Subject:Computer SciencePrice: Bought3
1. program that reads 5 values into the array values from input. It will determine the largest and the smallest value in the arrays, and print them out to output.
2. program using an array that you will declare (SIZE = 10) and populate from input. The program will then ask for a target value. Your program will find the number of occurrences that is less than the target value.
Array Values: [8] [10] [125] [17] [50] [5] [13] [138] [87] [90]
Enter Target Value: 10
Small Occurrences: 2
Explanation (For your reference only): The target value was 10, but the number of values less than 10 was 2. The values at index 0 and index 5, are less than 10.
1. Each problem is worth 10 points. Max Grade is 20 points out of 20 which is 100.
2. If a program doesn't compile, then you will be given a 0 for that individual exercise.
3. Formulas in cout statement: -2
I should never see: cout << number + number2 << endl;
What I listed above is a style rule violation. You should instead assign the expression to a result variable. Then you you can use cout to print that variable out.
4. Variables should all be in lower case. Camel case is acceptable as well (The book does this). Only variables that should be in upper case should be constants, and when declaring constants, all the letters of the variable should be in upper case. Style Rule violation: -2
5. Indentation violations: -2
Please review the styling video for indentation standard.
6. If your code doesn't pass all test cases, that problem will not get credit.
7. You must use arrays, or else the problem will not be given credit.