question archive Create a 2-5 page annotated outline that include the sections to be analyzed, ethical decision making aspects of the topic, main points of the recommendation, and credible evidence you plan to use for supporting the analysis and recommendations

Create a 2-5 page annotated outline that include the sections to be analyzed, ethical decision making aspects of the topic, main points of the recommendation, and credible evidence you plan to use for supporting the analysis and recommendations

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Create a 2-5 page annotated outline that include the sections to be analyzed, ethical decision making aspects of the topic, main points of the recommendation, and credible evidence you plan to use for supporting the analysis and recommendations.


While everyone has their own process for writing, creating an outline is often an important early step in the process in all types of writing, even for the most seasoned writers. By creating an outline, you draft a plan that organizes your thoughts, helps you see gaps in your thought process, and enables you to decide where in your paper you will address particular issues.

An annotated outline is a document that organizes the main sections to be included in your paper. The annotations are based on thinking through your approach to the paper and developing enough detail that anyone who reads the outline can follow your thought process.

The purpose of this assessment is as follows:

  • To build an annotated outline that shows the key sections of your analysis, the ethical considerations, and the leadership and collaboration aspects that you intend to include in your capstone project. With this outline, faculty can understand the organization and purpose of your paper; upon approval, you may move forward to writing the capstone project (Assessment 4).
  • To help you manage your work because you will need to start researching now (if you have not already) in order to create your annotated outline.
  • To demonstrate that you know how to cite in APA format by including some quotations or paraphrases from researched sources. The sources you include in the outline may or may not be used in your actual paper.
  • To demonstrate your ability to create a well-organized document, suitable for academic or business, that meets established criteria.


For this assessment, create an annotated outline that provides a framework of your capstone project. Begin by reviewing the MBA Capstone Project Description [PDF]. Your annotated outline must state the name of your chosen organization and must include the following items:

  • Identify the main sections to be developed in the paper and tie them to the project objectives.
    • In your key sections, you should use at least four main headings; these sections make up the body of your outline.
    • Each heading must have at least two sub-points to develop the detail required.
    • Include a description of each major point.
  • Identify where each supporting reference will be integrated.
    • Include at least one reference to support each major point of the paper.
    • Incorporate relevant quotes or paraphrases from a source that you might use for support, with an APA in-text citation.
  • Identify main points that address ethical aspects associated with your chosen business.
    • Ethical considerations/aspects should also be one of the headings of your outline.
    • Use the program outcomes to help determine the areas of ethics that you might want to cover.
    • Include at least one reference to elaborate on how you intend to cover ethics in your project.
  • Identify main points that address leadership and collaboration aspects associated with your chosen business.
    • Leadership and collaboration considerations/aspects should also be one of the headings of your outline.
    • Review the program outcomes to determine the areas of leadership and collaboration that you should consider.
    • Include at least one reference to elaborate on how you intend to cover leadership and collaboration in your project.
  • Identify main points of your recommendations. Your recommendations should also be one of the headings of your outline.
    • Identify credible evidence to support an analysis.
    • For the evidence you provide, include key points to clarify why it matters and how it will inform the analysis.

Your annotated outline should have these sections:

  • An executive summary.
  • An introduction.
  • The body of your outline should be comprised of at least four main headings with additional subheadings and points. (Never use the word "Body" as a heading or subheading.)
  • A conclusion.
  • References. Use APA style and formatting for all the sources you use in the annotated outline.


  • Style: This outline should be written in academic format; refer to the corresponding MBA Academic and Professional Document Guidelines. It should be double spaced, use subheadings, and be well organized and well written.
  • Communication: Ensure written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message and quality.
  • APA guidelines: Format your paper according to current APA style and formatting.
  • Resources: Use at least four resources from credible resources.
  • Length: Your outline should be 2–5 pages.
  • Font and font size: Use 12 point, Times New Roman.

It is highly recommended that you submit your outline to Smarthinking (linked in the MBA Program Resources) to request feedback on ideas and organization (that is, global issues). Smarthinking can be instrumental in helping you get a solid, flowing outline and foundation to your capstone.


