Implementation Chick-fil-A India will need to make a strong push onto the market by utilizing a wellthought-out market plan. Having a clear marketing strategy is important to initial penetration because it gets the consumers attention and informs them of potential new products. The Indian fast-food market is wide open to competitors, as growing popularity for Western dining booms. There are just over 2,700 fast-food stores for a population that is pushing 1.2 billion (Gauba, 2015). The Marketing Director for Chick-fil-A India will oversee all operations regarding the Marketing strategy and implementation. From the market research to the selection of marketing CHICK-FIL-A, INVESTS IN A FOREIGN MARKET 24 channels and outlets. Once a plan is in place the marketing team can begin the push for promoting Chick-fil-A’s opening in India. Performance Evaluation In order to track success, understand consumer wants and to make necessary improvements, Chick-fil-A will implement performance evaluations. The performance evaluations will be conducted following each quarter of the sales year and following the year as a whole. Metrics for the evaluation will be developed on everything from food quality of suppliers, to marketing campaigns, to employee performance to customer satisfaction. Chick-fil-A will also need to closely monitor the feedback on the addition of the vegetarian food line. This will help them gauge the success of the line, find improvements and alter anything necessary. Performance Evaluations for employees will examine areas such as: ? Ability to meet goals and established expectations ? Exemplifying the cultural standards ? Quality of work ? Problem-solving skills ? Team-oriented behavior ? Communication skills Performance Evaluations based on customer satisfaction will be conducted in a survey format. It may be conducted written or orally between employee and customer. These will be conducted on a weekly basis at the store and reviewed during the quarterly performance review. Example of Customer Satisfaction Survey CHICK-FIL-A, INVESTS IN A FOREIGN MARKET 25 Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Agree The menu selection is diverse Food quality is excellent Customer service quality is excellent Store location is easy to access Pricing is fair Chick-fil-A has always been committed to providing customers with a positive dining experience from the moment the customer walks into the door to the moment they leave. Effectively utilizing this evaluation method will help to keep the quality service that brought the company to huge success in the United States but will also help to pave the way for future international expansion. CHICK-FIL-A, INVESTS IN A FOREIGN MARKET 26 References 2018 Top Brands Ranking. (n.d.). Retrieved November 25, 2018, from Ambwani, M. V. (2017, August 28). Burger King India to Open 35 New Outlets This Year; Eyes New Cities. Retrieved November 19, 2018, from The Hindu Business Line. Batra, A. (2015, June 16). 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