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Each post is different

Subject:BiologyPrice: Bought3

Each post is different. One requires you to go through an online tutorial and respond by answering specific questions. The second involves you considering how we classify species and decide if you would make some of the same decisions when categorizing hominid fossils. The third and final post asks you to look at your own society and think about how it compares to ancient ones in terms of social classifications. Please read the post descriptions carefully and follow the instructions. You must cite your sources using both in-text (parenthetical) citations and a references section at the end of your post, using APA style of citation. Do not plagiarize

Module Post #1

Closes 04 Feb 2023

Darwin and Wallace were both stunned by the diversity of life on Earth during their travels, and it helped them to develop a better understanding of how evolution occurs, but both of these men travelled to relatively warm parts of the world. How would their theories have been different if they'd travelled to the North or South Poles? Take a closer look at how the diversity of species is distributed across the globe on this site.

Questions to answer:

1. The pattern of having lots of species at the equator with diversity dwindling off

towards the poles is known as the _____________.

2. Three processes affect the diversity in a region — speciation, extinction, and

migration. Which combination of the three would lead to the most rapid increase in

diversity in an area?

3. Based on the evidence presented, do you think that species are crowded into the

tropics or spread out evenly over Earth's surface? Explain how the data in this online module supports your thinking.

Module Post #2

Closes 10 Mar 2023

Palaeoanthropologists can be characterized as "lumpers" or "splitters" depending upon their approach to the identification of species in the fossil record. Explain each term, and then tell us which one you think you are.

Given the information provided in this video on the classification of Homo naledi, in which category would you put this specimen, and why?

Module Post #3

Closes 05 Apr 2023

How do archaeologists know that different social classes existed in ancient civilizations? Using your online notes from Unit 12, identify one example from the Western Hemisphere and another from the Eastern Hemisphere.

Explain how both examples demonstrate that social stratification goes back a very long way in time.

What are some of the ways that differences in social stratification are expressed where you live today? Does your community have any traditions that serve to restate the social differences between individuals?


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