question archive 4SK402 Foreign Policy Analysis, 7

4SK402 Foreign Policy Analysis, 7

Subject:HistoryPrice: Bought3

4SK402 Foreign Policy Analysis, 7.5 credits



Linnaeus University


Take-home examination


The take-home exam consists of one question. Your answer should be between 2300 and 2500 words, not including cover and reference list. Explicit references (meaning page numbers, e.g. Smith 2019:234) to the course literature or other types of material are required throughout the text. It is ok to use other sources than the course literature, but the course literature (books and articles) should form the basis of your answer.




Choose two FPA theories (Alden & Aran’s book) and apply them on some aspect of the war in Ukraine (for ex Russia’s foreign policy, the international support for Ukraine etc) or the geopolitical situation in Asia (for ex China’s foreign policy, the US pivot to Asia, the situation in Taiwan etc). Discuss theoretically and empirically the strengths, weaknesses, and applicability of the theories you have chosen. Discuss also if there is something important with your empirical case that the FPA theories cannot account for.


The take-home exam should be handed in on My Moodle on Aug 25 at 16.00. Exams turned in after the deadline will not be accepted. (My Moodle will close automatically at 16.15). Please note that all correspondence regarding the exam should be via the forum at My Moodle – not via email or phone – so that all can see it.


Criteria of assessment for the take-home exam

Relevance: The question should be correctly analyzed concerning the topic and the concepts, and the student must have answered the central part of the question.

Independence: The answer should reflect independent and critical thinking as well application of key concepts and theories from the literature.

Breadth: The student should consider a reasonable number of different angles, areas and aspects in her/his answer. What is “reasonable” depends on the character of the question.

Depth: The student should be able to value the body of knowledge acquired in the course related to the question and from that pick out the central parts. The answer should be thorough and precise. Long reviews or quotes should be avoided. And quotes and reviews should not be left uncommented.

Disposition: The answer should be structured, logical, understandable and coherent.

Strategy: The question is of the character that there rarely is a “correct” answer. There can therefore be different strategies in answering the question. Some strategies are more appropriate, creative and independent than others when it comes to clarifying the main message in the answer to the question.

Usage of literature: The assessment concerns how well the student has managed to use the course literature in answering the question. The student is expected to make explicit references to the course literature, including page number, when used. The reader must always know what the author (in this case the student) has thought her/himself, and what has been brought from other sources. It is never acceptable to present the result of others work as a result of one’s own work. The usage of notes and references is central in separating what the author has used from others, and the author’s own analysis and ideas. The presentation of data, ideas or something written by someone else without references is called plagiarism. It is ok to use other sources than the course literature, but the course literature should form the basis of your answer.

The University Library has rather extensive pages on proper referencing. Use them!

Your texts will be run through anti-plagiarising software. If you are caught with plagiarism you will fail and be reported to the disciplinary committee.

The language: The take-home exam should be written in coherent sentences and paragraphs and have a good “flow.” The text should be well?formulated and proof-read. The form of the text is also important for the overall assessment, e.g. clear headings, paragraphs and punctuation.


Good luck!



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