question archive VIT Chennai wants to maintain a database of all it's present students only, where the unique key of each student is the roll number

VIT Chennai wants to maintain a database of all it's present students only, where the unique key of each student is the roll number

Subject:Computer SciencePrice:2.87 Bought7

VIT Chennai wants to maintain a database of all it's present students only, where the unique key of each student is the roll number. The purpose of maintaining this database is to search for the information of a student as fast as possible. Moreover, the institute wants to update the database fast whenever a new student joins (insert operation) or whenever a student leaves (delete operation) the institute. For delete operation, assume that the location of the entry to be deleted has been given to you. For insert and search operations, assume that you are only given the roll number. Describe a data structure which enables VIT Chennai to search for a student in Θ(n) worst-case time, insert in Θ(1) worst-case time, and delete in Θ(1) worst-case time, if there are n entries in the database.


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