question archive  The two main gases produced in an anaerobic digester are a

 The two main gases produced in an anaerobic digester are a

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 The two main gases produced in an anaerobic digester are a. Oxygen and methane b. Nitrogen and oxygen 0. Carbon dioxide and methane d. Nitrogen and methane 68. Aerobic digester microorganisms . a. Live in an environment without oxygen. b. Live in an environment with oxygen. 0. Live in an environment without light d. Live in an environment without water 69. Forms of disinfection include: a. Ultraviolet radiation b. Ozonation c. A, B and C d. Chlorination 70. The worst time to start a pond system is a. During the summer break at school b. During the winter holiday c. During the baseball season (1. Around the 4‘h of July Math Problems 71. Your living room is 12 feet wide and 18 feet long. The walls are 9 feet tall. The walls are beige, and the ceiling is white. The paint you want to buy for the walls will cover 150 square feet per gallon and you want to put on two coats. How many gallons of paint will you need for the ceiling? Read the question twice. a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6 72. How long are you required to keep the top closed before you grab a sample for lead and copper? m Dashboard Calendar To Do Notifications E Inbox

6109 PM Thu Dec 17 7|“ December 15thENVT355rev2.docx . ' 1g 60. A Primary Clari?er is designed to remove (sinkers and ?oaters) a. Floating small pieces of plastic b. Settled solids c. Floating grease d. All of the above 61. The treatment process in an Aeration Basin is a. Remove ?oaters b. Remove sinkers 0. Biological d. Gravity 62. What are three key principles in disinfection by chlorine ? a. Concentration of chlorine b. BOD 0. Contact time between the chlorine and water d. A & C 63. Which is an aerobic process? a. Settling basins b. Oxidation ditch 0. Reverse osmosis d. Comminution 64. In a facultative pond a. D0 will not be present in the pond b. The anaerobic layer is normally on the top 0. The aerobic layer is normally on the top d. The aerobic layer is normally on the bottom 65. UV does not kill microorganisms it ... a. Poisons the feeding system b. Interrupts their feeding system c. Mixes up the DNA (1. Desiccates the cell 66. A pH of 9 is a. Low b. Neutral c. Base 6;} Dashboard Calendar To Do Notifications E Inbox

6:09 PM Thu Dec 17 51% 7 December 15thENVT355rev2.docx a. Easily settleable and floatable sonias 54. A pH of 8 is? a. A base b. A buffer c. An acid d. All of the above 55. What does chlorine and water produce? a. Hypochlorous acid b. Hydrochloric acid c. Chloramines d. A & B 56. When chlorine and water are mixed a. The pH goes to 7 b. The pH goes to 11 c. The pH goes acidic d. The pH goes basic 57. Who is responsible for your safety at the treatment plant? a. You yourself b. The State Government c. OSHA d. The General Manager 58. When chlorine is mixed with water what is produced? a. Hypochlorous acid b. Surfactants c. Ammonia d. Breakpoint 59. A pH of 7 is a. Neutral b. Acid c. Base d. High 60. A Primary Clarifier is designed to remove (sinkers and floaters) a. Floating small pieces of plastic b. Settled solids c. Floating grease d. All of the above Dashboard 38: Calendar BE TO Do Notifications Inbox

6109 PM Thu Dec 17 7' ll December 15thENVT355rev2.docx 47. Which processes are used to treat surface water for drinking water: a. Dissolved air ?otation b. C & D 0. Screening d. Flocculation 48. Which water supply can have both inorganic contamination and organic contamination? a. Surface water b. Groundwater c. Springs (1. All of the above 49. Which of the statements about Cholera is not true? a. Cholera is not waterborne disease b. Cholera is not emanating from human waste c. Cholera bacteria can be fully removed with ?ltration d. Believed to have come from India 50. Which statement is true? a. Sterilization does not kill all organisms in water. b. Disinfection is designed to kill only pathogenic organisms c. To sterilize and kill all organisms in the drinking water is not expensive d. Sterilization is preferred over disinfection. 51. The following processes are the most common disinfectants for water and wastewater? a. Chlorination b. Ultraviolet radiation c. Ozonation d. All of the above 52. What forms does chlorine come in? a. Gas b. Liquid c. Powder d. All of the above 5 3. Primary clari?ers are designed to remove? a. BOD m Dashboard Calendar To Do Notifications E Inbox

6109 PM Thu Dec 17 7| December 15thENVT355rev2.docx I . ‘ t‘ i 41. You can use a pump curve to? a. Pick a pump to match the water demand at a calculated head b. Size the piping for the distribution system c. Control maintenance (1. Guarantee that it can pump sludges 42. A ?sh screen is used to: a. Protect young ?sh b. Protect against predators c. Protect against Recreational ?shermen d. B & C 43. Which pump types are used in wastewater? a. Progressive cavity b. Centrifugal c. Submersible d. All of the above 44. Cholera is... a. Waterborne disease b. Emanating primarily from human waste 0. A, B and D d. Believed to have started in India 45 . What is a waterborne disease? a. Mumps b. Cryptosporidiosis c. Polio d. Common cold 46. What criteria is needed to know to calculate the volume of a cylinder: a. Diameter b. Height c. Time (1. A & B 47. Which processes are used to treat surface water for drinking water: a. Dissolved air ?otation b. C & D m Dashboard Calendar To Do Notifications E Inbox

