question archive In an effort to ascertain the average dollar amount of credit card purchases at their store, managers of Component City, a stereo and appliance dealer, reviewed in-store copies of credit card sales receipts from the previous three months to evaluate the store's credit card acceptance policies

In an effort to ascertain the average dollar amount of credit card purchases at their store, managers of Component City, a stereo and appliance dealer, reviewed in-store copies of credit card sales receipts from the previous three months to evaluate the store's credit card acceptance policies

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In an effort to ascertain the average dollar amount of credit card purchases at their store, managers of Component City, a stereo and appliance dealer, reviewed in-store copies of credit card sales receipts from the previous three months to evaluate the store's credit card acceptance policies. Component City's managers are conducting marketing research by collecting and analyzing

Select one:

a. secondary data.

b. primary data.

c. observational data.

d. questioning data.

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