question archive Communication Climate Change: Writing Prompt 3 Chapters 11 & 12 Assignment Directions Fall 2020 Imagine the following scenario: You have been waiting at the pharmacy for over an hour

Communication Climate Change: Writing Prompt 3 Chapters 11 & 12 Assignment Directions Fall 2020 Imagine the following scenario: You have been waiting at the pharmacy for over an hour

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Communication Climate Change: Writing Prompt 3 Chapters 11 &

12 Assignment Directions Fall 2020 Imagine the following scenario: You have been waiting at the pharmacy for over an hour. You need to be get your prescription soon in order to get back to work. You approach the front desk receptionist at your pharmacy. He is busy answering the phones which have been ringing nonstop. You patiently wait for him to finish his last phone conversation and then ask him two questions. After the communication interaction, you walk back to the waiting area and find yourself feeling very defensive. You: "Hello. I have been waiting to pick up my prescription for over an hour. I was told it would be ready to go more than an hour ago. Can you please let me know when my prescription will be ready?" Front Desk Receptionist: "We are busy and there have been a lot of prescriptions to fill today." You: "I understand that the pharmacists are busy and that you have a lot of prescriptions today. I would just like to know an estimate on when my prescription will be ready. I need to let my work know when I plan to return." Front Desk Receptionist: "I don't have time for this. I am very busy. There is no way I can give you any kind of estimate. This is what happens when you do not plan properly." Based on the example above, write a 3-4 page paper in which you analyze the conflict management strategy chosen by the receptionist, the communication climate, and the defensive behavior exhibited. Also discuss which supportive communication climate behavior would be best implemented in this example as a replacement and explain why. Finally, re-write the script and consider diverse perspectives on the situation. Remember to utilize in-text citations and a works cited at the end to support your work. 1. Identify the Conflict Management strategy chosen by the receptionist. Name, define and explain the conflict management strategy (avoiding, accommodating, compromising, competing or collaborating) the receptionist used. These strategies are explained in Chapter 11 in the text. Explain the Conflict Management Strategy Unmet (0 %) Needs Improvement (50-69%) Fair (70-79%) Good (80-89%) Excellent (100%) The paper does not address the conflict management strategy employed in the example. The conflict management strategy used is not explained, only listed. The conflict management strategy used is identified and explained. The strategy chosen is correctly applied to the example. The conflict management strategy employed is identified, explained AND correctly applied to the example. The student provides some evidence to support his or her evaluation of the strategy used. The conflict management strategy used is identified, explained AND correctly applied to the example. The student provides excellent evidence and analysis to support his or her evaluation of the strategy that was used. Points Earned:__________/ 15 Possible Points 2. Gibb's supportive and defensive climate behaviors are addressed in Chapter 12 as well as in the online resources for that chapter. After reading about them and watching the video in the supportive climates topic in eLearn, analyze the script. Which of Gibb's six defensive climate behaviors is exhibited by the receptionist? Define the defensive behavior and explain what the receptionist did or did not do that indicates the use of that behavior. Also explain how the receptionist's behavior promoted defensiveness. Explain the Defensive Behavior Used Unmet (0 %) Needs Improvement (5069%) Fair (70-79%) Good (80-89%) Excellent (100%) The paper does not address the defensive behavior employed in the example. The defensive behavior is identified but not explained, only listed. The defensive behavior is identified and explained. The correct defensive behavior is applied to the example. The defensive behavior is identified, explained and correctly applied to the example. The student provides evidence to support his or her evaluation of the behavior that was employed. The defensive behavior is identified, explained and correctly applied to the example. The student provides excellent evidence and excellent depth of analysis to support his or her evaluation of the behavior employed. Points Earned:__________/ 15 Possible Points 3. Which of Gibb's six types of supportive behaviors would be best employed in this scenario? Define the supportive behavior and explain why this would be an option that would most likely result in reducing levels of threat and defensiveness. Evaluate and Identify an Alternative Supportive Climate Behavior Unmet (0 %) Needs Improvement (5069%) Fair (70-79%) Good (80-89%) Excellent (100%) The student does not identify an alternative supportive behavior. The student identifies an alternative supportive behavior but does not define or explain the behavior and/or does not evaluate why the behavior is likely to reduce defensiveness. The student identifies an alternative supportive behavior and includes an explanation of that behavior BUT does not evaluate the behavior and provide evidence to support his or her reasons for selecting the supportive behavior. The student identifies an alternative supportive behavior and includes a clear definition of that behavior. The student provides evidence to support his or her reasons for selecting the supportive behavior and addresses why the behavior is likely to reduce defensiveness. The student identifies an alternative supportive behavior and Includes a clear definition of that behavior. The student provides excellent evidence and compelling analysis to support his or her reasons for selecting the supportive behavior and clearly and completely explains why the behavior is likely to reduce defensiveness. Points Earned:__________/ 15 Possible Points 4. Re-write the script and be specific here. Identify what the receptionist could have said to you instead. Then discuss what interpersonal communication behaviors both verbally and nonverbally could have been enacted by the receptionist to ensure a more positive and supportive climate. What nonverbal channels would be important for the receptionist to utilize in conveying a supportive climate? What language choices are important to convey a supportive climate? Refer to Chapters 5 and 6; choose specific skills, define them and apply them to the situation. Re-Written