question archive How might I supervise setting up the fitting organization framework for an organization

How might I supervise setting up the fitting organization framework for an organization

Subject:Computer SciencePrice: Bought3

How might I supervise setting up the fitting organization framework for an organization. The accompanying

divisions need IT Services:

? Finance (6 PCs)

? Examination and Department (10 PCs)

? IT (5 PCs)

? Creditor liabilities (10 PCs)

The clients should send and get email to and from outside clients and providers. IT

division will have a steady need to download fixes and fixes for different servers and organization

gadgets. The IT office has a steady need to transfer aftereffects of troubleshoots to different programming

merchants. ISP has furnished with one Public IPv4 address and one Global IPv6 address. I moreover

have two (2) Internet-confronting web servers that keep on giving substance to my outer clients and

should be stayed up with the latest. A great deal of my merchants and sellers additionally send me email consistently and I

need to guarantee that I can speak with these merchants by means of email. No other access from the

outer clients is required.

Follow the prescribed procedures and safeguard inside and out to decide how I want to get the organization

(inside and remotely), as depicted previously. Depict exhaustively the arrangements my propose and why?

The arrangement should detail how IP tending to, name goal, network address interpretation and firewall

will work. The arrangement should address ALL the above focuses.

Describe the cheapest-link algorithm for solving the Traveling Salesman Problem. O A. The cheapest-link algorithm is an approximate and inefficient algorithm. O B. The cheapest-link algorithm is an optimal and efficient algorithm. O C. The cheapest-link algorithm is an optimal and inefficient algorithm. O D. The cheapest-link algorithm is an approximate and efficient algorithm. O E. none of these

All pairs shortest path algorithm can be implemented by repeating algorithm X on every vertex on the graph
as source node. This algorithm X can be . (select all that may apply). Topological sort based single source
shortest path algorithm DES BFS Kruskal algorithm Dijkstra's algorithm Prim's algorithm Bellman-Ford

Consider the following algorithms and their associated statement counts: 1. Algorithm 1. F = 5n - 2 2. Algorithm 2, G. = 3n log n + 5 3. Algorithm 3, H. = 2" + 7 4. Algorithm 4, K, = Vn + 11 Which of the following statements is/are true? Algorithm 2 is more efficient than Algorithm 3 )Algorithm 4 is more efficient than Algorithm 2 Algorithm 1 is more efficient than Algorithm 2 O Algorithm 3 is more efficient than Algorithm 2 Algorithm 1 is more efficient than Algorithm 4



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