question archive Please answer the following questions: Translate the following statements into QL, and provide a complete translation key: 1

Please answer the following questions: Translate the following statements into QL, and provide a complete translation key: 1

Subject:UnrecognizedPrice: Bought3

Please answer the following questions: Translate the following statements into QL, and provide a complete translation key: 1. No planet in our solar system is habitable, except Earth 2. No one is wiser than David 3. There are at least two dishonest pirates 4. Some birds are not flyers 5. If you harm someone, then someone else will harm you 6. There is a barber who shaves all those barbers who don't shave themselves 7. Sir Lawrene Bragg was the youngest Nobel Laureate 8. Kelly is married to someone. 9. Not everything is a joke or a tragedy 10. If something is concrete or steel, then everything is heavy Within the given model, determine the truth value of each of the following statements. In each case, briefly explain why you think the statement is true or false. 11. UD: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} extension E: {2, 4, 6} extension O: {1, 3, 5} extension N: {Ø} extension M: {1, 3, 6} constant (p): 2 constant (q): 4 a. ?x(Ex -> ~Ox) b. ?x(Ex ^ Ox) ->?y (My ^ Ny) c. Eq <-> ?x(Nx v Ex) d. ?x(Ox ^ Np) -> ?z(Ez v Mz) e. Ep ^ ?x(Ox) Given the following premises, derive the conclusion. 12. Premises: (1) ?x(Bx -> ?y(Ay -> Cxy)), (2) Bj ^ ~ Cjm, (3) ?xDx Conclusion: ~ Am


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