question archive ASSESSMENT BRIEFL 7 International Marketing: Individual written report, 100% Key Details and Requirements Learning outcomes: 1
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7 International Marketing: Individual written report, 100%
Key Details and Requirements
Learning outcomes:
1. Synthesise and critically evaluate the links from the international corporatestrategy to the marketing strategy and ways of delivering an organisation’scorporate mission and vision effectively.
2. Develop sustainable international competitive advantage through synthesiseand implementation of international approaches to marketing leadership andinnovation; assessing the link between shareholder value and an organisation’son-going success.
3. Develop international marketing strategies to establish an organisation’scompetitive and sustainable marketing and relationship strategies to achievethe organisation’s strategic intent and deliver its value proposition.
4. Develop operational marketing plans at organisational level using synergisticplanning processes, taking account of different planning frameworks (cross-functional and board level contribution) and ensuring they are within theresource capabilities of an organisation.
5. Critically evaluate and design the most appropriate organisational structures formarket-oriented organisations and in a changing international environmentwhilst evaluating the resource implications and requirements.
Assessment details: Individual written report, 100% (2,500 words)Referencing: Students are expected to use Harvard Referencing throughout theirassignments where required. Please follow the Harvard Referencing Handbook for allyour assignments.
Submission Method: Turnitin - Your work needs to be put through Turnitin. Allsubmissions will
be electronically checked for plagiarism.
Individual Assessment:
The assessment is designed to ensure learners merit from combining marketing and marketing communications together in a world where international marketing must adapt, by market. This ensures a theoretical and real-world experience of global/international marketing. Importantly, students will need to understand and critically think through market and industry data, micro/SME/large corporation data,and the exploration of academic and contemporary theories/approaches together.
It is not about being correct, not always, but the power of one’s argument, the legitimacy of one’s ideas through reasoned rationale, founded on well referenced research evidence.
Individual Assessment, Detailed Briefing and Marking Criteria for TurnitinRubric:
Individual Summative Assessment, with choices of emphasis being a), b) or c).A new
international market opportunity analysis, with marketing andMARCOMS strategy recommendations. (Business Report style, in MS Word and 2,500 words).
Weighting: 100%.
The following briefing is also the marking criteria which forms the rubric persection in
General – (all subject emphasis choices must apply this first paragraph of assessment
briefing criteria first), worth 25% TMM.
Critically analyse a new geo-market location for what will be considered to be a
growingbrand/company/family business/product/service of one’s choice.
Students aiming for excellent and exceptional will pursue this first paragraph with vigour, articulating a chosen company/brand, product/service nomenclature by applying Kotler’s product levels analysis through Company, Brand, Product/Service(examples/halos/heroes) in conjunction with Core, Formal and Augmented (‘CFA’)analysis. Tabulations and narrative are a frequent approach here. Students will apply brand theory, briefly articulating the choice of brand
(in business report style third person, as for the whole report), through e.g. Kapfaerer’s Prizm,
Onion and/or Ladders Theories, or one brand theory application in more detail. When at product/service levels, the brand choice needs to be articulated by focusing on the example/halo/hero products/services, enabled through key terms from e.g. the (I)PLC/BCG
PPA/AnsoffGM. These models can be interwoven into critical writing analysis as part of the student's ‘daily business language’ development – and it’s important areas of focusare applied here, rather than covering every key term of every model. This will depend
on a student’s identified angles of research and personal interests. This opening set of sections
for the Business Report will be worth up to 15% of the overall assessment.
