question archive 32) You perform an interrupted mating experiment using donor strain Hfr ade+ leu+ met+ trp+ strS and recipient strain F- ade- leu- met- trp- strR

32) You perform an interrupted mating experiment using donor strain Hfr ade+ leu+ met+ trp+ strS and recipient strain F- ade- leu- met- trp- strR

Subject:BiologyPrice: Bought3

32) You perform an interrupted mating experiment using donor strain Hfr ade+ leu+ met+ trp+ strS and recipient strain F- ade- leu- met- trp- strR. Samples were harvested at various times after conjugation and plated onto media described in the table below. All plates contain minimal media, streptomycin, and the amino acid supplements listed below. (attached 1 file for this question)

A) What is the order of the auxotrophic genes with respect to the order they are transferred during conjugation? In the answers from the dropdown menu, the gene on the far left is transferred first and the gene on the far right is transferred last.  

a) Trp --- Ade/Leu --- Met

b) Met --- Ade/Leu --- Trp

c) Trp --- Ade/Met --- Leu

d) Met --- Ade/Trp --- Leu

e) Leu --- Trp/Ade --- Met

f) Trp --- Met/Leu --- Ade

g) Ade --- Met/Trp --- Leu

h) Leu --- Ade/Met --- Trp

i) Ade --- Leu/Met --- Trp

j) Ade --- Leu/Trp --- Met

B) You allow conjugation to proceed for 100 minutes and select for met+ StrR cells. You further test these cells and obtain the following genotypes. Which marker is closest to met?   

a) Leu

b) Ade

c) Trp

33) Three mutants, c, p, and t are located in the same general region of the E. coli genome. You perform generalized transduction to map these genes. Phage is grown in a c+ p+ t+ donor and transduced into c- p- t- recipient. Transduced cells are plated to minimal media plus the indicated supplements to select for co-transductants. 1000 total colonies are genotyped for each initial selection. What is the order and relative spacing of these mutants, as calculated using co-transduction frequencies? (attached 1 file for this question)


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