question archive Unacceptable Emerging Acceptable Tar get Scor e Basic Information, Present Le vel of Performance, and Consider ation of Special Factors, dates and signatures ? NA ?  1 Lacks pr esent levels of per- formance and special ?  2 Only one of the thr ee r equir e- ments is met

Unacceptable Emerging Acceptable Tar get Scor e Basic Information, Present Le vel of Performance, and Consider ation of Special Factors, dates and signatures ? NA ?  1 Lacks pr esent levels of per- formance and special ?  2 Only one of the thr ee r equir e- ments is met

Subject:SociologyPrice: Bought3

Unacceptable Emerging Acceptable Tar get Scor e Basic Information, Present Le vel of Performance, and Consider ation of Special Factors, dates and signatures ? NA ?  1 Lacks pr esent levels of per- formance and special ?  2 Only one of the thr ee r equir e- ments is met. ?  3 Two of the thr ee re- qurements ar e met. ?  4 An alias is pr ovided for student name, birth date, district, building site, date of IEP , and type of IEP. All of the in- formation is corr ect. All areas of PLP ar e accu- rate and complete.

Consider ation of Special Factors section is accurate and complete. Sc Annual Goals and Short Term Objectives ar e ap- propriate and stan- dar d based (CF 3,7, EG 2,4, InT ASC 1b,1c,2f,5l,7e,7f, CEC 4 GC4S10 ? NA ?  1 Annual goals and/or short- term objec- tives missing. ?  2 Annual goals ar e selected and may or may not be based on present level of perfor- mance data.

Priority of goals lacks alignment with learner str engths and needs. Goals ar e not written in measurable terms and/or do not show dir ection for growth. / Majority of short term ob- jectives/ bench- ?  3 Annual goals ar e se- lected and based on present le vel of perfor- mance data. Priority of goals lacks alignment with learner str engths and needs. Goals ar e written in measurable terms and show direc- tion for gr owth.

mum of 2) / Majority of short term objectives/ benchmark (link ed to annual goals) are writ- ten in measurable terms (objectives con- tain 4 parts each: who will do what, under ?  4 Annual goals ar e se- lected and prioritized based on present level of performance data.

Goals ar e written in measurable terms and show dir ection for growth. / Majority of short term objectives/ benchmark (link ed to annual goals) are writ- ten in measurable terms (objectives con- tain 4 parts each: who will do what, under what conditions, and to what degree.

Benchmarks written Sc IEP RUBRIC IEP Rubric Administration ? Form Builder ? SPED IEP Rubric SPED IEP RUBRIC General Information Custom Form Previe w Skip Navigation mark (linked to annual goals) are not written in measur able terms (objectives con- tain 4 parts each:

who will do what, under what condi- tions, and to what degree.

Benchmarks may or may not be age-appr opriate and correlate with past IEP benchmarks. what conditions, and to what degr ee.

Benchmarks written are age-appr opriate and correlate with past IEP benchmarks. are age-appr opriate, sequenced, and corr e- late with past IEP benchmarks. Progr ess Measur ed and Reported to the Parents (CF 9, InTASC 6e,6l, CEC 8 GC8K3) ? NA ?  1 Evaluation and procedur es are minimal and inconsistent. ?  2 Evaluation sched- ule and pr oce- dures ar e inap- propriate to the goals/benchmarks or pr ocedur es and schedule ar e iden- ti notifying par ents on learner progr ess is not provided. ?  3 Evaluation schedule and pr ocedur es are ap- propriate to the goals/benchmarks.

Methods of notifying par ents on learner progr ess ar e provided. ?  4 Evaluation schedule and pr ocedur es are ap- propriate to the goals/benchmarks.

Multiple e valuation procedur es as well as a variety of e valuation procedur es are used.

Methods of notifying parents on learner progr ess ar e provided. Sc Type of Service Placement Including Related Services (W CU 4, InT ASC 2f,7b,7o, CEC 1 GC1K5, GC10S2) ? NA ?  1 Service place- ment and/or related ser- vices ar e blank. ?  2 Majority of items were not ad- dressed or wer e not correct:

Description, per- cent of day , length of day, P.E. listed.

Signatur e page contains one of the three requir ements. ?  3 Majority items wer e ad- dressed and corr ect:

Type of service, amount of services listed (including time, fr equency , circum- stances), pr ojected starting/ending date, and person responsible. ?  4 Wher e and what type of service, amount of services listed (includ- ing time, fr equency, cir- cumstances), pr ojected starting/ending date, and person responsi- ble. All information is correct. Sc ?  1 ?  2 ?  3 ?  4 Sc Skip Navigation Description of and percent of student 's non-participation in r egular class, length of school day , and LRE ? NA Non-participa- tion is blank, LRE not addressed. Majority of items were not ad- dressed or wer e not correct. Majority of items wer e addressed and corr ect:

Description, per cent of day, length of day , P.E.

listed. LRE is incorr ect. Description, per cent of day, length of day , P.E.

listed and corr ect.

Placement represents Least Restrictive Envir onment (LRE) Supplemental aids/services, pr o- gram modi and supports for personnel listed with location, class/setting (W CU 1, CF 3, EG 2, InT ASC 2c,2h,3g, CEC 3 GC3S1, 4 GC4S7) ? NA ?  1 No supple- mental aids and services listed. ?  2 Supplemental aids/services or supports for per- sonnel, location/class/ settings not listed or are incorr ect.

Modi or may not be present, but when present ar e not linked to learner needs. ?  3 Supplemental aids/services and sup- ports for personnel listed w/majority of in- formation (location/class/settings) given and corr ect.

Modi needs) are identi for regular class(es) but are not consistently ap- pr opriate for the learner.

incomplete. ?  4 Supplemental aids/services & sup- ports for personnel listed w/location/class/setting (all listed) Modi (link ed to needs) ar e identi class(es) tions listed are appro- priate and location provided) Sc State and District wide Assessment Pr ogr ams (CF 3, InTASC 6b,6h, CEC 8 GC8S3) ? NA ?  1 No participa- tion in assessments. ?  2 Participation in state/ district wide assessment is listed, ho wever testing modi tions may or may not be pr esent.

When modi tions are listed, the modi are gener ally inap- propriate to the needs of the learner. If alter- nate assessment is used a r ationale may or may not ?  3 Participation in state/ district wide assess- ment is listed and in- cludes any r equired testing modi Testing modi ar e gener ally appr opri- ate. If alternate assess- ment is used a r atio- nale is provided that supports the learner participation in alterna- tive assessment.

Rationale lacks clarity . ?  4 Participation in state/ district wide assess- ment is listed and in- cludes any required testing modi Testing modi ar e appr opriate. If al- ternate assessment is used a clear r ationale is provided that supports the learner tion in alternative assessment. Sc Skip Navigation be provided that supports the learner pation in alterna- tive assessment. Transition Plan (ages 14 - 21) (SCU 1,4, CF 3, EG 2, InT ASC 2f,2m,3b,3k,7l,7o,7p, CEC 4 GC4S8, 5 GC5S1, 7 GC7K2, 10 GC10S4) ? NA ?  1 Transition page linkages and post- school out- comes ar e blank. ?  2 Only one of the three r equir e- ments ar e met adequately . ?  3 Only two of the thr ee requir ements ar e met adequately . ?  4 Desired Post-school Outcomes section is adequate and appr o- priate for individual student. All areas ar e check ed yes or no on the T ransition Services Statement sec- tion. Appr opriate link- ages ar e check ed for the yes r esponses. Sc         Rubric Scor e:         Rubric Mean: GRADE Total Scor e:

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