1 Extremely Poor, 2 Very Poor, 3 Poor, 4 Marginal Fail,5 Marginal Pass, 6 Merit, 7
Distinction, 8 Exceptional
NOW see the CHOICES of emphasis, a), b) or c), for this assessment criteria,worth 50%
a) New Market and Critical Market Analysis Focus. Some relevant elements from b) and c) below will be integrated into the critical analysis business report.Critically evaluate a new geo-market expansion opportunity away from the domestic home/existing market. This will rationalize one’s new market choice,for a new country, or specifically to a new city-only target abroad, e.g. from the USA to The Netherlands, of from the USA to the Netherlands, from Russia toItaly or to Rome, from India to the UK or London, or from Japan to Brazil or Rio,etc. Through detailed and succinct, critical market analysis using historic and recent research, including
sources in applying appropriate models,theories and approaches, a highly detailed comparative macro market critical analysis between a host and new market will be achieved. A macro market approach will be minimally enhancing PESTEL from its basic form into an integrated and prioritized approach , e.g. applying capon grids. Following that,you’ll create further critically applied comparative micro market analysis,applying a substantive segmentation analysis, targeting and positioning (STP)approach, including fact and value-based thinking to create targeting profiles/personas and mapping in positioning in the new expansion country/city.The challenge can also include, for those who wish to explore further and to be rewarded for that, considered consumer journeys, ‘lifestyle data’ and consumer insights, including critically referenced terms derived from behavioral stage and behavioral type analysis, but to achieve critical analysis depth overbreadth. Secondary research reading should be referenced at every opportunity. This critical analysis essentially realizes and identifies a newmarket-led gap(s) and opportunities. A frame-worked Conclusion is required which should include strategic and tactical
Recommendations. (50% of this assessment).
b) New Market and Critical Competition and Value Chain Analysis. Some Relevant
elements from a) above and c) below will be integrated into the critical analysis business report.
Critically evaluate a new geo-market expansion opportunity away from the domestic
home/existing market. This will rationalize one's new market choice, for a new country, or
specifically to a new city-onlytarget abroad, e.g. from the to USA to The Netherlands, of from the
USA to theNetherlands, from Russia to Italy or to Rome, from India to the UK or London,or from
Japan to Brazil or Rio, etc. Through detailed and succinct, critical macro industry competitor,
competitive analysis, followed by macro-micro industry value chain analysis, using historic and
recent recent research, including sources in applying appropriate models, theories and
approaches, the critical analysis will be comparative between the host and new market and
industry andwill draw on the opportunities as well as challenges. Minimally, comparative,e.g. 5
or 6 Forces will be applied, but excellent critical analysis will draw on a range of other
competitive analysis models to critically support the Porter’s 5 /6 Forces or the ‘9 Strategic
Forces’. You can focus on what you believe to bethe key forces without needing to cover all
forces to achieve critical analysis depth over breadth. Referencing is key here to ensure
indication of research papers, pieces, articles, stories, and models being applied at any one
time and especially when a student’s critical analysis is integrating multiple concepts,theories
and approaches close together or in an integrated fashion. The report must critically extend into
value chain analysis and e.g. ‘interconnectedness’,and sustainable ‘CSFs’ articulation. Again,
elements of these models need tobe focused on, based on a student’s angles of research and
what is being uncovered through a student’s readings. Final business report articulation can be
made prior to and in the lead up to a Conclusion, or as part of it. This final articulation includes,
e.g. researched and identified or interpreted competitive advantage(s) (CAs), in existence, or
being originally created potentially in thisreport and thus also having the potential to be exported successfully, or developed in the new marker and industry because of the act of export to such a new geo-location. This needs to include the why and how of the articulatedCAs, and any USP(s)
established domestically or critically identified in this report for this export. As stated, this final
articulation could be included in a final,frame-worked Conclusion which should lead to strategic
and tacticalRecommendations. (50%).
c) New Market Value Chain and Internationalization Theory Application.Some relevant
elements from a) and b) above will be integrated into the critical analysis business report.
Critically evaluate a new geo-market expansion opportunity away from the domestic
home/existing market based on relevant,researched triggers and motives. This will rationalize
one’s new market choice,for a new country, or specifically to a new city-only target abroad, e.g.