6109 PM Thu Dec 17 7' December 15thENVT355rev2.docx I II ' " I 35. Gray water is a. Needs a separate plumbing system b. Comes from showers, toilets, bathroom sinks and showers c. Is inexpensive to install d. Also called treated domestic sewage water 36. A surface water system includes: a. Groundwater wells b. Coagulation c. Flocculation d. B & C 37. What two processes create ?oc: a. Sedimentation and ?ltration b. Screens and sedimentation c. Coagulation and ?occulation d. All of the above 38. Which of the following are sometimes used for maintenance programs? a. Preventive maintenance b. Predictive maintenance c. Protective unmanaged maintenance d. A & B 39. Water rights that are assigned based on seniority of when water was ?rst claimed is called? a. Riparian b. Bene?cial Use c. Appropriative d. Reclaimed 40. What do you ?nd on a pump curve? a. Total head in feet b. Gallons per minute 0. Dosage d. A & B 41. You can use a pump curve to? a. Pick a pump to match the water demand at a calculated head b. Size the piping for the distribution system [‘14 m Dashboard Calendar To Do Notifications E Inbox

6109 PM Thu Dec 17 7|“ December 15thENVT355rev2.docx d. All of the above 3 1. An aquifer usually contains: a.Sand b. Gravel c. A & B d. Clay 32. In California we have? a. Appropriative water rights b. NPDES permits c. A, B & D d. Riparian Water Rights 33. Water storage tanks are made of : a. Welded Steel b. Bricks 0. Aluminum Panels (1. None of the above 34. Which is not a Community Water System: a. Community Water System b. State water programs c. National Park Water System d. County sewer districts 35. Gray water is a. Needs a separate plumbing system b. Comes from showers, toilets, bathroom sinks and showers c. Is inexpensive to install d. Also called treated domestic sewage water 36. A surface water system includes: a. Groundwater wells b. Coagulation c. Flocculation d. B & C 37. What two processes create ?oc: a. Sedimentation and ?ltration b. Screens and sedimentation c. Coagulation and ?occulation d. All of the above 6;} Dashboard Calendar To Do Notifications E Inbox

6109 PM Thu Dec 17 7|“ December 15thENVT355rev2.docx T F 18. Typhoid is a waterborne disease. T F 19. Sterilization is the same as disinfection. T F 20. Composting is a viable method of disposing of sludge because there are many sales opportunities. T F 21. There are 27,000 gallons of water in a 50 feet long, 12 feet wide by 8 feet deep tank. T F 22 Hypochlorous acid is the most effective chlorine compound for disinfection. T F 23. When you add chlorine to your water, the pH goes up. T F 24 The effectiveness of chlorination depends primarily on concentration. T F 25 With Breakpoint Chlorination free available residual is produced when Trihalomethanes are produced. 26, 27, 28 and 29 Which of the processes listed below include the main treatment processes. Match the number on the ?gure opposite with the name of that process. Put an X in the column that are the four process in the activated sludge process. I put an X in one of the four. Find the other three. Item Letter Preliminary Treatment X Bar Screen Flow Meter Coagulation Primary Treatment Return Activated Sludge Aeration Basin Flocculation Secondary Clari?cation Secondary Treatment Waste Activated Sludge Filtration Tertiary Treatment Distribution Piping Multiple Choice Highlight all correct answers. 30. In the Sacramento Valley, underground we have multiple layers of: a.Sand b. Gravel c. Clay 6;} Dashboard Calendar To Do Notifications E Inbox

6109 PM Thu Dec 17 7|“ December 15thENVT355rev2.docx ENVT 355 Final EXAM December 15, 2020 NAME: ---------------------------------- True and False Circle or highlight your answer T F 1. Aluminum chloride is the most common coagulant in the United States. T F 2. Coagulants should be added to water and then vigorously mixed. T F 3. Surface water is the major source of water in California. T F 4. Groundwater treatment includes bar racks and mechanical screens. T F 5. Disinfection is never needed for groundwater. T F 6. The normal level of the groundwater in a well is called the static water level. T F 7. When there is a screen in a groundwater well, you don’t need gravel pack. T F 8. There are multiple layers of sand, gravel and clay in Sacramento valle. T F 9. The water in a well comes from an aquifer. T F 10. Surface water treatment systems do not need screens. T F 11. Flocculation requires mixing coagulant vigorously into the water for a short period of time. T F 12. Sedimentation is after coagulation and before ?occulation. T F 13. Alum is the most common coagulant in the United States. T F 14. Disinfection is not needed for surface water drinking systems. T F 15. The particles that settle out from the suspension become sediment, and in water treatment is known as sludge. T F 16. Cholera is a waterborne disease. T F 17. The Operator should know when the plant is running well and also know when it isn’t. T F 18. Typhoid is a waterborne disease. T F 19. Sterilization is the same as disinfection. m Dashboard Calendar To Do Notifications E Inbox


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