question archive What compelling and ACCURATE evidence shows that global climate change is happening? You could tell us about ABIOTIC (non-living) aspects of climate change, such as sea level rising, glaciers and polar ice disappearing, extreme weather events, ocean acidification or, you could tell us about BIOTIC (living) aspects of climate change, such as changes in species ranges, plant growth, food availability for a particular species (including humans), etc

What compelling and ACCURATE evidence shows that global climate change is happening? You could tell us about ABIOTIC (non-living) aspects of climate change, such as sea level rising, glaciers and polar ice disappearing, extreme weather events, ocean acidification or, you could tell us about BIOTIC (living) aspects of climate change, such as changes in species ranges, plant growth, food availability for a particular species (including humans), etc

Subject:BiologyPrice: Bought3

What compelling and ACCURATE evidence shows that global climate change is happening?

You could tell us about ABIOTIC (non-living) aspects of climate change, such as sea level rising, glaciers and polar ice disappearing, extreme weather events, ocean acidification or, you could tell us about BIOTIC (living) aspects of climate change, such as changes in species ranges, plant growth, food availability for a particular species (including humans), etc.  


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