question archive Provide a good original objection specifically against the opinion

Provide a good original objection specifically against the opinion

Subject:PhilosophyPrice: Bought3

Provide a good original objection specifically against the opinion.  Do not object to Don Marquis's claim that the student is talking about.  Rather, you must object against the student's idea or conclusion. 

According to Don Marquis views on abortion he stated it was seriously immoral, that it is in the same moral category as killing an innocent adult human being. In my opinion this statement is radical because a fetus has not lived life like an adult human being and therefore abortion should not be held into comparison which leads me to strongly disagree. Marquis believes that aborting a fetus is wrong because it deprives it of valuable experiences, projects, and enjoyments but who's to say they would grow into a person who chooses to work towards these things. For example, the person carrying the fetus who wanted an abortion and being forced to carry the baby could give the baby up, but the baby could grow up to hate life because of this circumstance which could lead to depression, feeling undervalued, and possibly suicide. This contradicts Marquis views and either version has a 50/50 chance of being accurate. The argument should not lie in hypotheticals or morality because morals are independent beliefs. Instead, the argument should be who gets to decide on abortions being accessible and legal. In my opinion the person carrying the fetus should have the right to an abortion if they so choose to and if it is decided that the legal/justice system chooses then they should be responsible for the longevity of that fetus.


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