question archive Address the following in 1,250–1,750 words: How is the criminal justice system portrayed in the media? Explain

Address the following in 1,250–1,750 words: How is the criminal justice system portrayed in the media? Explain

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Address the following in 1,250–1,750 words: How is the criminal justice system portrayed in the media? Explain. What impact do the media have on a viewer's perception as to the system's efficacy in dealing with crime? Explain. Does coverage of sensationalistic and violent crime create fear among the general public? Explain. Does this fear influence criminal justice policy attitudes? Explain in detail. Is there a correlation between gender, education, income, age, and perceived neighborhood problems and police effectiveness in dealing with crime? Explain in detail. In this assignment, external research is essential to successful submission. You must utilize at least 5–7 academic or scholarly external resources to support your arguments. Be sure to reference all of your sources using APA style.

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