question archive Anderson Inc

Anderson Inc

Subject:FinancePrice: Bought3

Anderson Inc. is in a fast growing industry, but the company's growth rate is far below that of the industry. Selected financial information for Anderson and the industry is as follows ($000): 

Industry: Growth rate:  20.5%       Dividend payout:    10%         Return on Sales:    4%         Total Asset Turnover: 1.9x    Debt:Equity:      2.0X   


Anderson: Growth rate:  3.75%      Dividend payout:  30%        Return on Sales:  5%           Total Asset Turnover; 2.0x   Debt:Equity:  0.25x





a) Use a sustainable growth rate analysis to determine the source(s) of Anderson's growth problems.


b) Identify 2 ways that Anderson can improve its growth and the possible disadvantages of making these changes.


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