question archive A well-devised mission statement for any organization, unit within an organization or single-owner business should answer the same five basic questions

A well-devised mission statement for any organization, unit within an organization or single-owner business should answer the same five basic questions

Subject:Operations ManagementPrice: Bought3

A well-devised mission statement for any organization, unit within an organization or single-owner business should answer the same five basic questions. These questions should clarify for the firm's stakeholders (especially employees): 1. Who are we? 2. Who are our customers? 3. What is our operating philosophy (basic beliefs, values, ethics, etc.)? 4. What are our core competencies or competitive advantages? 5. What are our responsibilities with respect to being a good steward of our human, financial, and environmental resources? A mission statement that delivers a clear answer to each of these questions installs the cornerstone for the development of the marketing plan.


Here are 2 examples:



1995 To be the number one aerospace company in the world and among the premier industrial concerns in terms of quality, profitability, and growth.

2000 Our mission is bigger and broader than ever. It is to push not just the envelope of flight, but the entire envelope of value relating to our customers and shareholders. 2015 People working together as a global enterprise for aerospace industry leadership.


Leo Burnett

1995 The mission of the Leo Burnett Company is to create superior advertising. In Leo's words: "Our primary function in life is to produce the best advertising in the world, bar none. This is to be advertising so interrupting, so daring, so fresh, so engaging, so human, so believable and so well-focused as to themes and ideas that, at one and the same time, it builds a quality reputation for the long haul as it produces sales for the immediate present."

2000 Our Vision: To be an indispensable source of our clients' competitive advantage. Our Mission: We will work with our clients as a community of star-reachers whose ideas build leadership brands through imagination and a sensitive and deeper understanding of human behavior.

2015 Creativity has the power to transform human behavior. This is the core belief of what we call HumanKind. It's not about advertising or brand propositions or selling products. It's about people and purpose. It's an approach to marketing that serves true human needs, not the other way around. That's why everything we do for brands is designed with a human purpose in mind. A brand without purpose is one that will never be understood or embraced by people. A brand with purpose can be a true agent of change and transform the way people think, feel or act. A brand with a true HumanKind purpose can change the world. Our dream is to be the best creator of ideas that truly move people—bar none.


Now Watch the 2 video clips on Ben & Jerry's Our Social Mission / Ben & Jerry's (3:16)

How Ben & Jerry's Got Bought Out Without Selling Out (17:49)

Comment on Ben & Jerry's Mission Statement. Is the company sincere? In your opinion, does the company's Mission Statement help to drive its Marketing Strategy. Explain.


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