Script with Explanation Unmet (0 %) Needs Improvement (5069%) Fair (70-79%) Good (80-89%) Excellent (100%) The student does not address alternative communication. The student has either written a new script OR discusses interpersonal communication behaviors BUT does not include both elements in the paper. The student has written a new script and addresses some verbal and nonverbal behaviors in the script BUT does not provide evidence to support his or her reasons for suggesting the interpersonal communication behaviors. The student has written a new script and described some verbal and nonverbal behaviors in the script. The student provides evidence to support his or her reasons for suggesting the interpersonal communication behaviors. The student has written a compelling new script and analyzed and described some verbal and nonverbal behaviors in the script. The student provides excellent evidence and compelling analysis to support his or her reasons for suggesting the interpersonal communication behaviors. Points Earned:__________/ 15 Possible Points 5. Now imagine that you are the receptionist in this situation. Clearly explain how the perspectives of the customer and receptionist would create diverse opinions about the situation and the management of the conflict. What is your experience in this situation and how would it differ from the experience of the customer? In the receptionist's view, how important is it to pay attention to using supportive behaviors to manage conflict? Diverse opinions and conflict management Unmet (0%) Needs Improvement (5069%) Fair (70-79%) Good (80-89%) Excellent (90-100%) The paper fails to demonstrate any diverse opinions and/or language consistent with demonstrating an understanding of diverse opinions. Demonstrates difficulty with recognizing and/or respecting diverse opinions. Recognizes diverse opinions and uses language and tone to demonstrate respect and/or understanding of multiple viewpoints but may lack sufficient evidence. Recognizes diverse opinions and uses language and tone to demonstrate respect and understanding of conflicting opinions and multiple viewpoints with some supporting evidence. Recognizes diverse opinions and uses language and tone to consistently demonstrate respect for, and facilitate understanding of, conflicting opinions and multiple viewpoints with excellent supporting evidence. Points Earned:__________/ 10 Possible Points Overall Expectations • Be sure to include a complete introduction to the paper that includes a thesis statement introducing the main ideas of the paper. • Organize the body of the paper into main ideas that fit with your thesis statement. • Include a definitive conclusion that summarizes the key themes in the paper. • Your paper should be typed, approximately 3-4 pages long, and double spaced. • The paper should also be proofread, and mistakes in grammar, spelling, sentence structure, formatting and other areas of paper mechanics should be kept to a minimum. • Include proper in-text citations in either APA (see ) or MLA (see ) format. • Be certain that you include the textbook definitions of the concepts you use and that you cite these definitions correctly. A reference list (see ) or works cited (see ) should be included at the end of your paper. Message Delivery Unmet (0%) Needs Improvement (5069%) Fair (70-79%) Good (80-89%) Excellent (90-100%) The paper does not meet the minimum standards of effectively communicating the central message or was not completed. The message delivery incorporates ungrammatical, inarticulate language that ineffectively communicates the central message. The message delivery incorporates minimal errors in grammar and includes language that is understandable and is able to communicate the central message. The message delivery incorporates grammatically correct and consistently thoughtful language that is understandable and effectively communicates the central message. The message delivery incorporates grammatically correct, articulate, imaginative language that is easily understandable and effectively communicates the central message in a compelling manner. Points Earned: / 10 Points Possible Message Composition Unmet (0%) Needs Improvement (5069%) Fair (70-79%) Good (80-89%) Excellent (90-100%) The paper does not include an introduction and conclusion. The body of the paper is either not complete or lacks clarity and logical sequence. Composition of the message (theme, introduction, and conclusion, and a sequence of points with transitions) is unclear, not included in their entirety or is only intermittently observable in the paper. Composition of the message (central theme, introduction, and conclusion, and a logical sequence of points with transitions) is observable throughout the paper. Composition of the message (clear central theme, introduction, and conclusion, and a logical sequence of Points with smooth transitions) is adequate and consistently observable throughout the paper. Composition of the message (clear central theme, introduction, and conclusion, and a logical sequence of Points with smooth transitions) is superior and observable throughout the paper. Points Earned: / 10 Points Possible Citation Unmet (0%) Needs Improvement (50-69%) Fair (70-79%) Good (80-89%) Excellent (90-100%) The paper includes no citation of any sort. There is some attempt at citation, BUT: the citation is not in a recognizable format, such as MLA or APA; OR a significant number of concepts are not cited; OR there is no intext citation; OR paraphrases are not cited. Some attempt at citation is included for most concepts used in the paper that are originally explained in a printed source AND most of these ideas are cited, whether they are paraphrased or directly quoted AND the citation is in a recognizable style and the style is used correctly in most cases AND inText citation is used but a Works Cited is not included. In-text citation is included for most concepts used in the paper that are originally explained in a printed source AND these ideas are cited, whether they are paraphrased or directly quoted AND the citation is in MLA or APA style, though there are some format errors AND a Works Cited is included at the end of the paper, though there are some format errors. In-text citation is included for all concepts used in the paper that are originally explained in a printed source AND all of these ideas are cited using correct in-text citation, whether they are paraphrased or directly quoted AND the citation is in MLA or APA style and the style is used consistently AND a Works Cited is included at the end of the paper and the Works Cited is free of errors. Points Earned: / 10 Points Possible


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