question archive Findings TOPIC HONG KONG SOUTH KOREA Language Cantonese Korean Total Population 7,576,588 (7
Subject:ManagementPrice: Bought3
Language |
Cantonese |
Korean |
Total Population |
7,576,588 (7.58 million) |
51,884,834 |
% Of population in Urban Centers |
Most of the population lived in urban areas. |
81.41% of the south Korea population live in urban areas. |
Age Distribution |
0-14 years (12.81) % 15-64 years (70.05) % 65+ (18.34) % (Wikipedia) |
0-14 years (12.02%) 15-64 years (71.24%) 65 + years (16.74%) (Wikipedia) |
2.2 Infrastructure |
Internet Usage (Consideration: access to social & mobile application networks) |
Total 7.05 million internet users in Hong Kong. From which 6.68 million are social media users. Kepios analysis indicates that in Hong Kong internet users increased by 94 thousand between 2021 and 2022. (Data Reportal) |
There are 47.32m internet users in South Korea out of which 85% of the people are on social media. (Statista) |
Mobile Phone Use (Potential population that can access mobile games) |
5.53 million of the people in Hong Kong are using mobiles. |
93% of the people form total population have smartphones. |
Economic Development |
Education |
93.5% of the population over the age of 15 had attend schooling. Ranked 18th in Legatum Prosperity Index 2021 |
South Korea ranking in Education is at 19th place in whole world. |
Income Disparity |
Talking about Hong Kong Poverty Situation Report 2020 1.65 million people lived below the poverty line, set at half the median monthly household income. That means nearly one in four Hong Kong was poor. (25 Hong Kong) |
In Korea income inequality is increasing. The index which is commonly used to measure income distribution among population has increased from 0.26 to 0.31. The poverty gap index was 39%. (wikipedia) |
Trade |
Trade & Investment |
Hong Kong market is badly affected by competition and neighboring countries. Fid flow in Hong Kong was $596.1 billion. (Mordor Intelligence) |
South Korea and Canada have most valued exports in 2016.Coal and copper ore together account for 35.6% of the total Canadian exports to south Korea. So, both countries share a good bond in trade and investments. (Liberty Of Parliment) |
Business Challenges for Importers |
(walkerworldtrade) |
Trade Administration) |
Source: Wikipedia
Please answer in the same format as above for Australia and South Korea for exporting from our Canadian company Amsterdam Brewery to Australia or South korea.
Australia |
Language |
Total Population |
% Of population in Urban Centers |
Age Distribution |
2.2 Infrastructure |
Internet Usage (Consideration: access to social & mobile application networks) |
Mobile Phone Use (Potential population that can access mobile games) |
Economic Development |
Education |
Income Disparity |
Trade |
Trade & Investment |
Business Challenges for Importers |