question archive A bell is rung when the dangling clapper within it makes contact with the bell

A bell is rung when the dangling clapper within it makes contact with the bell

Subject:PhysicsPrice:3.87 Bought7

A bell is rung when the dangling clapper within it makes contact with the bell. A poorly designed bell has a clapper that swings with the same period as the the bell. How can this design be improved? Justify your answer with the equation for the period of a pendulum.

(a.)Use a clapper with a smaller mass on the end so it is out of period with the bell.

(b.)Use a clapper with a bigger mass on the end so it is out of period with the bell.

(c.) Force the bell to swing with greater amplitude.

(d.)Use a longer clapper so it is out of period with the bell.

(e.)Increase the mass of the bell so it makes better contact with the clapper.


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