question archive Use nested for-loops to have the turtle draw a snowflake of polygons

Use nested for-loops to have the turtle draw a snowflake of polygons

Subject:Computer SciencePrice:2.87 Bought7

Use nested for-loops to have the turtle draw a snowflake of polygons. Use the variable turnAmount to turn after each shape and the variable n for the sides of the polygon.

import java.util.*;
import java.awt.*;

public class TurtleSnowflakes
public static void main(String[] args)
World world = new World(300,300);
Turtle yertle = new Turtle(world);

// Use this variable in the loops
int turnAmount = 30;

// 1. Write a for loop that runs many times
// 2. Change it to use turnAmount to figure out how many times to run

// 1 & 2. Write an inner loop that draws a triangle (3 sides, 120 degree turns)
// 3. Then change it to be any polygon with a variable n

// turn turnAmount degrees before drawing the polygon again

// 4. Add an if statement that changes the colors depending on the loop variables;

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