By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies through corresponding scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 1: Apply foundational knowledge and an understanding of business systems, processes, and technology within and across core disciplines.
    • Identify the main sections to be developed in the paper and tie them to the project objectives.
  • Competency 2: Integrate information across disciplines and from differing perspectives.
    • Identify where each supporting reference will be integrated
  • Competency 3: Think critically and analytically to provide evidence-based solutions to business challenges and opportunities.
    • Identify main points of recommendations.
  • Competency 5: Lead and collaborate in virtual, global, and culturally diverse environments.
    • Identify main points that address leadership and collaboration aspects associated with the chosen business.
  • Competency 6: Integrate principles of ethics and integrity into business decisions.
    • Identify main points that address ethical aspects associated with the chosen business.
  • Competency 7: Communicate clearly and effectively in a business environment.
    • Cite sources and references in proper APA format.

Kendra Holcomb MBA-FPX 5910 Capstone Project Summary April 27, 2021 Introduction In 1977 Netflix was founded by both Marc Randolph and Reed Hastings. The idea emerged after Hasting was disgusted after receiving a late fee for returning a video rental late. Netflix is one of the top subscription-based service on the market that provides its subscribers with access to its online streaming library covering hundreds of different genres,. The Library includes, both tv shows, movies, which a portion are Netflix Originals. Netflix, which is headquartered in California, also has various office locations globally (Netflix 2021). Netflix, which originally began as a subscription that provided DVD rentals to consumers for an unlimited amount of time as long as the service was still being paid for (Pogue, 2007). The service was simple for customers to use; once a rental was returned another was automatically sent in its place. Around 2007 Netflix expanded to offer online streaming digital titles along with DVDs. Over time, Netflix has continued expanding and growing, adding international streaming, kiosk-style rental services, partnerships with companies such as Starz, and expanding to only online streaming (Roth, 2009). At the start of 2021, over 200 million consumers had subscribed to Netflix worldwide ( Netflix, 2021). Scope of Sequence With this capstone project, I intend to utilize the knowledge I have developed during my MBA program to determine how Netflix has set itself apart from the new and developing streaming giants. Many streaming services compete with Netflix, such as Disney Plus, Hulu, Prime Video, HBO, and Apple TV. Each of these companies offers a wide variety of shows and movies to watch, but somehow Netflix remains on top. Data Gathering, Methods, and Risks For data gathering, I will be using the Capella University Library, Netflix's website, Academic Journals, and opposing and supporting studies. The skills and methods gained during the course of the MBA program, will be used to complete the Capstone. These tools include SWOT Analysis and Pestel analysis. The Risk that could appear during research includes definite data on how Hulu has remained so competitive throughout the introduction of numerous streaming services. Demonstration of Outcomes Conclusion To determine how Netflix has remained on top of an expanding industry in a highly competitive market, I will first describe the history of Netflix. Next, I will discuss the current state of Netflix by using SWOT analysis, customer and employee perception on Netflix, and recent financials. Lastly, Netflix’s business strategy will be analyze in order to determine the role it played in amounting to Netflix’s success in the competitive market. References Netflix (2021) About Us. Netflix, Inc. Retrieved from Pogue, D. (2007). A Stream of Movies, Sort of Free. The New York Times. Available at: https://www. nytimes. com/2007/01/25/technology/25pogue. Roth, D. (2009). NetFlix everywhere: Sorry cable, you’re history. Wired, 17(10), 17-10. RESEARCH PROPOSAL ON NETFLIX’S BUSINESS STRATEGIES Kendra Holcomb HRM-FPX 5910 Research Proposal Dr. Steve Manderscheid May 7, 2021 1 RESEARCH PROPOSAL ON NETFLIX’S BUSINESS STRATEGIES 2 Research Proposal on Netflix’s Business Strategies Introduction Successful business management requires careful evaluation of the industry and its participants. Business managers assess their strengths and weaknesses and opportunities and threats to determine the appropriate strategies to undertake in remaining relevant in the market. This awareness is crucial in achieving organizational strategic objectives and to endear the company to its core customers. As the industry changes and the level of competition increases, every organization must respond decisively to outdo its rivals and sustain competitive advantage. The need for competitive analysis is most pronounced