question archive 1) For these questions, you do not need your computer
Subject:BusinessPrice: Bought3
1) For these questions, you do not need your computer. In Fall 2016, students in Math 117, for the Data Entry Assignment, collected information about books for sale on Some of the variables are described below. Fill in the last column, classifying the level of measurement as nominal, ordinal, or scale. If you think that the classification is controversial, put a star next to your classification choice and put an explanation in the space below the table.
Variable Name
Question Asked
Coding (if any)
Level of Measurement (Nominal, Ordinal, or Scale)
CATEGORY Genre of book 1 = Fiction
2 = Mystery ???
3 = Sports
HARDPRICE Price of a hard cover ???
NOOK Available on Nook? 1 = Yes ???
0 = No