question archive Create Student Assessment application that prompts the user for the number of courses completed this school year and then prompts the user for the grade received in each course

Create Student Assessment application that prompts the user for the number of courses completed this school year and then prompts the user for the grade received in each course

Subject:Computer SciencePrice:2.84 Bought7

Create Student Assessment application that prompts the user for the number of courses completed this school year and then prompts the user for the grade received in each course. The Student Assessment application should then display the grades that qualify for a honours award (>90) on one line and grades that are below passing (<65) on the next line.

Statistics show that the letters E, S, A, and R are frequently the third letter in a word. Create Frequent Letters application that prompts the user for a word that is at least six characters in length and then determines whether third letter is one of the frequent third letters.

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