question archive After viewing “The Iroquois (Haudenosaunee) Creation Story with Kay Olan” and “Kay Olan, Mohawk Storyteller Connects Two Worlds,” select a quote or passage from one of the two videos that has meaning to you and interpret it for the class

After viewing “The Iroquois (Haudenosaunee) Creation Story with Kay Olan” and “Kay Olan, Mohawk Storyteller Connects Two Worlds,” select a quote or passage from one of the two videos that has meaning to you and interpret it for the class

Subject:HistoryPrice: Bought3

After viewing “The Iroquois (Haudenosaunee) Creation Story with Kay Olan” and “Kay Olan, Mohawk Storyteller Connects Two Worlds,” select a quote or passage from one of the two videos that has meaning to you and interpret it for the class. The quote may be from the creation myth or from Olan herself.

  • What is the meaning of the passage and to whom is it directed?
  • What does it mean to you personally and why did you select this passage?
  • In what way is the message timeless in that it still has meaning in our world today?

800 word minimum with references


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