question archive Three stationary processes are defined as X)t( = sin )ωt + ????(; Y t( = cos2 )ωt +????) and Z(t)=  X(t)+ Y(t)

Three stationary processes are defined as X)t( = sin )ωt + ????(; Y t( = cos2 )ωt +????) and Z(t)=  X(t)+ Y(t)

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Three stationary processes are defined as X)t( = sin )ωt + ????(; Y t( = cos2 )ωt +????) and Z(t)= 
X(t)+ Y(t). in which ???? and ???? are random phase angles with a uniform distribution between -???? ≤
???? ≤ ???? ???????????? -???? ≤???? ≤ ???? x p. The following items are asked to be calculated: 
a. Expected values of X (t ), Y (t ) and Z (t ) 
b. Auto- and cross-correlation functions of X (t ), Y (t ) and Z (t ) 


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