question archive The importance of GeologyPlanet earth is currently the home for 7

The importance of GeologyPlanet earth is currently the home for 7

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The importance of GeologyPlanet earth is currently the home for 7.1 billion people and the number continues to growlarger. Life in this world is full of natural disasters that can affect the rate of population growthin the future. It is important that we know about the world we live in so that we can be ready toface any natural danger and keep this planet alive. The more we know about disaster, the moreoptions we will have to save millions of lives. The study of geology is a perfect study to learnabout earth and also to be prepared to face any danger. Of course, Earth can be dangers to thepeople in many ways. Earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, tsunamis, climate change and manyother natural disasters are a huge threat to millions of people around this planet. Every yearnatural disasters kill thousands of people around the globe, natural disasters continue to be amajor issue that people face today and will have to deal with in the future. The study of geologyis our first line of defense against these natural disasters therefore; more effort should be put intowards this field of study because it is our protection against natural disasters.Natural disasters are deadly, sometimes geologists can tell when natural disasters mightoccurs and sometimes natural disasters strike without giving a warning. Earthquakes are the kindof natural disasters that occurs without warnings which cause many people to lose their lives.Scientist have not developed warning sensors or found a way to find out when an earthquakemight occur. However, even though earthquakes are a very difficult area of study, geologists canhelp minimize the damage of an earthquake. Geologist can find out what areas are most likely tobe in danger or if cities are on top of violent faults. Geologist can also recommend what areas toavoid when building new towns (Malburg, 2010). The San Andreas Fault is an example of how itcould affect the very large city of San Francisco and many other cities in California. Geologiststudy the San Andreas Fault very carefully trying to estimate the magnitude of the nextearthquake caused by the Fault and how it can be handled.Climate change is another issue that could harm this planet in the future if we do not tryto look for solution for this problem. Many species are in danger of extinct due to the increase oftemperature in the atmosphere. Huge amount of glaciers are melting due to an increase intemperature in the atmosphere. Melting glaciers have a great effect on many living species; theincrease of ocean water level caused by melting glaciers is forcing many species to shift theirranges. 1 in six animals is in danger of extinction; a big number off species would soon disappearfrom this planet if no one takes action trying to find a solution to climate change (Zimmer, 2015).According to Carl Zimmer, “Hundreds of studies published over the past two decades haveyielded a wide range of predictions regarding the number of extinctions that will be caused byglobal warming. Some have predicted little extinction, while others have predicted that 50percent of species face oblivion” (Zimmer, 2015). For this reason, as I mentioned before, humanbeings knowledge is our first line of defense. However, with the climate change issue not onlygeologist needs to study climate change and find solutions to climate change issues. Many otherscientists from different fields need to work on this issue together. Climate change affectseverything in this planet, as a result geologists, biologists, oceanographers and many otherscientists have to all come together and work towards finding a solution to our climate changeproblem.Geology is almost involved with everything that has to do with natural disaster;volcanoes are where geologists have a strong awareness and can predict when volcanoes canerupt. Volcanic eruptions can cause huge problems to the whole world; for geologists to have theability to tell when a volcano erupts is a great achievement. Many volcanic eruptions in the pastcaused a lot of damage in several ways. The recent volcano that caused the most damage to thewhole world is Iceland Volcano’s Eruption in 2010. The eruption released huge amounts of ashinto the atmosphere causing air traffic to stop leaving thousands of people stuck in all of Europeairports. According to Charles Q. Choi, “The researchers found that at Eyjafjallajökull’s vent,upwelling magma violently reacted with nearby glacial water. This rapid cooling made themagma contract and fragment into fine, jagged motes of ash. Near the end of the eruption,equally fine, porous ash was generated when small gas bubbles trapped in the molten rockexpanded as the magma neared the surface” (Choi, 2012). The ash clouds caused many airlines tolose millions of dollars because many flights were canceled.In conclusion, So many natural disasters occur all year long across the planet such asearthquakes, landslides, volcanoes, climate change, etc. The more we know about naturaldisasters the more we will be prepared when we have to deal with another natural disaster.Natural disasters kill many people every year, studying how natural disasters happen will makeus decrease the number of people who are killed by natural disasters. The study of geology isvery important when dealing with earthquakes, landslides, volcanoes, climate change, etc.Climate change is currently one of the top issues that have affected many species life in thisplanet. Geologists have made significant contribution to many climate change studies looking forsolutions that will help save many species lives. Many scientists are working every day trying tofind solutions to problem the earth is facing, geology happens to one of the main field that dealswith earth natural disasters. It is important that geologist continue to put the effort to findsolutions to disasters because so many lives can be saved if due to the effort of geologists.


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