question archive Pick one question and respond with researched material using the AIE readings, the course content and the film

Pick one question and respond with researched material using the AIE readings, the course content and the film

Subject:Health SciencePrice: Bought3

Pick one question and respond with researched material using the AIE readings, the course content and the film.

  1. What effect did the introduction of smallpox have upon the culture of the New World?  Before answering, look at two different viewpoints on the effects of the smallpox epidemic on American Indians to help you answer this question: William J. Bauer and Patrick Spero.
  2. Looking at the  European empires (Spain, France, and England) Explain in detail, how each of the countries and their colonists influenced and changed the tribes they encountered. Your answer should reflect-- the  invasion by European Empires on Indian lands and against Native  people, the consequences of the European invasion on Native lifestyle or way of life and the changes in culture, religion, economics and warfare.
  3. How did Native respond to the European's culture and society? Did they try to co-exist in the New World with the Europeans? Did the tribes change or assimilate to be included in European society?
  4. Discuss the Columbian Exchange's positive and negative effects on the New World.  What new items were introduced to the American Indians and did they help or hinder progress for the First Nations?
  5. How did Europeans perceive "Indianness" during this early period of contact? Looking at Columbus's view of the first people compared to the Pilgrims's perspective of the Native....What issues do historians face when trying to reconstruct histories of early Native American cultures?

Last part: At the end of your post please comment in one paragraph on what you have learned that was new, surprising, and interesting.


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