question archive Review Questions 1

Review Questions 1

Subject:SociologyPrice: Bought3

Review Questions

1. Discuss two norms or values that sports help to teach children in society. How does sports help teach these aspects of culture?

2. What are two functions of the mass media for society? Why do you think these functions are important?

3. Why are many countries concerned about the growing globalization of the media?

4. What is narcotizing dysfunction? Why is this dysfunction a concern? What is one example of a situation where this may have occurred?

5. Discuss two ways that sports reinforce gender and racial inequality in society.

Critical Thinking Questions

1. Do you think that Native American sports mascots are offensive? Why or why not? Should teams be forced to change their team name to something that is less controversial?

2. Do you think that violence in the media is harmful to individuals and society? Why or why not?

3. Describe the main characters of one television program that you watch. Do you think the characters reflect the composition of society in terms of class, race, and gender? Why or why not?

4. Sociologists argue that sports often reflect gender, racial, and class inequality. Do you agree or disagree with this? Why?

5. Do you think that gatekeeping is increasing or decreasing in society (in other words, are alternative messages more or less likely to be heard in today’s media)? Why or why not?



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