question archive Declare the following data members and menber function prototypes of class ClassRoom in ClassRoom

Declare the following data members and menber function prototypes of class ClassRoom in ClassRoom

Subject:Computer SciencePrice: Bought3

Declare the following data members and menber function prototypes of class ClassRoom in ClassRoom.h Data member's Classroom name (string, or example: "CSC134") 6 Number of student objects awwed in this classroom (int) 0 Array of st dent objects (maxim m size is 24) Student StudentArray [24]. . Member function Is 0 Constructor with 1parameter. o Getter and setter function for each data member. 0 Void function which creates an array of Student objects by reading student data from input data file. o Void function which sorts array of student objects by individual student's average score. o Void function which sorts array of student objects by individual student's last name. 0 Value-returning function which calculates and returns the average score of all students. o Void function which displays all student's last name, first name, 4 exam scores and average score. o Value returning function which returns the number of students in the Classroom object.


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