question archive Stewart Student Initial Evaluation Information Eligibility Category: SLD (Basic Reading Skills, Reading Fluency , Reading Comprehension) Stewart is a 12 years 10 months old-year -old male currently attending Blue Sky Middle School for the 2021-2022 school year in the general education environment

Stewart Student Initial Evaluation Information Eligibility Category: SLD (Basic Reading Skills, Reading Fluency , Reading Comprehension) Stewart is a 12 years 10 months old-year -old male currently attending Blue Sky Middle School for the 2021-2022 school year in the general education environment

Subject:SociologyPrice: Bought3

Stewart Student

Initial Evaluation Information

Eligibility Category: SLD (Basic Reading Skills, Reading Fluency , Reading Comprehension)

Stewart is a 12 years 10 months old-year -old male currently attending Blue Sky Middle School for the

2021-2022 school year in the general education environment. Stewart plays football in the city league and hopes

to play for the school during the next school year . He enjoys his three siblings and has no difficulty getting

along with them at home. Stewart is a happy child who wants to do well and please the adults in his life. His

mom is concerned that his reading dif ficulties will get worse and impact his ability to function in life.

Stewart was referred for a comprehensive evaluation in an attempt to review if current eligibility is appropriate.

The testing results were based on information provided by records review , teacher's reports, direct testing, and

observation of Stewart's behaviors. The evaluation was conducted to review his eligibility for special education

services and determine any need for changes in his educational programming. Stewart passed his hearing and

vision screener . There is no data to suggest that there is any visual or hearing impairment that impacts his

educational performance.

The results of the speech/language review revealed that Stewart's language, articulation, voice, and fluency are

within normal limits when compared to his peers. There is no language/speech disability suspected at this time.

Regarding behavior , Stewart's teacher did not report any significant behavioral dif ficulties in the areas of

adaptive, behavioral, social, and general behavior . No additional testing was needed at this time.

A review of the academic performance levels as dictated by the current benchmarks indicates that Stewart is

functioning below grade level in Reading. In a one-on-one setting, Stewart's standardized achievement scores

for Letter -Word Identification (SS 66), Reading Fluency (SS 75), Reading Comprehension (SS 82), Math

Calculation (SS 86), and Math Problem Solving (SS 86) fall within the Average to Very Low (Reading) range

when compared to others his age. Based on the results of the RIAS-2, Stewart's full-scale cognitive ability (SS

107) falls within the Average range of functioning when compared to others his age and does demonstrate a

significant discrepancy when compared to his achievement in Letter -word identification (-41), Reading Fluency

(-32), and Passage Comprehension (-25). According to Mississippi's criteria for special education, a significant

discrepancy is demonstrated at 1.5 standard deviations (>22.5 points). The MET should consider the

preponderance of data when determining eligibility status.

Based on the information collected and reviewed, Stewart's suspected disability is not due to lack of exposure to

developmentally appropriate activities, limited English proficiency , cultural or environmental factors, or

economic disadvantage.

A final review of all the data collected (record review , observations, assessments) indicates that Stewart is not

currently having significant dif ficulty in Math. It is also reported that Stewart's current performance level in

Reading and Math are below grade level; and in a one-on-one setting, his achievement scores fall within the low

average to mild (reading only) range. When compared to his average cognitive ability , a significant discrepancy

is demonstrated when compared to his achievement in the areas of Basic Reading Skills, Reading Fluency , and

Passage Comprehension. Based on a review of his social/adaptive /behavioral/emotional assessments, it does

not appear as if Stewart is having current significant dif ficulties with problem behaviors. It is recommended that

the Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team determine appropriate eligibility for services through the Blue-Sky

School District.


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