question archive A java program which : 1) Read one line at a time and tokenize it using , as a separator 2) Using methods from Matcher and Pattern classes verify that each token matches the specified criteria
Subject:Computer SciencePrice:8.89 Bought3
A java program which :
1) Read one line at a time and tokenize it using , as a separator
2) Using methods from Matcher and Pattern classes verify that each token matches
the specified criteria.
a. For line with all valid fields makes an object of type Student and store that
object in file StudentData.ser
b. For tokens that do not match the specified criteria write the whole line in
error message file named ErrorMsgs.txt and specify what part was wrong.
Contents of the ErrorMsgs.txt file for the above sample data file is given at
the end.
3) When all the lines from the input file are consumed close it, and close
4) Re-open StudentData.ser, read one Student object at a time and add it in an
ArrayList. Once all the data is read from StudentData.ser close it.
5) Sort the ArrayList by first by SID, then by Age, then by CGPA in descending
order, and lastly by FirstName and display the result of each as shown in the
sample output.
6) Finally using an Iterator traverse the ArrayList, calculate the average CGPA and
average age of all students and display these two values.
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