in the technology industry as companies continue to innovate. In this paper, I propose to research Netflix and its competitive strategies. The paper will examine the competitive landscape in the video streaming industry and how Netflix has used to beat the competition. Finally, I will recommend appropriate strategies that the company can adopt to grow and sustain its competitive advantage. Summary Netflix is one of the biggest brands in the video streaming services industry globally. Since its inception in 1997, the company has made gigantic strides in offering multiple services on its online platform (Netflix Inc., 2020). The company remains the largest subscription streaming provider boasting more than 180 million subscribers by March 2020. However, the company's meteoric rise has also attracted significant competition from new entrants keen to exploit the opportunities in the industry (Brennan, 2018). The threat of competition is substantial enough to require Netflix to continue renovating to maintain its market advantage. While the company RESEARCH PROPOSAL ON NETFLIX’S BUSINESS STRATEGIES 3 remains competitive, brands such as Amazon with its Prime Video, Hulu, Disney Plus, AT&T Inc.’s HBO Max, and Apple TV offer a real threat to the dominance of Netflix (Cho, 2020). In the annual company report for 2020, the management noted that the company is faced with intense competition from other brands. The intensity is magnified by the threat of piracy, given their model of zero-cost that makes it difficult to compete against. The company posted annual revenues of $24.9 billion against the previous years’ performance of $20.2 billion (Netflix Inc., 2020). The company has posted consistent growth in revenues over the past few years, considering that the company reported only $8.8 billion in revenues in 2016 (Brennan, 2018). Netflix has experienced a drop in its market share mainly because of rising competition. In 2019, Netflix enjoyed a market share of 29%. However, this advantage declined to 20% in 2020 (Netflix Inc., 2020). The company and industry analysts project a further drop in Netflix’s market share as competition rises. There is a growing need for the company to bolster its operations and beat the competition to protect its market share and, by extension, its revenue generation in the future. Discussion of the Proposal This proposal seeks to understand the drivers for success in the video streaming industry and how these factors affect Netflix’s prospects. Companies offering video streaming attract viewership by offering popular films and movies on their platform. While industry players compete for customers using pricing strategies, the ability to provide quality, uninterrupted content is crucial for continued growth in the clientele base (Cho, 2020). Some of the companies in the industry that own television networks are increasingly integrating streaming services to increase their financial and business prospects. RESEARCH PROPOSAL ON NETFLIX’S BUSINESS STRATEGIES 4 Companies such as Disney hold the rights to some of the most popular films giving them a significant advantage over other video streaming firms. They may also decide to license such films for a fee giving them an enormous advantage over their rivals (Brennan, 2018). While companies such as Netflix develop their content, their reliance on popular films owned by other institutions such as media houses can have adverse impacts on their decision-making and business control (Cho, 2020). The challenge for such companies is to obtain content without incurring substantial costs. This scenario creates a barrier for potential new entrants into the industry and undermines companies that do not hold rights over a sufficient number of popular films. Netflix may also be limited by competition arising from companies that integrate their operations vertically. Some rival firms sell digital media players that are commonly used to access streaming services on traditional televisions. On the other hand, some firms provide mobile and internet services necessary for storing extensive data and distributing video content in the form of cloud computing (Cho, 2020). Rival companies such as Amazon also possess the technology to deliver content to the rival’s video streaming networks. Such vertically integrated companies may enjoy substantial advantages that eventually injure the competitiveness of Netflix since their services do not require paying to have access to their digital media player. Similarly, their streaming services have unlimited access to information technology such as cloud computing that enhances their abilities to deliver content to customers effectively and efficiently. Vertically integrated firms may also attract customers by prioritizing their video content whenever internet traffic experiences congestion to minimize latency (Sadq, 2013). More worrying for firms such as Netflix that rely on Amazon’s cloud computing and artificial intelligence infrastructure is the possibility of Amazon refusing to include other firm’s access to their players, effectively limiting their consumer’s