question archive   Choose the best answer: 1) Infection control can be reduced by the following procedures

  Choose the best answer: 1) Infection control can be reduced by the following procedures

Subject:Health SciencePrice: Bought3


Choose the best answer: 1) Infection control can be reduced by the following procedures. a) Hands and any other surface splashed with blood should be washed with soap or water as soon as possible b) Don't cover open cuts c) Treating all human blood, bodily fluids or materials as a potentially infections d) Wearing disposable (Throwaway) gloves 2)When resuscitating an infant, the position of the head should be? a)Half head tilt b)Neutral position c)Lying in whatever position you find the baby in d)Maximum head tilt 3)You are performing C.P.R on a child when the casualty begins to vomit.Your instant reaction should be a) Roll him into the recovery position, turn his face slightly down and clear the airway.Then continue C.P.R if breathing is still absent b) Continue C.P.R but this time using a face shield to prevent cross infection c) give up -they're dead anyway d)Till their head further back so that the vomit would go back down the throat 4) Early defibrillation is the second link in the chain of survival a) True b) False 5) When managing an unconscious casualty who is breathing,it is essential to a) Place the casualty into the recovery position to protect the airway b) Leave them on their back with their head in a neutral position c)Pull their head backwards and hold it in that position d) Monitor airway and breathing 6) Select the correct answers when performing compressions one am adult a) Place the heel of one hand on the middle of the chest b) Compression rate is 100-120 per minute c) Compress 1/3 of the chest depth d) Allow only partial chest recoils after each compression 7) Which of the statements below applies to a qualified first aided? a) A first aide must understand the basic priorities of first aid b) First Anders need to follow the rules and to do so with ordinary skills and "to the best of their ability c) An understanding of the legal issues in first aid: obtaining consent, understanding duty of care & what constitutes negligence,record keeping and confidentiality d) In an emergency, a first wider can go beyond their level of training 8) An Automated External Defibrillator A.E.D is used when you find a casualty in which of the following conditions? a) Not breathing, not moving,is responding b)Moving, not responding,breathing c) Responding,breathing,not moving d) Unresponsive ,not breathing normally, not moving. 9) A cook is preparing a meal at restaurant. As she is cutting up the vegetables, she is bumped from behind causing her to slice off the tops of her fingers and thumb.As the first wider,what should you do? a) Ignore the bleeding,it'll stop eventually. The important thing to get the fingers, freeze them and call an ambulance b) Call 000 c) Reassure the casualty.Stop the bleeding by applying pressure and dressing to the injury and elevating the limb. Place the servers fingers into a plastic bag,seal the bag and insert into icy water. d) Stop the bleeding.Place the fingers directly into icy water so they stay moist until the ambulance arrives 10)If you found a child floating face down in a swimming pool,your first action should be: a) Take off any wet clothes, replace with dry ones and begin C.P.R b)Assess for any danger, remove the casualty from the pool and immediately place them into the recovery position and clear the airway. c) Removing the child from the pool takes too much time.Get in pool, turn the child over and begin C.P.R d) Leave the casualty in the pool for fear of doing damage to the spine 11) What should you do to debrief if you experience stress after administering C.P.R/first aid? a) Seek our help and support from a trusted and understanding colleague,your manager and/ or counsellor b) Share your experience with colleagues who are curing about what had occurred c) ignore the stressful signs as they will go away d) You fill in the register of injuries from as recording the incident will help you cope 12) You witness a car accident where a vehicle has swerved to advoid hitting a dog. the vehicle has hit a tree. Your first action should be to: a) Act excites and let people around know that this's a real emergency b) Go through the casualties' personal effects to check for identification c) Assess the casualties for any life-threatening injuries and treat them d) Recognise an emergency situation, call 000 and assess the scene for dangers to self & others 14) The correct treatment for partial airway blockage is to: a) If conscious, encourage the casualty to cough b) Administer the Heinrich manoeuvre c) Administer blows to the back d) Give water to wash down the food 15) You work in the local Post office and are the First Aid officer .one day a customer waiting in line suddenly collapses to the ground.You rush over to help him. The casualty is not breathing or responding. - Following questions relate to the Case study above. 1)Explain what you would do in this situation, including what precautions should be taken 2) Your Organization has an Automated External Defibrillator a) Would you use it for this casualty? b) Provide a reason for your response 3) You asked a colleague at work to call an ambulance when the customer collapsed.The ambulance officers have arrived, explain your procedures as First Aid Officer. 4) As First Aid Officer your workplace policies and procedures require you to provide a written report about the incident.Describe: a) Who would you report to? b) How would you ensure this report remains confidential? c) Complete the following form in relation to above case study 16) The correct actions for treating poisoning are: a) Immediately induce vomiting and call 000 b) Call the National Poisons Information Centre 13 1126 and follow their instructions c) Find our what caused the poisoning and the time it occurred d) Commence C.P.R if breathing stops


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