question archive   please answer the the ff: 1

  please answer the the ff: 1

Subject:Computer SciencePrice: Bought3


please answer the the ff: 1. Merge sort uses the "divide and conquer" paradigm. If we divide the array, we have left and right items. After the last process in the right side, what are the items? 2. Merge sort uses the "divide and conquer" paradigm. If we divide the array, we have left and right items. After the last process in the left side, what are the items? 3. What is the 1st process using Insertion sort? 4. How many process using insertion sort? 5. How many process using bubble sort algorithm? 6. What is the 5th process using bubble sort algorithm? 7. What is the 8th process using Insertion sort? 8. How many process using Selection Sort? 9. What is the 2nd process using Selection Sort? 10. What is the 11th process using Selection Sort?


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