access to streaming services. These factors RESEARCH PROPOSAL ON NETFLIX’S BUSINESS STRATEGIES 5 require Netflix to evaluate the potential impacts on its performance and devise strategies that will protect its strategic interests and the ability to continue offering streaming services uninterrupted. Strategy and Scope The researcher proposes to apply knowledge gained throughout the course to collect data relating to Netflix Company, analyze the data to determine trends in its marketing strategies, customer care practices, and information technology that ultimately impact its future business performance. Apart from researching Netflix's business practices and performances, the researcher proposes to examine other significant players in the industry, such as Amazon's Prime Video, Disney Plus, and AT&T Inc.'s Home Box Office. Knowledge gained about the business models of these companies will form the basis for making the appropriate recommendations for Netflix's future business strategies. Action Plan The researcher proposes to begin the study by using scholarly sources at the Capella University Library. The university library provides reliable and peer-reviewed journals with information about the video streaming industry. The researcher proposes to undertake Netflix's SWOT analysis and the streaming video industry PESTEL analysis to gain thorough industry insights. In particular, I intend to use the articles “How Netflix expanded to 190 countries in 7 years” by Brennan (2018) that was published in the Business Harvard Review and “Analysing Netflix’s Strategy” by Sadq (2013) that was published in the International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR). These two sources provide in-depth insights into the workings of Netflix and the streaming industry. I intend to use the information from these sources to describe historical and current market trends in the streaming industry and understand the business decisions needed to RESEARCH PROPOSAL ON NETFLIX’S BUSINESS STRATEGIES 6 remain competitive in the industry. Furthermore, I intend to use data from the company website and the annual reports such as Form 10-K submitted to U.S Security and Exchange Commission. Conclusion This research proposal examines how Netflix can grow and sustain its market dominance in the wake of intensifying competition and rapid changes to information technology and its impacts on the streaming industry. The findings will be valuable to the company offering objective recommendations on how the company can continue to grow its market share. The researcher undertakes to complete the study on time. I now request permission to proceed with the actual research. RESEARCH PROPOSAL ON NETFLIX’S BUSINESS STRATEGIES 7 References Brennan, L. (2018). How Netflix expanded to over 200 countries in 7 years. Harvard Business Review, 12. Cho, C. Y. (2020). Competition among Video Streaming Services. Congressional Research Service. Netflix Inc. (2020). Form 10-K. U.S Security and Exchange Commission. Sadq, Z. M. (2013). Analyzing Netflix’s Strategy. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)–: https://www. ijsr. net/archive/v4i3/22031503. pdf. RESEARCH PROPOSAL ON NETFLIX’S BUSINESS STRATEGIES HRM-FPX 5910 Research Proposal Dr. Steve Manderscheid May 7, 2021 1 RESEARCH PROPOSAL ON NETFLIX’S BUSINESS STRATEGIES 2 Research Proposal on Netflix’s Business Strategies Introduction Successful business management requires careful evaluation of the industry and its participants. Business managers assess their strengths and weaknesses and opportunities and threats to determine the appropriate strategies to undertake in remaining relevant in the market. This awareness is crucial in achieving organizational strategic objectives and to endear the company to its core customers. As the industry changes and the level of competition increases, every organization must respond decisively to outdo its rivals and sustain competitive advantage. The need for competitive analysis is most pronounced in the technology industry as companies continue to innovate. In this paper, I propose to research Netflix and its competitive strategies. The paper will examine the competitive landscape in the video streaming industry and how Netflix has used to beat the competition. Finally, I will recommend appropriate strategies that the company can adopt to grow and sustain its competitive advantage. Summary Netflix is one of the biggest brands in the video streaming services industry globally. Since its inception in 1997, the company has made gigantic strides in offering multiple services on its online platform (Netflix Inc., 2020). The company remains the largest subscription streaming provider boasting more than 180 million subscribers by March 2020. However, the company's meteoric rise has also attracted significant competition from new entrants keen to exploit the opportunities in the industry (Brennan, 2018). The threat of competition is substantial enough to require Netflix to continue renovating to maintain its market advantage. While the company RESEARCH PROPOSAL ON NETFLIX’S BUSINESS STRATEGIES 3 