question archive Read and understand the scenario carefully

Read and understand the scenario carefully

Subject:Computer SciencePrice: Bought3

Read and understand the scenario carefully. The TMU (Toronto Metropolitan University) Walkin Medical Centre needs a database to keep record of and provide information about patient visits, past, present, and future. Where an appointment reservation is made it is never for a speci?c physician. The patient will see whatever physician is available when they arrive. For each patient we need to retain the patient's health card number, name, address, and gender, date of birth and telephone number. A patient may see any of the physicians on staff but would only see one on each visit. A patient only is permitted one visit a day. The centre is very large and employs many physicians. Each physician has an identifying number and in addition information is kept as to their name, specialty, and of?ce location. The data integrity for the information recorded about the specialty of the doctors is also very important but not every doctor will have a specialty. Each specialty has a code and a description. After each visit the total fee incurred by the patient for that visit is recorded and as this is a private facility payment must be made immediately. The method of payment, (cash, cheque, or credit card) is also recorded. On each visit a patient may receive several treatments that involve the use of medical items that are stocked by the Centre. Each such use of a medical item is recorded with the quantity used and a comment. Information for each stocked item consists of an item number, a description, item type, normal price, the number of units in stock and unit of measure. Certain treatment items due to their nature (e.g., inoculation, enema) may need to be applied by a nurse and where this is the case the identity of the speci?c nurse administering this treatment will also be recorded. Not all items require a nurse however all stocked items have been used at least once. Information pertaining to nurses include their id number, name, and gender. Some nurses supervise other nurses. These relationships should be included in the model.


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