question archive Write an article on The Problem With the Principles of Abortion and Moral Controversy
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Write an article on The Problem With the Principles of Abortion and Moral Controversy. It needs to be at least 1500 words. Many religious individuals view persons who believe in this practice as sinful and unaware of their true repercussions (Reagan, Koop, & Muggeridge, 67). The reality is that no self-respecting human being would undertake to go through such a painful procedure unless the benefits in her situation would outweigh the hazards once it was performed. The truth is that, in many cultures, women are already judged as prone to committing sins. This is in addition to their status, as second-class individuals. Any decisions that women make are subject to change if their husbands or male relatives later rule otherwise. This is a reality in the area of abortion where the woman’s body takes the blows. However, male ‘experts’ get to decide as to whether she should abort or not.
Fundamental Christians, in particular, misunderstand the rationale behind abortion. They feel that this is a choice young women make because they are afraid that their lives will be fettered. They believe that the women in question fear the loss of their freedom should they choose to keep their babies. The truth is that no mother would willingly sacrifice her child if she had a choice not to do this. Nature itself stands as a vanguard against such animal-like behavior. Even the wild beasts will tend to their young until these cubs can appropriately look after themselves.
The judgmental attitude of followers of fundamentalist sects serves to reveal shortcomings in their own characters. These churches flout their own rules by unfairly judging the individuals who cannot help their circumstances. These hapless people are forced to consider risky operations to sustain their existence. If anything, such people deserve empathy and compassion, but not judgment. The concept of the personhood of the fetus that is often at the center of abortion debates should be extended to the mother as well as the fetus. The moral concept also hardly has a basis to feature in abortion debates especially when the woman in question conceived through rape or incest.