remains competitive, brands such as Amazon with its Prime Video, Hulu, Disney Plus, AT&T Inc.’s HBO Max, and Apple TV offer a real threat to the dominance of Netflix (Cho, 2020). In the annual company report for 2020, the management noted that the company is faced with intense competition from other brands. The intensity is magnified by the threat of piracy, given their model of zero-cost that makes it difficult to compete against. The company posted annual revenues of $24.9 billion against the previous years’ performance of $20.2 billion (Netflix Inc., 2020). The company has posted consistent growth in revenues over the past few years, considering that the company reported only $8.8 billion in revenues in 2016 (Brennan, 2018). Netflix has experienced a drop in its market share mainly because of rising competition. In 2019, Netflix enjoyed a market share of 29%. However, this advantage declined to 20% in 2020 (Netflix Inc., 2020). The company and industry analysts project a further drop in Netflix’s market share as competition rises. There is a growing need for the company to bolster its operations and beat the competition to protect its market share and, by extension, its revenue generation in the future. Discussion of the Proposal This proposal seeks to understand the drivers for success in the video streaming industry and how these factors affect Netflix’s prospects. Companies offering video streaming attract viewership by offering popular films and movies on their platform. While industry players compete for customers using pricing strategies, the ability to provide quality, uninterrupted content is crucial for continued growth in the clientele base (Cho, 2020). Some of the companies in the industry that own television networks are increasingly integrating streaming services to increase their financial and business prospects. RESEARCH PROPOSAL ON NETFLIX’S BUSINESS STRATEGIES 4 Companies such as Disney hold the rights to some of the most popular films giving them a significant advantage over other video streaming firms. They may also decide to license such films for a fee giving them an enormous advantage over their rivals (Brennan, 2018). While companies such as Netflix develop their content, their reliance on popular films owned by other institutions such as media houses can have adverse impacts on their decision-making and business control (Cho, 2020). The challenge for such companies is to obtain content without incurring substantial costs. This scenario creates a barrier for potential new entrants into the industry and undermines companies that do not hold rights over a sufficient number of popular films. Netflix may also be limited by competition arising from companies that integrate their operations vertically. Some rival firms sell digital media players that are commonly used to access streaming services on traditional televisions. On the other hand, some firms provide mobile and internet services necessary for storing extensive data and distributing video content in the form of cloud computing (Cho, 2020). Rival companies such as Amazon also possess the technology to deliver content to the rival’s video streaming networks. Such vertically integrated companies may enjoy substantial advantages that eventually injure the competitiveness of Netflix since their services do not require paying to have access to their digital media player. Similarly, their streaming services have unlimited access to information technology such as cloud computing that enhances their abilities to deliver content to customers effectively and efficiently. Vertically integrated firms may also attract customers by prioritizing their video content whenever internet traffic experiences congestion to minimize latency (Sadq, 2013). More worrying for firms such as Netflix that rely on Amazon’s cloud computing and artificial intelligence infrastructure is the possibility of Amazon refusing to include other firm’s access to their players, effectively limiting their consumer’s access to streaming services. These factors RESEARCH PROPOSAL ON NETFLIX’S BUSINESS STRATEGIES 5 require Netflix to evaluate the potential impacts on its performance and devise strategies that will protect its strategic interests and the ability to continue offering streaming services uninterrupted. Strategy and Scope The researcher proposes to apply knowledge gained throughout the course to collect data relating to Netflix Company, analyze the data to determine trends in its marketing strategies, customer care practices, and information technology that ultimately impact its future business performance. Apart from researching Netflix's business practices and performances, the researcher proposes to examine other significant players in the industry, such as Amazon's Prime Video, Disney Plus, and AT&T Inc.'s Home Box Office. Knowledge gained about the business models of these companies will form the basis for making the appropriate recommendations for Netflix's future business strategies. Action Plan The researcher proposes to begin the study by using scholarly sources at the Capella University Library. The