question archive For this assignment, you will be writing a summary of the chapter “Build Habits” excerpted fromChip Heath and Dan Heath’s book Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard
Subject:WritingPrice: Bought3
For this assignment, you will be writing a summary of the chapter “Build Habits” excerpted fromChip Heath and Dan Heath’s book Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard. Yoursummary should not exceed 550 words.A summary is a brief restatement, in your own words, of the content of a source—a passage, anarticle, a chapter, or a book. This restatement should focus on the central idea of the source, and,therefore, a summary can be only one or two sentences long. A longer, more complete, summary,which is the kind you will be crafting, will state the central idea of the source and include themain ideas that support or explain the central idea. It may even refer to some importantillustrative examples.A summary is hierarchical in structure, for it begins with the most important central idea,followed by the supporting ideas and examples. A good summary will even reflect the order inwhich the ideas are presented in the source. In this summary, condense the ideas in this chapteras completely as possible and mirror its organization as well.To read this chapter (or any article) and produce the draft of your summary, use the followingstrategies:Reading• Write in the margins as you read the article. Jot down brief notes that identify content andsummarize or explain ideas.• Don’t highlight unimportant details, examples, or redundancies.• Locate and underline the thesis or central idea of the article. If you can’t locate an obviousthesis statement, write one that states the central idea.• Then, identify the major topic divisions/sections of the article. Subject headings may beuseful guides to this organization. Highlight all of the supporting ideas in each section.=========