from theto USA to The Netherlands, of from the USA to the Netherlands, from Russia toItaly or
to Rome, from India to the UK or London, or from Japan to Brazil or Rio,etc. Through detailed
and succinct, critical value chain and internationalization theory analysis, applying historical and
more recent research, the student will develop a highly detailed critical analysis in applying one
internationalization theory in the main, but supported by two other theories where appropriate,
(e.g.Network Theory, Transaction Cost Analysis, Uppsala Theory). The aim is to identify
interconnectedness elements of the value chain, emphasizing these to predict a successful,
physical capability in expanding abroad, rationalizing such capabilities. The report must critically
extend into the value chains interconnectedness and sustainable ‘CSFs’ articulation. This c)
choice couldwell impact the early part of the business report at the brand analysis stage,
e.g.brand collaboration through brand associations such as mere affiliate marketing tactics or
joint ventures. Whether in the lead up to, or as part of the Conclusions And Recommendations,
what changes need to be investigated and pursued, as realistically and as practically as
possible, to make the current value chain resources fit for a foreign expansion via specified
modes of entry, in the new country or city being investigated, creating for the expansion to the
new geo-market. A frame-worked Conclusion is required which should include strategic and
tactical Recommendations. (50%).
1 Extremely Poor, 2 Very Poor, 3 Poor, 4 Marginal Fail,5 Marginal Pass, 6 Merit, 7
Distinction, 8 Exceptional
Integration, 15%TMM:
Emphasis does not mean exclusion of the terms contained within the above subject one
chooses not to emphasize. Integrating some terms, some concepts, models elements and
subject appropriately within your emphasis subject from the areas one's choosing not to
emphasize, is key to contributing to your linked-up, integrated and critical thinking and writing.
This integration will be worth 15% of the assessment.
1 Extremely Poor, 2 Very Poor, 3 Poor, 4 Marginal Fail,5 Marginal Pass, 6 Merit, 7
Distinction, 8 Exceptional
Referencing, report style and structure, 10%TMM:
Harvard referencing both in-text and in full at the end of your submission is absolutely critical
and essential. One must write in one’s own words from sources, unless using and citing some
quotes and/or testimonials. Referencing should be attained from academic articles, journals,
contemporary business and nonbusiness sources as well as text books.The submission must
be in a page numbered and formal report style in MS Word, with a Title Page, with word count, a
Table of Contents, an Abstract/Overview, and then the main report’s numbered sections and
sub-sections. Full sentences throughout but of course bullet-pointing and diagrams can help
express items more effectively.Language must remain formal mostly and in third person at
all/most times.
There is NO appendices permitted.
At the end of your report, which needs to finalize with a Conclusion andRecommendations,
there needs to be the full References and ensure you have captured all your reference
opportunities, based on your ability to optimize the quality and quantity of in-text referenced
featured within your report. It should be unlikely that any section will not have references within
it, except the Abstract/Overview, and possibly the Conclusion and Recommendations can
‘evade’ referencing.One must work to create a flowing structure and one that is logical in order
and sequence. The brief and criteria above helps you in many ways. There’s a reason for
detailed briefs such as these. Stray at your peril.This is worth 10% of your paper.1 Extremely
Poor, 2 Very Poor, 3 Poor, 4 Marginal Fail,
5 Marginal Pass, 6 Merit, 7 Distinction, 8 Exceptional
MS Word, Business Report Style, ONLY
.• Submit from a saved document/PDF created on your computer and DO NOTsubmit from a
third-party platform.
• Submit to the submission link provided within Elite Turnitin, ONLY.
• Submit before or by the deadline and any IT issues are for the student to handle and not the
tutor under any circumstances.
• All ULaw Business School submission and extenuating circumstances terms,conditions and
rules apply and must be understood by you now.
Further regards:The analysis, direction and strategic outcomes you’re attempting to achieve
can/will occurs as you read, research and uncover. Some students are clear from the outset as
they chose a brand with clear, geographically domestic issues and limitations and saw an
obvious route to success internationally.
However, as this business report will NOT be physically presented or verbalized by the student,
this means the submission-only business report through Turnitin, MUST be analytical and
detailed enough content, yet clear, concise and understandable if picked up by any of the
executive directors/stakeholders of the brand/company selected and can be better understood
because of the detailed rationale and direction of the international expansion analysis
opportunity within, without the student physically needing to explaining it verbally.
The detailed analysis is paramount, as often business people don’t have the opportunity to
verbally and physically present to all the required stakeholders. If Anything, the use of in-text
references throughout the business report document,appropriately, makes this even more
robust than many real-world, industry documents which present data with assumed knowledge
and opinions and too often only a few sources offered, here and there.
Students on this course are Masters students and must literally litter their slides,smartly, with
in-text references opportunities.