question archive Airline Reservations System II A small airline has just purchased a computer for its new automated reservations system

Airline Reservations System II A small airline has just purchased a computer for its new automated reservations system

Subject:Computer SciencePrice: Bought3

Airline Reservations System II

A small airline has just purchased a computer for its new automated reservations system. You've been asked to develop the new system. You're to write an application to make reservations for passengers for the sole flight of the airline's only plane, a DC-3 with 7 rows of 3 seats (capacity: 21 seats). Your application should 1. Display a menu to view passenger boarding pass or make a reservation. if boarding pass is selected then request the passenger's name and telephone number, use the telephone number to correctly identify the passenger and display the boarding pass, then display the previous menu. If reservation is selected, then go to step 2 Ensure a seat is available, then request and read passenger information-name, age, gender (NI/F), and 10-digit telephone number. Should the flight be full, display a message to that effect. Allow the passenger to select an available seat from a seating chart that displays available {A} and not available {X} seats. The selection of a taken seat should not be allowed. The aircraft has 7 rows with 3 seats in each row When the seat selection is complete, display the boarding pass that has the customer information and the selected seat. When transaction is complete, go to step 1 You are required to: 1. Create a passenger class with name, age, gender, and telephone number as instance variables, a two-dimensional static array for the seating arrangement, and a static variable to count the seats taken in that flight, along with instance and class methods. Use an array list to store instances of passenger with valid reservations. Use static methods in the driver class to minimize statements in main method.


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