question archive Newton's Law Of Cooling 1) A cheesecake is taken out of the oven with an ideal temperature of HS degrees Fahrenheit and is placed into a refrigerator with a temperature of in degrees Fahrenheit

Newton's Law Of Cooling 1) A cheesecake is taken out of the oven with an ideal temperature of HS degrees Fahrenheit and is placed into a refrigerator with a temperature of in degrees Fahrenheit

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Newton's Law Of Cooling

1) A cheesecake is taken out of the oven with an ideal temperature of HS degrees Fahrenheit and is placed into a refrigerator with a temperature of in degrees Fahrenheit. After 1|] minutes, the cheesecake has cooled to 150 degrees Fahrenheit. if we must wait until the cheesecake has cooled to 1'0 degrees Fahrenheit before we eat it, how long Iwill we have to wait?

2) A pitcher of water at 45 degrees Fahrenheit is placed into a 1'5 degrees room. Dne hour later, the temperature has risen to 50 degrees. How long will It talte for the temperature to rise to ED degrees?


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