university library provides reliable and peer-reviewed journals with information about the video streaming industry. The researcher proposes to undertake Netflix's SWOT analysis and the streaming video industry PESTEL analysis to gain thorough industry insights. In particular, I intend to use the articles “How Netflix expanded to 190 countries in 7 years” by Brennan (2018) that was published in the Business Harvard Review and “Analysing Netflix’s Strategy” by Sadq (2013) that was published in the International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR). These two sources provide in-depth insights into the workings of Netflix and the streaming industry. I intend to use the information from these sources to describe historical and current market trends in the streaming industry and understand the business decisions needed to RESEARCH PROPOSAL ON NETFLIX’S BUSINESS STRATEGIES 6 remain competitive in the industry. Furthermore, I intend to use data from the company website and the annual reports such as Form 10-K submitted to U.S Security and Exchange Commission. Conclusion This research proposal examines how Netflix can grow and sustain its market dominance in the wake of intensifying competition and rapid changes to information technology and its impacts on the streaming industry. The findings will be valuable to the company offering objective recommendations on how the company can continue to grow its market share. The researcher undertakes to complete the study on time. I now request permission to proceed with the actual research. RESEARCH PROPOSAL ON NETFLIX’S BUSINESS STRATEGIES 7 References Brennan, L. (2018). How Netflix expanded to over 200 countries in 7 years. Harvard Business Review, 12. Cho, C. Y. (2020). Competition among Video Streaming Services. Congressional Research Service. Netflix Inc. (2020). Form 10-K. U.S Security and Exchange Commission. Sadq, Z. M. (2013). Analyzing Netflix’s Strategy. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)–: https://www. ijsr. net/archive/v4i3/22031503. pdf. MBA-FPX 5910 Capstone Project Summary April 27, 2021 Introduction In 1977 Netflix was founded by both Marc Randolph and Reed Hastings. The idea emerged after Hasting was disgusted after receiving a late fee for returning a video rental late. Netflix is one of the top subscription-based service on the market that provides its subscribers with access to its online streaming library covering hundreds of different genres,. The Library includes, both tv shows, movies, which a portion are Netflix Originals. Netflix, which is headquartered in California, also has various office locations globally (Netflix 2021). Netflix, which originally began as a subscription that provided DVD rentals to consumers for an unlimited amount of time as long as the service was still being paid for (Pogue, 2007). The service was simple for customers to use; once a rental was returned another was automatically sent in its place. Around 2007 Netflix expanded to offer online streaming digital titles along with DVDs. Over time, Netflix has continued expanding and growing, adding international streaming, kiosk-style rental services, partnerships with companies such as Starz, and expanding to only online streaming (Roth, 2009). At the start of 2021, over 200 million consumers had subscribed to Netflix worldwide ( Netflix, 2021). Scope of Sequence With this capstone project, I intend to utilize the knowledge I have developed during my MBA program to determine how Netflix has set itself apart from the new and developing streaming giants. Many streaming services compete with Netflix, such as Disney Plus, Hulu, Prime Video, HBO, and Apple TV. Each of these companies offers a wide variety of shows and movies to watch, but somehow Netflix remains on top. Data Gathering, Methods, and Risks For data gathering, I will be using the Capella University Library, Netflix's website, Academic Journals, and opposing and supporting studies. The skills and methods gained during the course of the MBA program, will be used to complete the Capstone. These tools include SWOT Analysis and Pestel analysis. The Risk that could appear during research includes definite data on how Hulu has remained so competitive throughout the introduction of numerous streaming services. Demonstration of Outcomes Conclusion To determine how Netflix has remained on top of an expanding industry in a highly competitive market, I will first describe the history of Netflix. Next, I will discuss the current state of Netflix by using SWOT analysis, customer and employee perception on Netflix, and recent financials. Lastly, Netflix’s business strategy will be analyze in order to determine the role it played in amounting to Netflix’s success in the competitive market. References Netflix (2021) About Us. Netflix, Inc. Retrieved from Pogue, D. (2007). A Stream of Movies, Sort of Free. The New York Times. Available at: https://www. nytimes. com/2007/01/25/technology/25pogue. Roth, D. (2009). NetFlix everywhere: Sorry cable, you’re history. Wired, 17(10), 17-10. 

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